Tag Archive: Culture & Travel – Expert

2022’s best Asian restaurant is located in Tokyo


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. gastronomic /ga-struh-NAA-muhk/ [adjective] – relating to the preparation and consumption (= eating) of good food This curry meal is a gastronomic delight! panel /PAN-l/ [noun] – a small group of people chosen to give advice, make a decision, or publicly discuss their opinions as entertainment Jack bravely faced a panel of 40 professors. signature /SIG-nuh-cher/ [adjective] – used to refer to the special thing for which a person or place is particularly known I’d like to order some of your signature dishes, please. innovative /IN-uh-vey-tiv/ [adjective] – using new methods or ideas May designs innovative clothes…
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Security guards curate art exhibit at Baltimore museum


©The Baltimore Museum of Art via CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. opaque /oh-PEYK/ [adjective] – preventing light from traveling through, and therefore not transparent or translucent Most houses in this village have opaque glass windows. intense /in-TENS/ [adjective] – extreme and forceful or (of a feeling) very strong The scenes in the film were quite intense. installation /in-stuh-LEY-shuhn/ [noun] – an art exhibit constructed within a gallery. The installations were larger than life. conceptualize /kuhn-SEP-choo-uh-lahyz / [verb] – to form an idea or principle in your mind It took Lina a week to conceptualize a story. the status quo /thuh-STAT-us-kwoh/…
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Unique places to visit in Brazil


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. terrestrial /tuh-RES-tree-uhl/ [adjective] – relating to the earth Laura studies both marine and terrestrial animals. mesmerize /MEZ-muh-rahyz/ [verb] – to have someone’s attention completely so that they cannot think of anything else We were all mesmerized by the beauty of the town. phenomenal /fi-NOM-uh-nl/ [adjective] – extremely successful or special, especially in a surprising way The group’s musical performance was absolutely phenomenal! venture /VEN-cher/ [verb] – to risk going somewhere or doing something that might be dangerous or unpleasant He ventured out into the woods with a camera. one for the books /wuhn-fer-thuh-books/ [idiom] – something…
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A guide to Peranakan cuisine


©Sharon Wee and Marshall via CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. marry /MAR-ee/ [verb] – to combine two different qualities This painting marries romance and nature. coin /koin/ [verb] – to invent a new word or expression, or to use one in a particular way for the first time Some sources claim that the term “Philosophy” was coined by Greek thinker Pythagoras. ferment /FER-ment/ [verb] – If food or drink ferments or if you ferment it, it goes through a chemical change because of the action of yeast or bacteria, which may cause it to produce bubbles or heat, or turn…
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The splendor of the oldest place on Earth


© Dan Avila via BBC Travel Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. crust /kruhst/ [noun] – the outer layer of the earth Earthquakes damage the earth’s crust. fizz /fiz/ [verb] – if a liquid fizzes, it produces a lot of bubbles and makes a continuous s sound I can’t drink the lemonade yet. It’s still fizzing. arid /AR-id/ [adjective] – (of land or weather) having little rain; very dry The desert has become too arid that nothing can grow there anymore. gorge /gawrj/ [noun] – a deep, narrow valley with steep sides, usually formed by a river or stream cutting through hard…
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Three ways to respond on White Day

white chocolate on a white wood background. the toning. selective focus

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. confectionery /kuhn-FEK-shuh-ner-ee/ [noun] – sweets or chocolate I dreamed of owning a confectionery shop when I was a child. coin /koin/ [verb] – to invent a new word or expression, or to use one in a particular way for the first time American scientist John Wheeler coined the term “black hole”. customary /KUHS-tuh-mer-ee/ [adjective] – traditional It’s not customary to tip waiters in Japan. reciprocate /ri-SIP-ruh-keyt/ [verb] – to share the same feelings as someone else, or to behave in the same way as someone else My mother taught me to always reciprocate someone’s kindness to…
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Around the world in 4 pancakes


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. craft /krahft/ [verb] – to make objects, especially in a skilled way They crafted the necklace with recycled materials. twist /twist/ [noun] – an unexpected change I like adding Asian twists to traditional British dishes. palate /PAL-it/ [noun] – a person’s ability to taste and judge good food and wine Chef Lory is known for having a discriminating palate. rustic /RUHS-tic/ [adjective] – simple and often rough in appearance; typical of the countryside The couple requested rustic furniture for their new house. irresistible /ir-i-ZIS-tuh-buhl/ [adjective] – impossible to refuse, oppose, or avoid because it is too…
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Sashimono: Bringing out the inherent beauty of trees


© Natsuki Nishi via The Mainichi Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. profound /pruh-FOUND/ [adjective] – felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way Social media has a profound effect on people’s points of view. coexist /koh-ig-ZIST/ [verb] – to live or exist together, esp. in peace, at the same time or in the same place People with different cultures coexist in this community. brazier /BREY-zher/ [noun] – a metal container for burning coal, wood, etc. used to give warmth or to cook on Could you bring the brazier to our camping trip next month? chic /sheek/ [adjective] – stylish…
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What breakfast looks like in the Philippines


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. signal /SIG-nl/ [verb] – to show that you intend or are ready to do something The blowing of the whistle signals the start of the game. delicacy /DEL-i-kuh-see/ [noun] – something especially rare or expensive that is good to eat We bought a lot of Asian delicacies from the newly opened store. staple /STEY-puhl/ [noun] – a basic food, or a main product or material Potatoes are a staple in Irish cuisine. adore /uh-DAWR/ [verb] – to like something very much Laura adores dark chocolate. distinctive /dih-STINGK-tiv / [adjective] – something that is distinctive is easy…
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Israeli strawberry breaks Guinness World Record as the world’s heaviest


©Amir Cohen/Reuters via CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. gigantic /jahy-GAN-tik/ [adjective] – extremely large Vina requested a gigantic cake for her wedding. breed /breed/ [verb] – to keep animals or plants for the purpose of producing young animals or plants, often for chosen qualities They bred potatoes in the communal garden. secure /si-KYOOR/ [verb] – to get something, sometimes with difficulty His goal is to secure a new position after the company’s turnover. ripen /RAHY-puhn/ [verb] – to (cause to) become ripe We’re just waiting for these mangoes to ripen. feature /FEE-cher/ [noun] – a special article in a newspaper…
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