Author Archive: admin

Odd? It’s normal, at least for Sayaka Murata

Odd Its normal at least for Sayaka Murata

Photo by © Kentaro Takahashi via Kentaro Takahashi Vocabulary: oddball /OD-bawl/ [adjective] peculiar or strange Even Jim’s siblings don’t like him because they thought that he’s a bit of an oddball. atypical /ey-TIP-i-kuhl/ [adjective] not typical; different from most others of its type The play is very atypical compared to last year; that’s why many people find it interesting. puzzled /PUHZ-uhld/ [adjective] confused; having difficulty to understand The professor finds it challenging when the students are puzzled about the lesson. appealing /uh-PEEL-ing/ [adjective] interesting or attractive The mole on her nose is appealing to most guys in the campus. depict /dih-PIKT/ [verb] to represent or show something in a picture,…
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Odd? It’s normal, at least for Sayaka Murata

Odd Its normal at least for Sayaka Murata

Photo by © Kentaro Takahashi via Kentaro Takahashi Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like going to convenience stores? What can you say about people working in convenience stores? Vocabulary: novelist /NOV-uh-list/ [noun] a person who writes long stories Her dream is to become a novelist. translate /trans-LEYT/ [verb] to change writing or speech from one language into another Beth helped his brother translate his speech. curious /KYOOR-ee-uhs/ [adjective] interested in learning about people or things around you Lily is curious about his life. manual /MAN-yoo-uhl/ [noun] a book that gives instructions on how to do something or how to use something Robin gave his cooking manual to his brother. unique /yoo-NEEK/…
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Odd? It’s normal, at least for Sayaka Murata

Odd Its normal at least for Sayaka Murata

Photo by © Kentaro Takahashi via Kentaro Takahashi Pre-Reading Questions: How do you treat people who do odd things? Do you see yourself working in a convenience store? Vocabulary: eccentric /ik-SENT-trik/ [noun] someone who behaves in a weird way She’s an eccentric; that’s why she’s always been the center of attraction in the class. bizarre /bih-ZAHR/ [adjective] strange and unusual He was loved by his family and friends eventhough he’s bizarre. dead end /DED END/ [noun] a situation that has no hope of making progress Businessmen got stuck in a dead-end situation in their attempts to find a possible solution. engaging /en-GEY-jing/ [adjective] tending to please; attractive The advertisement is…
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Bob Marley film is currently in the making

bob marley

Vocabulary: biopic /BAHY-oh-pik/ [noun] a film about the life of a real person I find watching biopics of influencial people inspiring. bring (something) into the mainstream /bring IN-too thuh MEYN-streem/ [phrasal verb] to make something popular or normal for most people The song “Creep” brought Radiohead into the mainstream. make (one’s) mark /meyk mark/ [idiom] to do something that will be remembered or that makes one famous or successful It is my goal to make a mark on the world before I pass away. the silver screen /thuh SIL-ver skreen/ [idiom] the film industry She has completely changed ever since she got a taste of being on the silver screen….
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Bob Marley film is currently in the making

bob marley

Pre-reading questions: Do you like listening to reggae? Why or why not? Who is your favorite musician? Please tell me something about him/her. Vocabulary: late /leyt/ [adjective] dead I got so scared when I thought I saw my late grandfather’s face in the mirror. popularize /POP-yuh-luh-rahyz/ [verb] to make something popular She popularized the old song again when she sang it in the concert. split /split/ [verb] to stop being a group The famous pop group split when their singer died in a car accident. hit /hit/ [noun] a thing or person that is very popular or successful The cookies I baked were a hit in last night’s party. solo…
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Bob Marley film is currently in the making

bob marley

Pre-reading questions: What kind of music do you listen to? Do you know Bob Marley? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: develop /dih-VEL-uhp/ [verb] to make something new The scientist developed a new product icon /AHY-kon/ [noun] a person that is famous for something David Bowie is my favorite pop icon. reggae /REG-ey/ [noun] a type of popular music from Jamaica Listening to reggae makes me feel happy. known /nohn/ [adjective] popular My mother was a known actress. pass away /pahs uh-WEY/ [phrasal verb] to die I am sad to hear that he passed away. Ziggy Marley is making a new movie about his father, Bob Marley. Ziggy is working with…
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Google software can now identify ramen by shop

Google software can now identify ramen by shop

Vocabulary: image recognition /IM-ij rek-uhg-NISH-uhn/ [noun] the ability of a machine’s software to identify objects, places, people, writing and actions in images Facebook’s image recognition automatically tags photos to users. artificial intelligence /ahr-tuh-FISH-uhl in-TEL-i-juhns/ [noun] the intelligence demonstrated by machines as opposed to natural intelligence Modern technology is constantly improving machines’ artificial intelligence. indiscernible /in-di-SUR-nuh-buhl/ [adjective] cannot be seen clearly or easily There are indiscernible differences between the twins’ facial features. naked eye /NEY-kid ahy/ [noun] unassisted vision, without a telescope, microscope, or other device The bacteria are too small to be seen by the naked eye. plating /PLEY-ting/ [noun] the arrangement and overall styling of food upon bringing it…
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