Odd? It’s normal, at least for Sayaka Murata

Photo by © Kentaro Takahashi via Kentaro Takahashi Vocabulary: oddball /OD-bawl/ [adjective] peculiar or strange Even Jim’s siblings don’t like him because they thought that he’s a bit of an oddball. atypical /ey-TIP-i-kuhl/ [adjective] not typical; different from most others of its type The play is very atypical compared to last year; that’s why many people find it interesting. puzzled /PUHZ-uhld/ [adjective] confused; having difficulty to understand The professor finds it challenging when the students are puzzled about the lesson. appealing /uh-PEEL-ing/ [adjective] interesting or attractive The mole on her nose is appealing to most guys in the campus. depict /dih-PIKT/ [verb] to represent or show something in a picture,…
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