Author Archive: admin

A plant-based diet may reduce stroke risk, Taiwan study shows


Vocabulary: buddhist /BOO-duhst/ [noun] – someone who believes in Buddhism The Japanese Tea Ceremony was developed by Zen Buddhist monks in the 16th century, and it quickly became very popular. engage /en-GEYJ/ [verb] – to take part in something The students will engage in volunteering activities this spring vacation. conclude /kuh n-KLOOD/ [verb] – to decide something after studying all the information about it very carefully The experiment concluded that the vaccine is safe for humans and animals. chronic /KRON-ik/ [adjective] – especially of a disease or something bad continuing for a long time He had a chronic headache that lasted for a week. malady /MAL-uh-dee/ [noun] – a disease Even…
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Defying Age: 80-year old great grandma shares passion for ice hockey


© Photo by Pre-Reading Questions: Do you play sports regularly? How many hours do you spend playing sports? Vocabulary: idea /ahy-DEE-uh/ [noun] a suggestion or plan for doing something She has an idea for their upcoming project. learn /lurn/ [verb] to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity Harry wants to learn a new language. team /teem/ [noun] a number of people who act together as a group My favorite basketball team is the Los Angeles Lakers. member /MEM-ber/ [noun] a person who joins a group He is a member of the book club in his school. hope /hohp/ [verb] to want something to happen or…
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Defying Age: 80-year old great grandma shares passion for ice hockey


© Photo by Pre-Reading Questions: Do you want to play sports even when you are old? Why or why not? Do you know an old person who still plays sports? Elaborate your answer. Vocabulary: passion /PASH-uhn/ [noun] something that you are strongly interested in and enjoy My cousin has always had a passion for singing. former /FAWRr-mer/ [adjective] used to describe someone who had a particular position or job in the past The former president went back to his hometown. expect /ik-SPEKT/ [verb] to think or believe something will happen I didn’t expect to see my old friend in my new neighborhood. senior /SEEN-yer/ [adjective] a person who is…
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Defying Age: 80-year old great grandma shares passion for ice hockey


© Photo by Vocabulary: envisage /en-VIZ-ij/ [verb] to imagine or expect something in the future He envisages the possibility of building a new house with his family. resolved /ri-ZOLVD/ [adjective] firm in purpose or intent; determined She is resolved to join the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. anticipate /an-TIS-uh-peyt/ [verb] to imagine or expect that something will happen They did not anticipate the issues that occurred in the event. comprise /kuhm-PRAYZ/ [verb] to have things or people as parts or members; to consist of The United States of America comprises 50 states. camaraderie /kah-muh-RAH-duh-ree/ [noun] a feeling of friendliness toward people that you work or share an experience with He enjoys…
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How to sanitize your filthy phones


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you think your phone is dirty? Why or why not? How often do you use your smartphone? Vocabulary: effective /ih-FEK-tiv/ [adjective] successful or achieving the results that you want Exercising together with a balanced diet is an effective way to lose weight. defense /dih-FENS/ [noun] the ability to protect against attack or harm Eating fruits and vegetables can help strengthen our body’s defenses from being sick. carrier /KAR-ee-er/ [noun] someone or something that has the infection or genetic fault that causes it and can give the disease to someone else Basic hospital equipment like syringes can also be bacteria-carriers if not disposed properly. conduct /kuhn-DUHKT/ [verb] to…
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How to sanitize your filthy phones


Vocabulary: decimate /DES-uh-meyt/ [verb] to kill a large number of something He uses pesticides to decimate the insects that eat his crops. contaminated /kuhn-TAM-uh-neyt-tuhd/ [adjective] poisonous or not pure She had diarrhea because of the contaminated water she drank this morning. pathogen /PATH-uh‐jen/ [noun] any small organism that can cause disease Pathogens can stay in cardboards for 24 hours based on a study. sanitize /SAN-i-tahyz/ [verb] to make something completely clean and free from bacteria My mother sanitized the bathroom using her favorite toilet cleaner, Domex. fundamental /fuhn-duh-MEN-tl/ [adjective] more important than anything else Learning his dialect is fundamental to knowing and understanding him better. moisture /MOIS-cher/ [noun] very small…
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How to sanitize your filthy phones


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you clean your phone? How often do you wash your hands every day? Vocabulary: sick /sik/ [adjective] physically or mentally ill; not well or healthy Her daughter can’t go to school because she is sick. dirty /DUR-tee/ [adjective] not clean My brother’s room is always dirty. phone /fohn/ [noun] a device that make it possible for you to speak to someone in another place who has a similar device Students should turn their phones off before taking the exam. cleaning /KLEE-ning/ [noun] the activity of removing the dirt from things and places Her favorite thing to do during the weekend is cleaning the house. usual /YOOZH-wuhl/ [adjective]…
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Eleven essential apps when in Japan


Pre-Reading Questions: What is your favorite place in Japan? What mobile app do you often use? Vocabulary: stuff /stuhf/ [noun] used to refer to more things of a similar kind to ones you have mentioned I need to buy papers, pens, and stuff for my exam tomorrow. tip /tip/ [noun] a useful piece of information, especially about how to do something Please give some tips about the interview. place /pleys/ [noun] an area, town, building. Could you tell me the new place of the store? list /list/ [noun] a record of short pieces of information, such as people’s names, usually written or printed with a single thing on each line…
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