Author Archive: admin

NASA discovers new heavy metal planet


Vocabulary: light-year /LAHYT-yeer/ [noun] the great distance that light travels in one year The nearest star to Earth is about 4 light-years away. classify /KLAS-uh-fahy/ [verb] to divide things into groups according to type One movie is classified as pure art, the other as entertainment. revolve /ri-VOLV/ [verb] to move in a circle or a curve around a central point The earth revolves on its axis and around the sun. exoplanet /EK-soh-plan-it/ [noun] a planet of a star that is outside the solar system Because the newfound exoplanet orbits so close to its star, it’s gravitationally locked to the smaller body. dissipate /DIS-uh-peyt/ [verb] to disappeared gradually, or to cause…
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NASA discovers new heavy metal planet


Pre-reading questions: What is the biggest planet in the solar system? Would you like to see our planet from space? Vocabulary: usually /YOO-zhoo-uh-lee/ [adverb] in the way that most often happens I usually get up late. heavy /HEV-ee/ [adjective] thick, strong, solid, or looking that way I always eat heavy breakfast in the morning. close /klohz/ [adverb] near in position, time, or condition Timmy is too close to fail. star /stahr/ [noun] a large ball of burning gas in space that is usually seen from earth as a point of light in the sky at night The smallest star is the brightest. almost /AWL-mohst/ [adverb] nearly but not quite His…
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NASA discovers new heavy metal planet


Pre-reading questions: What do you find interesting about the universe? Please explain your answer. What do you think is the most mysterious planet? Why? Vocabulary: stream /streem/ [verb] to move continuously The morning light came streaming through the windows. element /EL-uh-muhnt/ [noun] a simple substance that cannot be reduced to smaller chemical parts Oxygen is one of the basic elements of substance. beaming /BEE-ming/ [adjective] radiant; bright Out of the darkness, she saw a beaming flashlight from afar. vanish /VAN-ish/ [verb] to disappear or stop existing Energy seems to vanish and re-emerge in dramatic swings. drag /drag/ [verb] to move something by pulling it along a surface Pick the chair…
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The Genbi: The art museum shinkansen you do not want to miss


Vocabulary: enamored /ih-NAM-er-d/ [adjective] liking something a lot My brother was enamored of paper planes when he was a kid. alluring /uh-LOOR-ing/ [adjective] attractive or exciting She wore the most alluring dress that stood out among the rest last night. carriage /KAR-ee-ij/ [noun] any of the separate parts of a train in which the passengers sit The carriage at the end of the train played classical music. array /uh-REY/ [noun] a large and impressive grouping or organization of things Their house was filled with an array of paintings. ample /AM-puhl/ [adjective] enough, or more than enough The students had ample time to finish their report last week. Enamored of Japan’s…
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The Genbi: The art museum shinkansen you do not want to miss


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like to travel? Do you like riding the shinkansen? Vocabulary: special /SPESH-uhl/ [adjective] not ordinary or usual I have prepared a special lunch for you. complement /KOM-pluh-ment/ [verb] to make something else seem better or more attractive Her beautiful voice is complemented with her awesome guitar playing. serve /surv/ [verb] to provide food or drinks to a customer or guest My favorite restaurant serves different kinds of food every day. between /bih-TWEEN/ [preposition] in or into the space that separates two places, people, or objects The show was held between Maine street and Alden street. proudly /PROUD-ly/ [adverb] with feelings of satisfaction and pleasure My best…
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The Genbi: The art museum shinkansen you do not want to miss


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like traveling? Why or why not? Do you think it’s more convenient to ride the shinkansen than to ride an ordinary train? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: extraordinary /ik-STRAWR-dn-er-ee/ [adjective] very unusual, special, unexpected, or strange She has an extraordinary voice. signature /SIG-nuh-cher/ [adjective] used to refer to the special thing for which a person or place is particularly known My family always admired my favorite restaurant’s signature dish. captivating /KAP-tuh-vey-ting/ [adjective] capable of attracting and holding interest; charming The design of my neighbor’s house is captivating. course /kawrs/ [noun] a direction or route taken or to be taken Be extra careful not to veer off…
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