Author Archive: admin

Arata Isozaki wins 2019 Pritzker Prize

Arata Isozaki

Photo by © Getty Images via CNN Style Vocabulary: masterpiece /MAS-ter-pees/ [noun] something made or done with great skill Her work is a masterpiece of simplicity. jury /JOOR-ee/ [noun] a group of people chosen to decide the winner of a competition The jury has come to an agreement that the third contestant is the true victor. comprehensive /kom-pri-HEN-siv/ [adjective] complete and including everything that is necessary The professor posted a comprehensive list of sources approved for our use. evolve /ih-VOLV/ [verb] to develop gradually Each school must evolve its own way of teaching students. accolade /AK-uh-leyd/ [noun] praise and approval Lady Gaga receives a Grammy award, one of the highest…
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Arata Isozaki wins 2019 Pritzker Prize

Arata Isozaki

Photo by © Getty Images via CNN Style Pre-reading questions: What do you want to be in the future? Please elaborate. Is it important to have ambitions? Why or why not? Vocabulary: accomplishment /uh-KOM-plish-muhnt/ [noun] something that is successful, or that is achieved after a lot of work or effort His accomplishments in his 5-year stay in the company are outstanding. major /MEY-jer/ [adjective] very large, important, or powerful They launched a series of major economic programs. facility /fuh-SIL-i-tee/ [noun] a place, especially including buildings, where a particular activity happens The theme park is the region’s most popular tourist facility. host /hohst/ [verb] to provide the space and other things…
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Japanese company produces high-tech wheelchairs


Photo by © AFP via The Straits Times Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite sport? Do you watch sports on television? Vocabulary: company /KUHM-puh-nee/ [noun] an organization that produces or sells goods or services in order to make profit Harunari’s company is growing fast. wheelchair /HWEEL-chair/ [noun] a chair on wheels that people who are unable to walk use on moving around Takatsuki needs to use a wheelchair because he got into an accident. athlete /ATH-leet/ [noun] a person who is skilled or trained in a sport A lot of athletes are admirable. champion /CHAM-pee-uhn/ [noun] that has beaten all other competitors in a competition Manny Pacquiao is one of…
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Japanese company produces high-tech wheelchairs


Photo by © AFP via The Straits Times Pre-reading questions: Do you like sports? Why or why not? Are you interested to watch a Paralympic game? Why or Why not? Vocabulary: create /kree-EYT/ [verb] to make something new I have created a recipe that you will surely like. achieve /UH-cheev/ [verb] to succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim A lot of my friends achieved a degree in Computer science. leading /LEE-ding/ [adjective] first or most important Uniliver is still the leading brand in the Philippines. perfectly /PUR-fikt-lee/ [adverb] in a satisfying or entirely no mistakes way My sister’s room was perfectly organized. unknown /uhn-NOHN/ [adjective] not familiar Some…
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Japanese company produces high-tech wheelchairs


Photo by © AFP via The Straits Times Vocabulary: establish /ih-STAB-lish/ [verb] to create or set something in a particular way You need to use different kinds of material to establish a new building. paralympic /PAR-uh-LIM-pik/ [adjective] an international sports competition for people with disabilities I would have felt better if I had joined Paralympic games. classified /KLAS-uh-fahyd/ [adjective] officially secret information Alan’s voluminous penmanship is classified as good. durability /du-ra-bil-i-ty/ [noun] the fact of something continuing to be used without getting damaged The durability of this product is essential. accomplish /UH-kom-plish/ [verb] to finish something successfully You have to work hard to accomplish all your goals. Ox Engineering, a…
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Nagano attempts to keep traditional insect dishes


Photo by © Kyodo via The Japan Times Vocabulary: practice /PRAK-tis/ [noun] something that is usually or regularly done, often as a habit, tradition, or custom There are some old practices of my generation that I don’t want to take on. colloquially /kuh-LOH-kwee-uhl-lee/ [adverb] words and expressions that are informal, more suitable for use in speech than in writing His poetry is quite beautiful but when expressed colloquially, it has a different meaning. cuisine /kwi-ZEEN/ [noun] a style of cooking My best friend has an expensive taste when it comes to French cuisine. legacy /LEG-uh-see/ [noun] something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier…
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Nagano attempts to keep their insect dishes


Photo by © Kyodo via The Japan Times Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite food? Do you know any unusual food? Vocabulary: young /yuhng/ [adjective] not old She is too young to be a model. insect /IN-sekt/ [noun] a type of very small animal with six legs and usually with two pairs of wings I saw an insect under my bed. reduce /ri-DOOS/ [verb] to make something become smaller in amount, degree or importance Her excitement for her toys reduced. activity /ak-TIV-i-tee/ [noun] an organized event to achieve an aim She went to a school activity yesterday. according to /uh-KAWR-ding tuh/ [preposition] as stated by According to a report, the…
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