
Common routines you’re mistakenly disinfecting your groceries


Vocabulary: precaution /pri-KAW-shuhn/ [noun] — an action that is done to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous happening One of the precautions we must take against coronavirus is to clean our hands more often. sanitize /SAN-i-tahyz/ [verb] — to make something completely clean and free from bacteria The most reliable way to sanitize your hands is to wash them with soap and rinse well. contamination /kuh n-tam-uh-NEY-shuhn/ [noun] — the process of making something dirty or poisonous, or the state of containing unwanted or dangerous substances The blood donor must be free from contamination or disease which carries bacteria. toss /taws/ [verb] — to throw something carelessly Mina has a habit of…
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Benefits of taking notes the old-fashioned way: Pen and paper


Vocabulary: keyboarding /KEE-bawrd-ing/ [noun] – the act of typing using a keyboard We need to take typing tests to further improve our keyboarding skills. tactile /TAK-til/ [adjective] – tangible, of or connected to the sense of touch Tactile feedback is a must in order to properly check the quality of the products. verbatim /ver-BEY-tim/ [adjective] – using exactly the same words as were originally used Try to take down verbatim notes during the meeting as much as possible. documentation /dok-yuh-men-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] – official or legal documents that are needed in order to prove something It seems that the documentations Lilian provided were not enough to support her claim. reap /reep/…
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No vaccines to be distributed unless proven safe and effective, UN says


Vocabulary: experimental /ik-sper-uh-MEN-tl/ [adjective] – relating to tests, especially scientific ones The medicine is still in its experimental stage, so we cannot distribute them yet. streamline /STREEM-lahyn/ [verb] – to change something so that it works better, esp. by making it simpler The car manufacturer is currently looking for ways to streamline its production. regulatory /REG-yuh-luh-TO-ree/ [adjective] – of or relating to a person or organization whose job is to control an activity or process or to the regulations themselves The medicines regulatory agency is instructed to hold off the issuing of cough drops. shot /shot/ [noun] – an injection The employees are scheduled to take a flu shot this…
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Experts discover the cleanest air on Earth


Vocabulary: boundary /BOUN-duh-ree/ [noun] — a real or imagined line that marks the edge or limit of something Mount Everest marks the boundary between China and Nepal. scrutinize /SKROOT-n-ahyz/ [verb] — to examine something very carefully in order to discover information They scrutinized all canned goods to see if they are poisonous as written in the report. isolated /AHY-suh-ley-tid/ [adjective] — not near to other places The farm is isolated; the nearest house is 25 kilometers away. composition /kom-puh-ZISH-uh n/ [noun] — the parts, substances, etc. that something is made of The chemical composition of water is two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. distinctness /dih-STINGKT-nes/ [noun] — the quality of…
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Postcards to save Beirut’s fragile beauties


© Joseph Khoury Vocabulary: skirt /skurt/ [verb] – to go around the edge of something No worries, we won’t go in. We’re just going to skirt the abandoned school. aftermath /AF-ter-math/ [noun] – the period that follows an unpleasant event or accident, and the effect that it causes The aftermath of the earthquake left about 50 structures destroyed and 30 families homeless. showcase /SHOH-keys/ [verb] – to show the best qualities of something The film showcased the good side of white lies depending on the situation. safeguard /SEYF-gahrd/ [verb] – to protect someone or something so that they are not harmed, damaged, or lost Our top priority is to safeguard…
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Rare breed of singing dogs, found again in the wild after 50 years


© New Guinea Highland Wild dog foundation via: CNN Vocabulary: exploration /ek-spluh-REY-shuhn/ [noun] ⁠— the activity of searching and finding out about something A new space exploration was launched last month by Space X. specimen /SPES-uh-muhn/ [noun] ⁠— something shown or examined as an example; a typical example The blood specimen were carefully collected and transfered to another laboratory. predecessor /PRED-uh-ses-er/ [noun] ⁠— someone who had a job or a position before someone else, or something that comes before another thing in time or in a series His predecessor worked in the company for almost ten years. reproduce /pronunciation/ [verb] ⁠— When living things reproduce, they produce young plants, animals,…
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How can workers travel back to work after lockdown?


Vocabulary: impose /im-POHZ/ [verb]⁠ — to establish something as a rule to be obeyed Social distancing is imposed in all affected countries around the world in an effort to reduce the chance of infection. electrification /ih-LEK-tri-fi-KEY-shuhn/ [noun] ⁠— the process of making a machine or system operate using electricity when it did not before One of the local government’s projects is the electrification of railways. platform /PLAT-fawrm/ [noun] ⁠— a particular computer technology that can be used with some types of software programs but not with others The initial launching of the banking platform will be suspended until further notice. fret /fret/ [verb] ⁠— to be nervous or worried It’s…
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Energy-storing bricks: A new renewable energy potential


© The D’Arcy Laboratory in Washington via CNN Vocabulary: embed /em-BED/ [verb] — to fix something firmly into a substance The arrow embedded itself in the tree trunk. advance /ad-VANS/ [verb] — move forward The troop of soldiers advanced to the military camp later that afternoon. porous /PAWR-uhs/ [adjective] — something that is porous has many small holes, so liquid or air can pass through, especially slowly Some rocks are porous; some are not. component /kuhm-POH-nuhnt/ [noun] — a part that combines with other parts to form something bigger Water is a mixture of the chemical components hydrogen and oxygen atoms. commercially /kuh-MUR-shuhl-lee/ [adverb] — in a way that relates…
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Underwater Italian village to possibly resurface after 27 years


© Romano Cagnoni/Hulton Archive/Getty Images via CNN Vocabulary: submerge /suhb-MURJ/ [verb] — to go below the surface of an area of water The diver is able to submerge underwater as deep as 243 meters. relocate /ree-LOH-keyt/ [verb] — to move to a different place The people are ordered to relocate to the next town due to the damages caused by the earthquake. drain /dreyn/ [verb] — if you drain something, you remove the liquid from it, usually by pouring it away or allowing it to flow away Drain the remaining contaminated water before replacing it. reservoir /REZ-er-vwhar/ [noun] — a place for storing liquid, especially a natural or artificial lake…
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BTS smashes YouTube records with their newest video, Dynamite


© BigHit Entertainment Vocabulary: smash /smash/ [verb] – to do much better than the best or fastest result recorded previously Dan’s channel smashed the record for the most viewed video on YouTube. amass /uh-MAS/ [verb] – to get a large amount of something, especially money or information, by collecting it over a long period Mr. Fitzgerald amassed enormous wealth from his best-selling novels. concurrent /kuhn-KUR-uhnt/ [adjective] – happening or existing at the same time The site can handle thousands of concurrent users. homage /HOM-ij/ [noun] – deep respect and often praise shown for a person or god The exhibit pays homage to the icons of the 1960’s. septet /sep-TET/ [noun]…
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