Super Mario animated film to be released next year

©Rex/Shutterstock/Reuters/Nintendo Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. buff /buhf/ [noun] – a person who knows a lot about and is very interested in a particular subject Jack is a rock buff. His favorite band is Nirvana. chip in /CHIP-in/ [phrasal verb] – to contribute something as one’s share of a joint activity, cost, etc. Takashen Corporation chipped in the production of Klopi Company’s new line of products. distribution /dis-truh-BYOO-shuhn/ [noun] – the process of giving things out to several people, or spreading or supplying something The record albums are all set and ready for distribution. reminisce /rem-uh-NIS/ [verb] – to talk or…
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