
Dubai grows “future-proof” food to increase diversity


©CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. scarce /skairs/ [adjective] – not easy to find or get Medical supplies have been growing scarce for the past six months. saline /SEY-leen/ [adjective] – containing or consisting of salt Normal saline should be used to restore any fluid losses. biofuel /BAHY-oh-fyoo-uhl/ [noun] – a fuel that is made from living things or their waste and is less harmful to the environment than other types of fuel The most promising technologies include biofuels and wind energy. consulting /kuhn-SUHL-ting/ [noun] – the activity or business of giving expert advice about a particular subject The city government…
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Should we be concerned about the Earth’s rotational speed?


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. duration /doo-REY-shuhn/ [noun] – the length of time that something lasts He wanted a stay of three years’ duration. distribution /dis-truh-BYOO-shuhn/ [noun] – the way in which something is shared out among a group or spread over an area These birds have a wide geographic distribution. spin /spin/ [verb] – to (cause to) turn around and around, especially fast The wheel can now spin freely. speculate /SPEK-yuh-leyt/ [verb] – to guess possible answers to a question when you do not have enough information to be certain It’s always hard to speculate about the future. accumulation /uh-kyoo-myuh-LEY-shuhn/…
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Paris sets 30 kph speed limit to boost road safety and reduce pollution


©Francois Mori / AP via CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. official /uh-FISH-uhl/ [noun] – relating to a position of responsibility We welcomed an official from Sri Lanka at the airport. numerous /NOO-mer-uhs/ [adjective] – many There were numerous reports of missing jewelry in the store. critic /KRIT-ik/ [noun] – someone who says that they do not approve of someone or something The critics had a lot to say about the government. opposition /op-uh-ZISH-uhn/ [noun] – strong disagreement The newly elected president faced opposition from many business leaders. deputy /DEP-yuh-tee/ [noun] – the person whose rank is immediately below that of…
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Climate change: Israel to reduce emissions by 85% by the middle of the century


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. emission /ih-MISH-uhn/ [noun] – the act of sending out gas, heat, light, etc The emission of gases such as carbon dioxide should be lessened at their present level. transition /tran-ZISH-uhn/ [noun] – a change from one form or type to another, or the process by which this happens The transition from school to work can be difficult. transportation /trans-per-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] – a vehicle or system of vehicles, such as buses, trains, etc. for getting from one place to another We need to find some other means of transportation. renewable /ri-noo-wuh-buhl/ [adjective] – Renewable forms of energy…
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Putrajaya: Malaysia’s “other” capital


©Ronan O’Connell via BBC Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. traverse /truh-VURS/ [verb] – to move or travel through an area They found it difficult to traverse the areas by the hanging bridge. avant-garde /uh-vahnt-GAHRD/ [noun] – avant-garde ideas, styles, and methods are very original or modern in comparison to the period in which they happen Tristan’s art is an avant-garde work that caught the attention of many. regalia /ri-GEYL-yuh/ [noun] – official and traditional special clothes and decorations, especially those worn or carried in formal ceremonies You can see the Russian Imperial regalia in that museum. saving grace /SEY-ving greys/ [noun,…
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Hurricane Ida news: Louisiana residents suffer from power outage


©The Indian Express Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. pummel /PUHM-uhl/ [verb] – to hit someone or something repeatedly The hurricane winds pummeled the shoreline. mobilize /MOH-buh-lahyz/ [verb] – to organize or prepare something, such as a group of people, for a purpose Military troops were mobilized for the search and rescue operation. surmise /ser-MAHYZ/ [verb] – to guess something, without having much or any proof They could only surmise the positive outcome of the seminar. levee /LEV-ee/ [noun] – a wall made of soil or other materials that is built next to a river to stop the river from overflowing Levee…
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Climate change: Wales plans to construct 20,000 low-carbon social housing units


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. housing /HOU-zing/ [noun] – buildings for people to live in Poor housing and unemployment are the main problems. greenhouse gas /GREEN-hous gas/ [noun] – a gas that causes the greenhouse effect, especially carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas. emission /ih-MISH-uhn/ [noun] – the act of sending out gas, heat, light, etc. Laws controlling the emission of greenhouse gases are not nearly tight enough. council house /KOUN-suhl hous/ [noun] – a house that is owned by the local council and rented to people at a low rent He went back to his parents’ council…
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A judge gives a 7 day sentence to a woman for walking on thermal features in Yellowstone National Park


©CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. prosecutor /PROS-i-kyoo-ter/ [noun] – a legal official who accuses someone of committing a crime, especially in a law court He was a famous public prosecutor during the 1980s. fragile /FRAJ-uhl/ [adjective] – easily damaged or broken The doors of the old house are fragile. harsh /hahrsh/ [adjective] – unpleasant, unkind, cruel, or more severe than is necessary The employee received harsh treatment from his supervisor. urge /urj/ [verb] – to strongly advise or try to persuade someone to do a particular thing Some health advocates are urging citizens to give up dairy. allegedly /uh-LEJ-id-lee/ [adverb]…
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What to expect from a pizza vending machine in Rome


©Andrew Medichini / AP via CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. quaint /kweynt/ [adjective] – attractive because of being unusual and especially old-fashioned We found a quaint cafe in the center of the city. crave /kreyv/ [verb] – to have a very strong feeling of wanting something I always crave sweets late at night. influential /in-floo-EN-shuhl/ [adjective] – having a lot of influence on someone or something Hikaru Utada is one of Japan’s most influential artists. spin /spin/ [verb] – to (cause to) turn around and around, especially fast The new washing machine spins perfectly. match /mach/ [verb] – to be…
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How airlines will prevent you from losing your bags in the future


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. attest /uh-TEST/ [verb] – to show something or to say or prove that something is true I can attest to the absolute truth of his story. rectify /REK-tuh-fahy/ [verb] – to correct something or make something right You should rectify your error before it is too late. function /FUHNGK-shuhn/ [verb] – to work or operate The machine doesn’t function. handler /HAND-ler/ [noun] – someone who carries or moves things as part of their job A baggage handler is a person who loads and unloads baggage. pandemic /pan-DEM-ik/ [noun] – a disease that exists in almost all…
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