Author Archive: admin

Drug use in sports becoming a crisis

Sports - Expert

  According to the poll conducted by BBC, a wide range of substances – both legal and illegal – are taken by amateur sports men and women to support their performance. They also found that 49% thought performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) were easily available among people who play sports regularly. More than 50 types of anabolic steroids are banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada), the independent body responsible for the list of substances prohibited in sport. The possession of steroids, which are class C drugs, is not illegal under UK law as long as they are only for personal use. Performance-enhancing substances can also include recreational drugs and prescribed medications…
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Drug use in sports becoming a crisis

Sports - Intermediate

  Pre-reading questions: If you’re an athlete, how far would you go in order to win a competition? Please explain your answer. If you’re in a competition, would you rather lose and learn or cheat and win? Please explain your answer.   According to UK Anti-Doping (Ukad), the national body responsible for protecting clean sport, there are currently 52 athletes and coaches serving bans. 12% are professional sports men or women; 62% are amateurs, 21% are semi-professional, and 5% are coaches. Out of 186 sanctions handed out across 22 separate sports by Ukad since it formed in 2009, 46% have been rugby union or league players – mainly at amateur…
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Drug use in sports becoming a crisis

Sports - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: What do you think is the common problem of athletes? Please explain your answer. What can you say to those average-skilled athletes who worked really hard to be successful? Please explain your answer. With the latest BBC survey on amateur doping acts in sports. They found out that 35% personally know someone who has doped while 8% said they had taken steroids. The national group responsible for protecting clean sport is the UK Anti-Doping or Ukad. They think that number of amateurs who use performance enhancing substance in competition is alarming. Thus, Ukad chief Nicole Sapstead, encourage everyone to acknowledge the problem. Vocabulary: amateur – [noun] athletes who…
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Foreign interns face tough road in Japan

Business - E

  Foreign interns in Japan hailing from neighboring countries find it exacting to adapt and keep their lifestyle. Most of them leave their home countries in hopes of living a better life abroad. Vietnam, one of the countries that contributes to Japan’s labor shortage, offers training about the country’s culture and language to their citizens who will be deployed as technical interns. Despite the project’s success, some trainees disappear in a sudden upon deployment. Problems with pay and inferior working conditions are deemed to be the cause of these disappearances. Some trainees start believing that their dream of living a better life is impossible due to the high cost of…
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Foreign interns face tough road in Japan

Business - I

  Pre-reading questions: Would you be interested in working abroad? Please explain your answer. What are the challenges of working away from your family/home country?   Around 600 young Vietnamese students are studying Japanese language and culture to brace themselves as technical interns in Japan. Most of the students hail from rural areas of Vietnam. The majority of foreign workers in Japan are Vietnamese since Vietnam promotes export of labor to provide employment to its citizens. Workers also learn Japanese language and customs from government-approved organizations. Despite the multiple benefits of this project, many foreign interns suddenly disappear upon dispatch. Some companies committed labor violations such as non-payment of wages…
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Foreign interns face tough road in Japan

Business - B

Pre-reading questions: Is it easy to work abroad? Have you studied abroad? Vietnamese trainees are studying Japanese language and culture in preparation for a job in Japan. Trainees will eventually leave their families to work abroad so they can provide a better life for them. However, there are trainees who escaped because they are not getting paid properly. They are also starting to feel the pressure because of the expensive lifestyle in Japan. Vocabulary: trainee – [noun] a person who is training for a job abroad – [abroad] in a foreign country escape – [verb] run away pressured – [verb] stressed out expensive – [adjective] high price True or False:…
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Harvard Law School starts to consider GRE scores

Education - I

  Harvard Law School experimented with a new program that considers GRE (Graduate Record Examination) score as an admission requirement for law students for the coming school year 2018. The said law school, who produced globally known leaders such as Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and President Barack Obama, is the second accredited law school in the United States to accept GRE scores for admission. Assistant Dean and Chief Admission Officer Jessica Soban said that “it will encourage more students in the United States and internationally from a greater degree of disciplines to apply.” LSAT and GRE are both standardized tests used as a prerequisite for graduate school. LSAT,…
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Harvard Law School starts to consider GRE scores

Education - I

  Pre-reading questions: What are the university admission test requirements in your country? Do you think university admission test scores can predict the success of students?   Harvard Law School tried out a new program that welcomes GRE (Graduate Record Examination) score as an admission prerequisite for law students for the coming school year 2018. The said law school is the second accredited law school in the United States to accept GRE scores for admission. Most law schools in the US only recognize LSAT (Law School Admission Test) scores. LSAT is solely used for admission to law school programs Harvard Law School Assistant Dean and Chief Admission Officer Jessica Soban…
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