
A guide to Peranakan cuisine


©Sharon Wee and Marshall via CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. marry /MAR-ee/ [verb] – to combine two different qualities This painting marries romance and nature. coin /koin/ [verb] – to invent a new word or expression, or to use one in a particular way for the first time Some sources claim that the term “Philosophy” was coined by Greek thinker Pythagoras. ferment /FER-ment/ [verb] – If food or drink ferments or if you ferment it, it goes through a chemical change because of the action of yeast or bacteria, which may cause it to produce bubbles or heat, or turn…
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Possible extinct giants depicted in rock paintings

rock painting

© CNN News Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. frieze /freez/ [noun] – a narrow piece of decoration along a wall, either inside a room or on the outside of a building just under the roof The castle’s frieze is decorated with gold. diversity /dih-VUR-si-tee/ [noun] – the fact of many different types of things or people being included in something; a range of different things or people Nature’s diversity is the theme of this painting. millennium /mi-LEN-ee-uhm/ [noun] – a period of 1,000 years, or the time when a period of 1,000 years ends There will be a banquet to celebrate…
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The splendor of the oldest place on Earth


© Dan Avila via BBC Travel Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. crust /kruhst/ [noun] – the outer layer of the earth Earthquakes damage the earth’s crust. fizz /fiz/ [verb] – if a liquid fizzes, it produces a lot of bubbles and makes a continuous s sound I can’t drink the lemonade yet. It’s still fizzing. arid /AR-id/ [adjective] – (of land or weather) having little rain; very dry The desert has become too arid that nothing can grow there anymore. gorge /gawrj/ [noun] – a deep, narrow valley with steep sides, usually formed by a river or stream cutting through hard…
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Hedgehog population in the UK countryside declines, studies show


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. mammal /MAM-uhl/ [noun] – any animal of which the female feeds her young on milk from her own body; most mammals give birth to live young, not eggs Mammals include humans, dogs, elephants, and dolphins, but not birds, fish, or crocodiles. preservation /prez-er-VEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the act of keeping something the same or of preventing it from being damaged Some of the chemicals used in food preservation are causing widespread concern. executive /ig-ZEK-yuh-tiv/ [adjective] – someone in a high position, especially in business, who makes decisions and puts them into action She has worked her way…
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HMS Endurance found after 107 years following its sinking


© Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust and National Geographic via CNN News Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. maritime /MAR-i-tahym/ [adjective] – connected with ships or the sea, or being near the sea The new maritime museum will open next month. the seabed /thuh SEE-bed/ [noun] – the solid surface of the earth that lies under the ocean Scientists say that the ship had been in the seabed for more than 50 years. hybrid /HAHY-brid/ [adjective] – used to describe a vehicle with an engine that uses both petrol and another type of energy, usually electricity The government will allow hybrid vehicles to…
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The strange reason why migrating birds are attracted to cities


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. lethal /LEE-thuhl/ [adjective] – able to cause or causing death; extremely dangerous The combination of exhaustion and excessive drinking is lethal. maximize /MAK-suh-mahyz/ [verb] – to make something as great in amount, size, or importance as possible In order to maximize revenues, some airlines have terminated less popular routes. recharge /ree-CHAHRJ/ [verb] – to rest so that you can get your energy back Every year, I get four weeks off to recharge my batteries. alarming /uh-LAHR-ming/ [adjective] – causing worry or fear The infection has spread at an alarming pace. regenerate /ri-JEN-uh-reyt/ [verb] – to grow…
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Paris is set to build a $145M cable car line


©Île-de-France Mobilités via CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. rendering /REN-der-ing/ [noun] – the way that something is performed, written, drawn, etc The design team is busy working on some renderings for the new project. in-depth /IN-DEPTH/ [adjective] – done carefully and in great detail My professor advised me to make my report more in-depth. anticipate /an-TIS-uh-peyt/ [verb] – to imagine or expect that something will happen She did not anticipate the success of her clothing business. undertaking /uhn-der-TEY-king/ [noun] – a job, business, or piece of work Everyone congratulated Pierre for his new undertaking. peak /peek/ [adjective] – Peak times…
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Why do so many individuals believe in the “soulmate myth”?


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. persist /per-SIST/ [verb] – to try to do or continue doing something in a determined but often unreasonable way The administration is persisting with its massive public works program. quest /kwest / [noun] – a long search for something that is difficult to find, or an attempt to achieve something difficult Nothing will be able to stop them in their quest for truth. soulmate /SOHLmeyt / [noun] – someone, usually your romantic, who you have a special relationship with, and who you know and love very much She met Adam later that year and recognized right…
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Scientist discovers rainbow-colored fish in the Maldives


©Yi-Kai Tea via CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. widespread /WAHYD-SPRED/ [adjective] – existing or happening in many places and/or among many people The widespread flooding lasted for a week. restricted /ri-STRIK-tid/ [adjective] – limited in amount or range Food supplies were restricted in the community. distribution /dis-truh-BYOO-shuhn/ [noun] – the process of giving things out to several people, or spreading or supplying something There has been a delay in the distribution of products. exemplify /ig-ZEM-pluh-fahy/ [verb] – to be or give a typical example of something The athletes exemplified courage and perseverance during the game. compelling /kuhm-PEL-ing/ [adjective] – If…
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Three ways to respond on White Day

white chocolate on a white wood background. the toning. selective focus

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. confectionery /kuhn-FEK-shuh-ner-ee/ [noun] – sweets or chocolate I dreamed of owning a confectionery shop when I was a child. coin /koin/ [verb] – to invent a new word or expression, or to use one in a particular way for the first time American scientist John Wheeler coined the term “black hole”. customary /KUHS-tuh-mer-ee/ [adjective] – traditional It’s not customary to tip waiters in Japan. reciprocate /ri-SIP-ruh-keyt/ [verb] – to share the same feelings as someone else, or to behave in the same way as someone else My mother taught me to always reciprocate someone’s kindness to…
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