Author Archive: admin

Too much body weight may cause depression

Pre-reading Questions Answer the following questions about the topic. Please explain your answer. What do you think is the ideal body weight? How does too much body weight affect a person’s life? Article Reading Read the passage and take note of the highlighted words in the vocabulary guide. According to the researchers of International Journal of Epidemiology, people with high body mass index are at higher risk of developing depression. Researchers of this study were able to gather hospital and personal data from 500,000 participants from year 2006 to 2010 with ages 37 to 73 and results show that there are 49,000 participants who have depression with high BMI.  …
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“Hiroshima – The Last Rose of Summer” to air in 2020


Pre-reading questions: What kind of movies do you like to watch? Why? Do you think Japanese history is interesting? Why or why not? Vocabulary: production /proh-DUHK-shuhn/ [noun] a movie, television program, play, or other entertainment Samuel wants to be part of the new movie production team. aim /eym/ [verb] to plan Our team aims to finish the report by Friday. currently /KUR-uhnt-lee/ [adverb] at the present time My sister is currently in the hospital so she can’t come to the party. hostage /HOS-tij/ [noun] someone who is taken as a prisoner by an enemy Some of the hostages in our city are now free. well-known /wel-NOHN/ [adjective] popular or known…
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“Hiroshima – The Last Rose of Summer” to air in 2020


Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite animated movie? Do you like history? Why or why not? Vocabulary: animated /AN-uh-mey-tid/ [adjective] a type of film where drawings move The animated movie I watched yesterday was beautiful. anniversary /an-uh-VUR-suh-ree/ [noun] a day when an important event happened a year before Today is our school’s 3rd anniversary. bombing /BOM-ing/ [noun] an attack on a place using bombs The bombing at Mary’s town stopped an hour ago. late /leyt/ [adjective] died not long ago She visited her late grandmother last Sunday. professor /pruh-FES-er/ [noun] a teacher My science professor is very kind. The staff of the animated film “Hiroshima – The Last Rose of…
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“Hiroshima – The Last Rose of Summer” to air in 2020


Vocabulary: entitle /en-TAHY-l/ [verb] to give a title to a book, movie, etc. Miranda hasn’t entitled her new book yet that she plans to sell next year. renowned/ /ri-NOUND/ [adjective] famous for something Jun Matsumoto is renowned for his role as Tsukasa Domyouji in the Japanese television series Hana Yori Dango. prisoner of war /PRIZ-uh-ner uhv wawr/ [noun] a soldier who was caught by enemy forces during a war The prisoners of war tried to escape but were still caught by the enemies. fall apart /fawl uh-PAHRT/ [verb] to fail and be unable to continue in the usual way Arthur and Alfred’s relationship as siblings began to fall apart after…
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Sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of stroke

Sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of stroke

Pre-reading questions: What is your daily routine? How many hours in a day do you spend on your phone? Vocabulary: aggrandize /uh-GRAN-dahyz/ [verb] to make great or greater Her goal for this year is to aggrandize her business. descend /dih-SEND/ [verb] to go down or come down The percentage of people who get a virus descends from 20% to 15%. hypertension /hahy-per-TEN-shuhn/ [noun] a medical condition in which your blood pressure is extremely high Eating too much fatty food can cause hypertension. gaze /geyz/ [verb] to look at something or someone for a long time Beth spends 2 hours gazing at the computer. adjure /uh-JOOR/ [verb] to ask or order…
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Sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of stroke

Sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of stroke

Vocabulary: aggravate /AG-ruh-veyt/ [verb] to make a disease worse He listens to the advice of the unlicensed doctor, that’s why the medication only aggravated his condition. vulnerable /VUHL-ner-uh-buhl/ [adjective] able to be easily hurt, influenced, or attacked Children are vulnerable to cold temperature that’s why they easily get sick. erratic /ih-RAT-ik/ [adjective] not regular, certain, or organized in its movement or behavior She tends to report late at work every Wednesday because of her erratic schedule. indulge /n-DUHLJ/ [verb] to allow yourself to have something enjoyable Every time I get stressed, I indulge myself some ice cream. alleviate /uh-LEE-vee-eyt/ [verb] to make pain or problems less severe The antibiotics that…
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Sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of stroke

Sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of stroke

Pre-reading questions: Do you exercise every morning? How many hours do you sleep at night? Vocabulary: sedentary /SED-n-ter-ee/ [noun] involving little physical activity She always gets sick because of her sedentary job. lifestyle /LAHYF-stahyl/ [noun] way of living Her lifestyle is not healthy. risk /risk/ [noun] danger, or the possibility of danger, defeat, or loss The smoke may increase the risk of accident. usage /YOO-sij/ [noun] the use of something He wants to know the usage of the robot. advise /ad-VAHYZ/ [verb] to give advice or to suggest something He advised the people to stay calm. A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of stroke and other diseases. A study says…
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