Tech giants Nvidia and Foxconn join forces for AI and autonomous tech evolution

©Foxconn Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. renowned /ri-NOUND/ [adjective] – famous for something The renowned author won numerous awards for her exceptional writing. strategically /struh-TEE-jik-lee/ [adverb] – in a way that helps to achieve a plan, for example, in business or politics The company strategically expanded its market presence by opening new branches in key cities. infrastructure /IN-fruh-struhk-cher/ [noun] – the basic systems and services, such as transportation and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively Investment in infrastructure is crucial for a country’s economic development and overall progress. assembling /uh-SEM-buh-luhng/ [noun] – an act…
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