Author Archive: admin
North & South Korea pledge peace
Vocabulary: hostility /ho-STIL-i-tee/ [noun] showing unfriendliness The hostility between her and her mother is apparent. in line with (something) /in layhn with/ [idiom] to be similar to and suitable for something The cause she is fighting for is in line with the company’s goals. denuclearize /de-NOO-klee-uh-RAHYZ/ [verb] to remove nuclear weapons from a country or place The world will be a lot safer if every country chooses to denuclearize. deterrent /dih-TUHR-uhnt/ [noun] something that stops people from doing something They argue that the law is a deterrent to politicians who plan to steal government project funds. optimism /OP-tuh-miz-uhm/ [noun] belief that something good will happen The reason philosophers do not…
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North & South Korea pledge peace
Pre-reading questions: What do you know about the South-North Korean war? Do you think world peace is possible? Why or why not? Vocabulary: put an end to (something) /poot an end too/ [phrasal verb] to make something stop happening We need to put an end to this madness. summit /SUHM-it/ [noun] an important formal meeting between leaders of governments from two or more countries Leaders from all over the world met during the summit. pledge /plej/ [verb] to make a serious or formal promise to give or do something The man pledged loyalty to his wife. tension /TEN-shuhn/ [noun] a feeling of fear or anger between two groups of people…
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North & South Korea pledge peace
Pre-reading questions: Do you like quiet places? Please explain your answer. Are you interested in world news? Why or why not? Vocabulary: pledge /plej/ [verb] to make a serious or formal promise The president pledged to be an honest leader. border /BAWR-der/ [noun] the line that divides one country or place from another You need a passport if you want to cross the border. divide /dih-VAHYD/ [verb] to separate into parts or groups Divide yourselves into 3 groups. conflict /KON-flikt/ [noun] disagreement between people with different views Don’t let conflicts ruin your friendship. relation /ri-LEY-shuhn/ [noun] the way two people or groups of people feel and behave towards each other…
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Japan’s coming of age to be lowered to 18 years old
Vocabulary: civic /SIV-ik/ [adjective] relating to the duties or activities of people in relation to their town Your sense of civic duty is admirable. allowable /uh-LOU-uh-buhl/ [adjective] allowed according to the rules or laws that control a particular area of activity The scientists found that the nicotine in this brand of cigarette is beyond the allowable level. exploitation /ek-sploi-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] the act of using someone unfairly for your own advantage The exploitation of women in the country caused protests worldwide. scam /skam/ [noun] an illegal plan for making money, especially one that involves tricking people They arrested the people who were involved in the insurance scam. permissible /per-MIS-uh-buhl/ [adjective] permitted;…
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Japan’s coming of age to be lowered to 18 years old
Pre-reading questions: What is the general election like in your country? Have you ever participated in a general election? Discuss. Vocabulary: authorize /AW-thuh-rahyz/ [verb] to give official permission for something to happen The government authorized the use of the new drug. adulthood /uh-DUHLT-hood/ [noun] the state of being an adult Paying bills is my least favorite part of adulthood. equalize /EE-kwuh-lahyz/ [verb] a situation means to give everyone the same rights or opportunities Let’s equalize the duties among all employees in this office. prohibit /proh-HIB-it/ [verb] to formally forbid someone from doing something The congress pass a bill that prohibits hunting in national parks. exploit /ik-SPLOIT/ [verb] make use of…
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Japan’s coming of age to be lowered to 18 years old
Pre-reading questions: What did you enjoy doing when you were younger? What do you do on your birthday? Vocabulary: bill /bil/ [noun] a draft of a proposed law The Congress has passed the Bill of Rights. maturity /muh-CHOOR-i-tee/ [noun] the state of being mentally or physically developed or adult Maturity is important in marriage. contract /KON-trakt/ [noun] a written or spoken agreement You need to sign the contract if you want to work here. consent /kuhn-SENT/ [noun] permission or approval The parents gave him consent to marry their daughter. gamble /GAM-buhl/ [verb] play games of chance for money or bet He gambled away most of his money. The Cabinet has…
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Too much ice cream may lead to a heart attack
Vocabulary: binge /binj/ [noun] an occasion when an activity is done in an extreme way, especially eating, drinking, or spending money She goes on an ice cream binge whenever she’s stressed out. overeat /oh-ver-EET/ [verb] to eat more food than your body needs Overeating does not do us any good. Instead, eating in moderation is key. ultimately /UHL-tuh-mit-lee/ [adverb] finally, after a series of things have happened The lack of sleep can lead to health complications and ultimately, death. trigger /TRIG-ger/ [verb] to cause something to start He triggered the fire alarm when he burned the fried chicken. aggravate /AG-ruh-veyt/ [verb] to make something worse Road repair has aggravated the…
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