Author Archive: admin
Sumo grand champion Kisenosato retires

Photo by © Nikkan Sports via The Japan Times Sports Pre-reading questions: Do you play sports? What are your hobbies? Vocabulary: decide /dih-sahyd/ [verb] to choose something, especially after thinking carefully about several possibilities She decided to leave the company for a better opportunity. participate /pahr-tis-uh-peyt/ [verb] to take part in an event or activity He doesn’t like to participate in the discussion. wrestler /res-uhlr/ [noun] a person who wrestles as a sport Dwayne Johnson is a professional wrestler. become /bih-kuhm/ [verb] to start to be She wants to become a good badminton player. straight /strey/ [adjective] following one after another without an interruption The team has three straight wins…
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Sumo grand champion Kisenosato retires

Photo by © Nikkan Sports via The Japan Times Sports Vocabulary: fateful /feyt-fuhl/ [adjective] having an important and usually negative effect on the future The general made a fateful decision to send his daughter in the army. opt /opt/ [verb] to make a choice, especially of one thing or possibility instead of others He opts to retire from Taekwondo because of his right leg injury. outplay /out-pley/ [verb] to play better than another person or team The defending champion was outplayed by a newbie. peril /per-uh l/ [noun] great danger, or something that is very dangerous Her life is now in peril after she became an eye witness. bout /bout/ [noun]…
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Sumo grand champion Kisenosato retires

Photo by © Nikkan Sports via The Japan Times Sports Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite sport and why? What kind of sports would you like to try in the future and why? Vocabulary: retire /ri-tahyuhr/ [verb] to stop taking part in a race or competition because of illness or injury Mr. Park decides to retire from archery because of his poor eyesight. tournament /toor-nuh-muhnt/ [noun] a competition involving many competitors in a single sport or game The father is very proud that his son is winning the tennis tournament. professional /pruh-fesh-uh-nl/ [adjective] having the type of job that is respected because it involves a high level of education and…
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How much money do foreign visitors spend in Japan?

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like traveling? Why or why not? Do you like to spend your money on traveling? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: fortune /fawr-chuhn/ [noun] the set of good or bad events that happen to you and have an effect on your life She had a good fortune in Canada. growth /grohth/ [noun] the process of developing or of increasing in size There is a rapid growth in the company’s sales. explore /ik-splawr/ [verb] to travel to a new place to learn about it or become familiar with it I want to explore the world alone. lead /leed/ [noun] a winning position during a race or other situation…
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How much money do foreign visitors spend in Japan?

Vocabulary: fascinate /fas-uh-neyt/ [verb] to interest someone a lot The beauty of the moon always fascinates her. phenomenal /fi-nom-uh-nl/ [adjective] extremely successful or special, especially in a surprising way Receiving his first award as a fiction writer is a phenomenal experience for him. record-high /rek-erd-hahy/ [adjective] the highest amount or level that something has ever reached The flower shop hit its record-high sales in February. expend /ik-spend/ [verb] to use or spend time, effort, or money Last year, I expended a lot of money on concert tickets. impose /im-pohz/ [verb] to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received The manager wants to impose a new…
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How much money do foreign visitors spend in Japan?

Pre-Reading Questions: What is your favorite sightseeing spot in Japan? What country do you want to visit? Vocabulary: travel /trav-uhl/ [verb] to make a journey, usually over a long distance I usually travel by bus when I go to work. sightseeing /sahyt-see-ing/ [noun] the activity of visiting interesting places She likes to go sightseeing when she feels bored. tourist /toor-ist/ [noun] someone who visits a place for pleasure and interest There are a lot of tourists visiting Kyoto. foreigner /fawr-uh-ner/ [noun] a person who comes from another country The Japanese woman is married to a foreigner. spend /spend/ [verb] to give money as a payment for something She spends her…
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