Author Archive: admin

United Nations talks about climate change

  Pre-reading questions: What do you think is the effect of climate change to living things on Earth? What do you think is the difference between a developed and a developing country?   MARRAKESH, MOROCCO– One hundred ninety-six world nations gather for the Paris Agreement amidst US elections. The Paris Agreement ties all countries, developed and developing to end global warming. Despite the gathering of fifteen thousand stakeholders for the twelve-day UN talks, the world is focused on US elections, which could propel climate denier Donald Trump to US Presidency. US President Barack Obama warns that all the steps made for climate change now depends on the votes of the…
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Skin Patch for Children with Peanut Allergies

A new method to fight off peanut allergy has been devised that makes use of a wearable skin patch which trains the body to build up immunity to peanuts. According to a research published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, it had a fifty-percent success rate on its initial test run that enabled takers to tolerate doses of peanut protein that are 10 times more than they could before undergoing the therapy Children from ages 4 to 11 years old are found to benefit more from the immunotherapy. Those who are older than 12, on the other hand, didn’t seem to enjoy the same advantage. Although the method…
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Skin Patch for Children with Peanut Allergies

Pre-reading questions: What is your idea about food allergy? Are you allergic to a specific food? Viaskin peanut patch can benefit children who are allergic to peanuts. These patches have small doses of peanut protein on them. It enables the immune system to endure small amounts of peanuts. This can be very effective but further research is still needed. Good results are found from four to eleven years old patients. However, it does not have that much effect on those 12 years old and above. The patch is still not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The patch may be available in the near future after a few more…
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Skin Patch for Children with Peanut Allergies

Health - Beg

Pre-reading questions: Do you know the word “allergy”? Do you have any food allergies? Viaskin peanut patch can help children who are allergic to peanuts. These patches have small doses of peanut protein. It works by letting the body accept small amounts of peanuts. Good results were found in patients aged four to eleven year-old. Those who were 12 years old and up did not experience much effect. More study is needed for the skin patches. The patch was not yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Vocabulary: patch – ばんそうこう [noun] a piece of material used to cover a hole dose – 服用量 [noun] an amount of medicine…
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US Inmates Uses Instant Ramen as Currency

  Pre-reading questions: What currency do you use in your country? Do you like instant food? What’s your favorite instant food? What’s your favorite food?   Inmates use tobacco as their money to buy different things inside the prison for a long time. Now a days, it has been replaced by instant ramen since tobacco was banned in 2014. In some prisons, meals are only served twice a day because of budget shortage. Inmates then are trying to nourish themselves with instant ramen. The inmates said that ramen is tastier than their regular prison food. It also has high calorie content that can give them energy for work. A pack…
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US Inmates Uses Instant Ramen as Currency

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: How do you call your money/currency? Do you think eating instant foods is nutritious? Why or Why not? Today, US inmates uses ramen as their money. In some prisons, meals are only served 2 times a day beacuse of budget shortage. This is the main reason why they use instant ramen as their money. Instant ramen has a high value in prisons so they are using it in exchange for sweatshirts, thermal underwear, fresh vegetables, or cigarettes. Other forms of money that they use are postage stamps, preserved mackerel, and instant coffee. Vocabulary: inmate – 収容者 [noun] a person who is confined in a prison, hospital, etc shortage…
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Programming, a new fun way of learning

Education - B

Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite computer game? Do you think computer is important to people? Many private classses teach programing in a fun way. Programming classes will start in elementary schools in 2020. The classes need to teach creativity in children. A second-grade pupil actually made a computer game, where he used a parrot that helps the monkey by fixing blocks that says change the X coordinate by 10. Programming lets users run a computer program the way they want to. Today, the use of blocks in drawing pictures makes programming easier for children. Vocabulary: parrot – オウム [noun] an animal, a kind of bird computer – コンピューター [noun]…
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