
Ocado seeks to remove the human element from grocery shopping


©CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. warehouse /WAIR-hous/ [noun] – a large building for storing things before they are sold, used, or sent out to stores The building is currently being used as a warehouse by the company. scuttle /SKUHT-l/ [verb] – to move quickly, with small, short steps The children scuttle across the street. artificial intelligence /ahr-tuh-FISH-uhl in-TEL-i-juhns/ [noun] – the study of how to produce machines that have some of the qualities that the human mind has, such as the ability to understand language, recognize pictures, solve problems, and learn He is a computer scientist, he studies artificial intelligence….
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The capital of Turkmenistan is the world’s most expensive city for expats

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. asset /AS-ET/ [noun] – something valuable belonging to a person or organization that can be used for the payment of debts He is in charge of managing the company’s assets. initiative /ih-NISH-uh-tiv/ [noun] – a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem The company will undertake a new initiative to help employees. prosperity /pro-SPER-i-tee/ [noun] – the state of being successful and having a lot of money Everyone wishes for happiness and prosperity. vow /vou/ [verb] – to make a determined decision or promise to do something He vowed to win the…
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Spielberg’s production teams up with Netflix for multiple films a year

Spielberg’s production teams up with Netflix for multiple films a year

©Chris Burns via Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. collaboration /kuh-lab-uh-REY-shuhn/ [noun] – the situation of two or more people working together to create or achieve the same thing The collaboration between fast-food chain McDonald’s and Korean Pop group BTS has been a success. parameters /puh-RAM-i-ter/ [noun] – a set of facts or a fixed limit that establishes or limits how something can or must happen or be done He’s hesitant to accept the offer because of the job’s rigid parameters. innovation /in-uh-VEY-shuhn/ [noun] – (the use of) a new idea or method The electric company’s innovation has helped to decrease…
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US devotes $3.2 billion for COVID-19 treatments, other viruses

US devotes $3.2B for COVID-19 treatments, other viruses

©Jim Lo Scalzo via AP Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. allocate /AL-uh-keyt/ [verb] – to give a particular amount of time, money, etc. to someone or something, so that it can be used in a particular way The government is allocating $10 million for education. antiviral /an-tahy-VAHY-ruhl/ [adjective] – an antiviral drug or treatment is used to cure an infection or disease caused by a virus Antiviral vaccines have been rolled out to combat the virus. accelerate /ak-SEl-uh-reyt/ [verb] – to happen or make something happen sooner or faster The farmers use specialized fertilizers to accelerate the growth of the crops….
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COVID-19 vaccination financial support in Japan to be extended

vaccine (2)

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. prolong /pruh-LONG/ [verb] – to make something last a longer time Avoid using your device while charging to prolong its battery life. infirmary /in-FUR-muh-ree/ [noun] – an office especially in a school where someone can receive medical care I suggest you go to the infirmary immediately if you’re not feeling well. ward /wawrd/ [noun] – one of the areas into which a city or town is divided, having its own elected political representative or its own organizations for managing services XYZ company’s headquarters is located in Toshima Ward in Tokyo. workforce /WURK-fawrs/ [noun] – the group…
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Being a morning lark protects you from depression, study says


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. journal /JUR-nl/ [noun] – a serious magazine or newspaper that is published regularly about a particular subject The journal comes out five times a year. night owl /nahyt oul / [noun] – a person who prefers to be awake and active at night I’m not a night owl. I go to sleep at 11 p.m. preventive /pri-VEN-tiv/ [adjective] – intended to stop something before it happens While traveling abroad, take preventive measures to avoid getting sick. misalignment /mis-uh-LAHYN-muhnt/ [noun] – an arrangement in which the parts of a machine or structure do not fit together correctly,…
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How to fight cave syndrome

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. feat /feet/ [noun] – something difficult needing a lot of skill, strength, courage, etc. to achieve it The Olympic diver accomplished a huge feat. restriction /ri-STRIK-shuhn/ [noun] – something that limits someone’s actions or movement The village will put a restriction on water use to prevent shortages. jeopardize /JEP-er-dahyz/ [verb] – to put something such as a plan or system in danger of being harmed or damaged Please think twice as this decision could jeopardize your future. root /root/ [noun] – the cause or origin of something bad We need to get to the root of…
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Hiding ‘Like’ counts on your Facebook and Instagram posts is now within reach

Hiding 'Like' counts on your Facebook and Instagram posts is now within reach

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. platform /PLAT-fawrm/ [noun] – the type of computer system or smartphone you are using, in relation to the type of software (= computer programs) you can use on it Twitter is a more appropriate platform to vent our thoughts. user experience /YOO-zer-ik-SPEER-ee-uhns/ [noun] – the experience of someone using a product, system, or service, for example whether they find it enjoyable and easy to use The main goal of the smartphone brand is to maximize user experience. predicament /pri-DIK-uh-muhnt/ [noun] – an unpleasant situation that is difficult to get out of Most of the youth today…
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Global online shutdowns hit major businesses


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. outage /OU-tij/ [noun] – a period when a service, such as electricity, is not available Power outages affected nearly 100 houses in the aftermath of the typhoon. large-scale /LAHRJ-SKEYL/ [adjective] – involving many people or things, or happening over a large area A large-scale organizational reform is being planned. stock exchange /stok iks-CHEYNJ/ [noun] – a place where shares in companies are bought and sold, or the organization of people whose job is to do this buying or selling Haru makes a living by trading on the international stock exchange. stability /stuh-BIL-i-tee/ [noun] – a situation…
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Can “wellness days” help de-stress workers?


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. pop-up /POP-uhp/ [adjective] – something that appears or occurs suddenly Pop-up ads on videos can be bothersome but they help companies promote their work. churn /churn/ [verb] – to move violently Workers tend to churn about when agitated or stressed. reception /ri-SEP-shuhn/ [noun] – the way in which people react to something or someone Natsume’s second book received positive receptions from the public. impromptu /im-PROMP-too/ [adjective] – done or said without earlier planning or preparation The audience complimented Mila’s impromptu speech. have (one’s) best interest at heart /hav (wuhns) best IN-ter-ist at hahrt/ [idiom] – to…
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