Tag Archive: world news – expert
Pre-reading questions: Why do you think a person would want to lead a nation? Do you think the leadership skills required to run a business and that required to run a country are the same? Discuss. Do you think every leader of a nation is a good role model? Explain. Last January 20, President Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States of America. The newly elected president and his first lady, Melania Trump, had tea at the White House with the Obamas earlier that day. Present in President Trump’s inauguration were other former US Presidents- Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter, and…
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In 2017, the product of a $27 million partnership between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS) will head for the waterways in Amsterdam — self-driving boats called “Roboats.” This leading edge will be a solution to public transport through water , and if it induces a favorable outcome, it will soon be launched not only in the Dutch capital, but also around the world. Dr. Stephan van Djk, the research program manager at AMS, says that they will try to shift the transport of goods and people to the waterways to ‘get people out of their cars and reduce traffic…
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German media reports that an international school in Istanbul forbids celebrating and teaching Christmas to its students. The reports state that staffs at Istanbul Lisesi were told that Christmas traditions and carol-singing are not allowed. Istanbul Lisesi is a Turkish-German school attended by Turkish students but is partly endowed by the German government. According to Spiegel Online, teachers were enjoined to teach about German Christmas traditions during class. Education Policy spokesman Özcan Mutlu was appalled by the incident. German politicians argued that Christmas is a part of Germany and that applies to German schools abroad. Reports state that this might be the first time for Istanbul Lisesi to call…
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An intoxicated South Korean passenger attacked some airline staff on Flight 480 bound to Seoul, South Korea last Tuesday, December 20. The said passenger took four hours to calm down as female flight attendants appeared to have no idea on how to handle him. One of the passengers aboard Flight 480 was Richard Marx, a popular American singer and his wife, TV Host Daisy Fuentes. The intoxicated passenger was said to become belligerent after drinking two and a half glasses of whiskey with his meal. The celebrity couple posted the said incident in their Instagram and Twitter accounts. The popular 80’s singer slams the irresponsibility done by the crew,…
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The relentless weather over the weekend brought powerful tornadoes and storms to the states of Georgia and Mississippi. The fast-moving storms caused relentless devastation to many homes. Tornadoes have killed at least 18 people and injured more than 50 others so far in southeastern part of the United States. A resident recalled the ghastly experience of large tree branches hurling in the air and water from a pond splashing everywhere. The Governor of Georgia declared a state of emergency in the affected area on Sunday to ease support for residents and to assess damage. US weather authorities are advising them to stay in a safe place in a sturdy building….
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The Great East Japan Earthquake caused the 2011 tsunami attack that engulfed a school in Miyagi prefecture. The school recently opened to the public for the very first time. On the grounds of Miyagi Kesennuma Koyo High School remains all the vehicles swept in the 14-meter waves of tsunami. Visitors from within and outside the prefecture were allowed in to see the structures before clean-up and perpetuation work begins. One of 135 visitors, Tanaka Satoshi said that seeing a car situated on the third floor taught him how rugged the tsunami was. Kanagawa prefectural government dispatched officials to the Kesennuma civil engineering office to help build the four-storey south…
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The Paris Agreement finally takes effect after a continuous effort to fend off the disastrous climate change. Reaching about 195 countries, the agreement endorses the goal to address the planet-warming emissions of greenhouse gases. It aims to limit the increase of global temperatures to 2°C, and if possible, to 1.5°C. Presenting the specific details to successfully eradicate the problems, however, remains a struggle. According to the Paris-based executive director of the International Energy Agency, Fatih Birol, even if the countries that signed the agreement fully achieves their initial vows, the increase will still be closer to 2.7°C. A number of companies is still yet to implement financial changes to…
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Revelers in New York City recently took part in a Christmas fundraiser. All alcohol-loving people attended the fundraiser aptly called SantaCon. SantaCon, besides being a fundraiser, is also known as the annual Christmas pub crawl. SantaCon involves merrymakers dressing in festive costumes and heading for the bars. Some say this event has become so rowdy that concerned citizens have had failed attempts to shut it down. The organizers say SantaCon celebrates Christmas traditions of festive dress and good cheer. It also raises a considerable amount of money for charity. In 2016, the event took place on December 10. The annual bar crawl was held in 380 cities across the US…
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GHANA—A fake U.S. Embassy was discovered in the capital city of Accra. It was issuing illegally obtained authentic visas for the past decade. The fake embassy was operating in a dilapidated pink two-storey building with a corrugated iron roof, along with the U.S. Flag outside and a portrait of President Barack Obama inside. The fake embassy was said to be operated by both Ghanian and Turkish organized crime rings, along with a Ghanian lawyer practicing immigration and criminal law. Turkish citizens who can speak English and Dutch posed as consular officers. Investigations revealed that the crime ring charges $6000 for illegally obtained U.S. Visas, identification documents and birth certificates….
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Thousands of people lined the streets as they watched Santa Claus and his reindeer, Ronald McDonald, and SpongeBob SquarePants pass by. Charlie Brown led the signature balloons as the parade kicked off. A ceremonial ribbon-cutting was done before the parade made its way down to Macy’s flagship store on 34th Street. Revelers cheered and yelled “Thank you!” to the officers along the parade. Amid the fun and cheers, there was an air of ambiguity about the possible attack after an English-language Islamic State group magazine called the parade an excellent target. But the parade went off without interruption. In addition to more than 3,000 uniformed and plain-clothed officers, bomb-sniffing…
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