Tag Archive: Health & Lifestyle – Expert

Concerns rise over melatonin overuse as sleep aid


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. supplement /SUHP-luh-muhnt/ [noun] – a medicine that contains substances that you need to stay healthy in addition to what you get in your food The doctor recommended taking a calcium supplement to ensure adequate bone health. insomnia /in-SOM-nee-uh/ [noun] – the condition of being unable to sleep, over a period of time The chronic insomnia affected her daily life, leaving her feeling fatigued and unable to concentrate during the day. adolescent /ad-l-ES-uhnt / [noun] – a young person who is developing into an adult The counselor provided guidance and support to help the adolescent navigate through…
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What you need to know about ‘aspartame’


©U.S. FDA Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. verge /vurj/ [noun] – the edge or border of something The team’s hard work and dedication brought them to the verge of victory in the final minutes of the game. classification /klas-uh-fi-KEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the division of things into groups by type The scientist conducted research to determine the accurate classification of the newly discovered species. relish /REL-ish/ [verb] – to like or enjoy something I relish spending time with my friends and doing fun activities together. overload /OH-ver-lohd / [noun] – too much of something The overload of information on the internet can…
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Differences in how heavy drinkers process alcohol might be key to new treatment route


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. tolerance /TOL-er-uhns / [noun] – the ability to bear something unpleasant or annoying, or to keep going despite difficulties Heat tolerance varies among individuals and can be influenced by factors such as age, health, physical fitness, and acclimatization. immune /ih-MYOON/ [adjective] – protected from or unable to be influenced by something, esp. something bad His previous injuries had made him immune to pain, allowing him to endure intense physical activities without flinching. detrimental /de-truh-MEN-tl/ [adjective] – causing harm or damage The excessive use of pesticides had a detrimental effect on the local ecosystem, leading to a…
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Study reveals obesity’s impact on brain function and well-being is irreversible


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. profound /pruh-FOUND/ [adjective] – felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way The scientific discovery had a profound effect on the understanding of the universe, challenging existing theories. obesity /oh-BEE-si-tee/ [noun] – the fact of being extremely fat, in a way that is dangerous for health Sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits are contributing factors to obesity. structural /STRUHK-cher-uhl / [adjective] – relating to the way in which parts of a system or object are arranged Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle can support the structural health of the body, including bones, muscles, and…
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Wheelchair users are excited about innovative airplane seat designs


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. innovative /IN-uh-vey-tiv/ [adjective] – using new methods or ideas The company’s innovative approach to product design has revolutionized the market, introducing groundbreaking features that have never been seen before. transition /tran-ZISH-uhn/ [verb] – to change, or make someone or something change, from one form or situation to another The playground equipment was carefully designed to help children transition from one activity to another. incorporate /in-KAWR-puh-reyt/ [verb] – to include something as part of something larger The new educational curriculum incorporates interactive technology to engage students and facilitate a more dynamic and immersive learning experience. dignity /DIG-ni-tee/…
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UK bans botox ad


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. insecurity /in-si-KYOOR-i-tee / [noun] – a feeling of lacking confidence and not being sure of your own abilities or of whether people like you She struggles with feelings of insecurity, constantly questioning her worth and abilities. practitioner /prak-TISH-uh-ner/ [noun] – someone involved in a skilled job or activity The practitioner carefully examined the patient’s symptoms before recommending a suitable treatment. deem /deem/ [verb] – to consider or judge something in a particular way The court deemed the evidence to be insufficient and dismissed the case. ironic /ahy-RON-ik/ [adjective] – interesting, strange, or funny because of being…
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The risks of becoming a father at an advanced age


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. uncover /uhn-KUHV-er / [verb] – to discover something secret or hidden During their archaeological expedition, the team of researchers carefully brushed away the layers of dirt to uncover the hidden treasure buried beneath, revealing ancient artifacts and unraveling the secrets of the past. impregnate /im-PREG-neyt/ [verb] – to make a woman or an animal pregnant The male seahorse is unique as it has a pouch to impregnate and carry the eggs until they hatch. likelihood /LAHYK-lee-hood/ [noun] – the chance that something will happen There is a high likelihood that Sarah will pass her exam if…
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Antioxidants from cocoa show potential for improving memory function


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. span /span/ [noun] – the period of time that something exists or happens The toddler’s attention span was short, as he quickly moved on to another activity. distinct /dih-STINGKT/ [adjective] – clearly separate and different (from something else) Each student in the class had a distinct personality, making the classroom a lively and diverse environment. supplement /SUHP-luh-muhnt/ [noun] – something that is added to something else in order to improve it or complete it; something extra She takes a calcium supplement daily to strengthen her bones and prevent osteoporosis. nutrition /NOO-trish-uhn/ [noun] – the process of…
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Early morning wake-up tips to beat your alarm clock


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. insomnia /in-SOM-nee-uh/ [noun] – the condition of being unable to sleep, over a period of time She suffered from insomnia due to working overtime. incorporate /in-KAWR-puh-reyt/ [verb] – to include something within something else She improved her sleep quality by incorporating relaxation techniques into her bedtime routine. persist / per-SIST/ [verb] – If an unpleasant feeling or situation persists, it continues to exist Despite trying multiple remedies, her headache persisted throughout the day. intervention /in-ter-VEN-shuhn/ [noun] – the action of becoming intentionally involved in a difficult situation, in order to improve it or prevent it from…
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Shyness: An experience for all


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. phenomenon /fi-NOM-uh-non/ [noun] – something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc., especially something unusual or interesting: The Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, are a mesmerizing natural phenomenon that illuminates the night sky with vibrant colors. consistently /kuhn-SIS-tuhnt-lee/ [adverb] – in a way that does not change Sarah consistently arrives early to work every day, demonstrating her punctuality and dedication. albeit /awl-BEE-it/ [conjunction] – although She decided to take the job offer, albeit with some reservations about the long commute. intervention /in-ter-VEN-shuhn/ [noun] – the action of becoming intentionally involved in…
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