Over 100 dolphins found dead in Amazon as water reaches 102 degrees Fahrenheit

©André Zumak/Mamirauá Institute Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. attribute /uh-TRIB-yoot/ [verb] – to say or think that something is the result of a particular thing Many scientists attribute the recent increase in wildfires to climate change. drought /drout/ [noun] – a long period when there is little or no rain The region suffered from a severe drought, causing water shortages. fragile /FRAJ-uhl/ [adjective] – easily destroyed, ended, or made to fail The delicate ecosystem of the rainforest is incredibly fragile and easily disrupted. caution /KAW-shuhn/ [verb] – to warn someone It’s essential to caution hikers about the potential dangers of the…
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