Author Archive: admin

What to expect from Apple’s first iOS 12 beta

What to expect from Apple's first iOS 12 beta

Pre-Reading Questions: What is the brand of your smartphone? Do you like using your smartphone? Why or why not? Vocabulary: public /PUHB-lik/ [noun] all people The park is open to the public. version /VUR-zhuhn/ [noun] a different form of something My favorite book has many versions. include /in-KLOOD/ [verb] to add something as a part of something else The report includes other important information. spend /spend/ [verb] to use time or money on something He spends a lot of time playing computer games. represent /rep-ri-ZENT/ [verb] to show a thing as someone or something else Bill will represent the school for the event tomorrow. Apple finally released iOS 12 to…
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What to expect from Apple’s first iOS 12 beta

What to expect from Apple's first iOS 12 beta

Pre-Reading Questions: How often do you use your smartphone? What apps do you have on your smartphone? Vocabulary: operating system /OP-uh-rey-ting SIS-tuhm/ [noun] software that makes other programs and applications usable The virus has damaged the operating system of his computer. feature /FEE-cher/ [noun] an important characteristic, part, or trait of something An interesting feature of this city is its old market. application /ap-li-KEY-shuhn/ [noun] a program designed for a particular purpose You should delete any applications you don’t use anymore. enhancement /en-HANS-ment/ [noun] a change that improves something The image had some enhancements to show more detail. customized /KUHS-tuh-mahyzd/ [adjective] made or changed according to the user’s needs My…
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UNRWA endures aid reduction

UNRWA endures aid reduction

Pre-reading questions: Do you think money is important? Please explain. How do you save money? Vocabulary: limited /LIM-i-tid/ [adjective] kept within a particular size, range, time etc. Time during examinations is limited. donation /doh-NEY-shuhn/ [noun] when money or goods are given to help a person or organization My family sent a donation to the animal shelter. lower /LOH-er/ [verb] to make something smaller in size, amount, or price They lowered the price of milk in convenience stores. send /send/ [verb] to cause something to go from one place to another I sent a letter to my aunt this morning. poor /poor/ [adjective] having very little money or few things The…
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UNRWA endures aid reduction

UNRWA endures aid reduction

Vocabulary: cut /kuht/ [noun] to lower the number or amount of something They announced that a salary cut of 10% will be implemented for the next month. shortfall /SHAWRT-fawl/ [noun] a failure to meet an expectation or need There was a shortfall in last week’s delivery, so they ran out of stock. voluntary /VOL-uhn-ter-ee/ [adjective] done or given by free will Participation in the activity is completely voluntary. restore /ri-STAWR/ [verb] to bring something back into existence Winning the first set helped restore the national volleyball team’s confidence. indigent /IN-di-juhnt/ [adjective] having no money or anything else of value; very poor The foundation was built to help indigent people. The…
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UNRWA endures aid reduction

UNRWA endures aid reduction

Pre-reading questions: What is your opinion on giving donations? Do you budget your money? Why or why not? Vocabulary: budget /BUHJ-it/ [noun] the amount of money a person or organization has available to spend My family is on a very tight budget after my father was sent to the hospital. contribution /kon-truh-BYOO-shuhn/ [noun] an amount of money that is given to help pay for something Mary gave a generous contribution to the animal shelter. annual /AN-yoo-uhl/ [adjective] measured over a period of one year They harvest the flowers annually. expense /ik-SPENSE/ [noun] the money that you spend on something It was a struggle to pay for my college expenses. penniless…
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Free education for British students in 11 countries

Free education for British students in 11 countries

Pre-reading questions: Do you want to go to England? Why or why not? What countries in Europe do you know? Vocabulary: Slovenia /sloh-VEE-nee-uh/ [noun] a country in southeastern Europe My family will visit Slovenia next month. cost /kost/ [verb] to pay an amount to buy or do something Joining the event will not cost you a lot. pound /pawnd/ [noun] unit of money used in the United Kingdom We don’t use pounds in the United States. yearly /YEER-lee/ [adjective] every year or once a year She visits the dentist yearly. expensive /ik-SPEN-siv/ [adjective] costing a lot of money I don’t want to buy that phone because it’s expensive. British students…
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Free education for British students in 11 countries

Free education for British students in 11 countries

Vocabulary: so long as /soh LONG az/ [idiom] similar to “if”; displays conditions I will attend the meeting so long as my schedule is not hectic. promising /PROM-uh-sing/ [adjective] likely to yearn good and successful results Decreasing public transportation vehicles is another promising measure to lessen traffic. expenditure /ik-SPEND-di-cher/ [noun] the total amount of money that a person, business, or group spends Unnecessary expenditures include those for luxury items. mandatory /MAN-duh-tawr-ee/ [adjective] required by law or rules The mandatory sentence for murder is life imprisonment. domain /doh-MEYN/ [noun] an area or subject that someone owns or has control over The palace beyond the sea is also the mighty king’s domain….
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Free education for British students in 11 countries

Free education for British students in 11 countries

Pre-reading questions: What country or countries have you been to? If none, where would you like to go? Do you want to study abroad? Why or why not? Vocabulary: mere /meer/ [adjective] not more than nor better than The pair of pants I bought online costs a mere $30. require /ri-KWAHYUH-r/ [verb] to make something necessary or needed The students are required to submit their written report by Friday. annual /AN-yoo-uhl/ [adjective] happening once every year I never miss the annual sale at the department store near my house. opportunity /op-er-TOO-ni-tee/ [noun] a chance that makes something possible to happen His work provided him with a lot of opportunities to…
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