Tag Archive: Culture & Travel – Expert

The mysterious glowing orb of Route 66

spook light

© Ed Craig Collection at Dobson Museum and Home Archive via BBC News Pre-reading questions I will read each question. Then, please answer them. Have you experienced or seen something you could not explain? Please tell me more about it. What is the scariest place for you and why? Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. supernatural /soo-per-NACH-er-uhl/ [noun] – caused by forces that cannot be explained by science She was thought to have supernatural abilities by the villagers. bizarre /bih-ZAHR/ [adjective] – very strange and unusual The children saw a bizarre animal in the lake. origin /AWR-i-jin/ [noun] – the thing from…
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Sports Day 2022

Students running in a field. Sports day in Japan.

Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. periodically /peer-ee-OD-ik-lee/ [adverb] – in a way that is repeated after a particular period of time Teachers periodically meet to talk about progress. fanfare /FAN-fair/ [noun] – great attention to and interest in something The product was introduced with much fanfare all across the world. scavenger hunt /SKAV-in-jer huhnt/ [noun] – a game in which people must collect a number of items in a given period of time without buying them Some examples of group activities include building a mini golf course and going on a scavenger hunt. Frisbee /FRIZ-bee/ [noun] – a concave plastic disk…
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The Door to Hell

door to hell

© BBC Travel Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. desolate /DES-uh-lit/ [adjective] – a desolate place is empty and not attractive, with no people or nothing pleasant in it The house was situated in a desolate environment. catch sight of (someone/something) /kach sahyt uhv/ [idiom/phrase] – to see something only for a moment You can catch sight of the entire city from where you are standing at the top of the hill. distortion /dih-STAWR-shuhn/ [noun] – a change to the original or natural shape of something The photographic image can be severely distorted by an improper chemical balance. expel /ik-SPEL/ [verb] –…
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Tartessos: Was it a city, kingdom, or river?


© Andrew Lofthouse via BBC News Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. shroud /shroud/ [verb] – to hide something by covering or surrounding it By eight o’clock, the mist that had been shrouding the valley was gone. millennium /mi-LEN-ee-uhm/ [noun] – a period of 1,000 years, or the time when a period of 1,000 years ends The Earth’s position as the center of the universe has been widely acknowledged for millennia. confluence /KON-floo-uhns/ [noun] – a situation in which two things join or come together A confluence of circumstances is bringing nuclear policy to public attention. thriving /THRAHY-ving/ [adjective] – growing, developing,…
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Respect for the Elderly Day

Portrait of old grandma and adult granddaughter hugging with love on sofa while looking at camera. Happy young woman with eyeglasses hugging from behind older grandma with spectacles. Senior woman spending time with her beautiful daughter, generation family concept.

Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. filial piety /FIL-ee-uhl PAHY-i-tee/ [noun] – the idea that parents, grandparents, and older people should be treated with honor and respect They place a great deal of faith in following their rules and exhibiting filial piety. guideline /GAHYD-lahyn/ [noun] – information intended to advise people on how something should be done or what something should be Everyone must abide by the guidelines that the organization has adopted. constitute /KON-sti-toot/ [verb] – to be or be considered as something Lack of experience does not necessarily constitute a significant hindrance to advancement. attain /uh-TEYN/ [verb] – to reach…
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The quest for autumn leaves

Autumn trees lining driveway

Pre-reading questions I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 What is your favorite season? What do you like doing during the autumn season? Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 amaze /uh-MEYZ/ [verb] – to cause someone to be extremely surprised It amazes me how you finished your homework in an hour! farther /FAHR-ther/ [adverb] – to a greater distance I can’t walk farther. I’m already tired. weather /WETH-er/ [noun] – the conditions in the air above the earth such as wind, rain, or temperature, especially at a particular time over a particular area We’re hoping for good weather…
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The quest for autumn leaves

Autumn trees lining driveway

Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. fiery /FAHY-uh-ree/ [adjective] – bright red, like fire My family and I enjoyed the fiery sunset by the beach. gloomy /GLOO-mee/ [adjective] – dark in a way that is unpleasant and makes it difficult to see The gloomy weather isn’t getting any better. cherish /CHER-ish/ [verb] – to keep hopes, memories, or ideas in your mind because they are important to you and bring you pleasure We cherish all of our precious grandmother’s memories. ritual /RICH-oo-uhl/ [noun] – a way of doing something in which the same actions are done in the same way every time…
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Where is Santa Claus?

Santa Claus brought gifts for Christmas and having a rest by the fireplace. Christmas and New Year concept. Home decoration.

Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. patron /PEY-truhn/ [noun] – a person or group that supports an activity or organization, especially by giving money The princess is a renowned patron of charities. smuggle /SMUHG-uhl/ [verb] – to take things or people to or from a place secretly and often illegally He managed to smuggle a gun from prison. adamant /AD-uh-muhnt/ [adjective] – impossible to persuade, or unwilling to change an opinion or decision We advised her not to come, but she was adamant about attending the meeting. protracted /proh-TRAK-tid/ [adjective] – lasting for a long time or made to last longer than…
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The best and worst party in history


© Wikimedia Commons via historyofyesterday.com Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. elegance /EL-i-guhns/ [noun] – the quality of being graceful and attractive in appearance or behavior He is recognized for the elegance in his writing. Shah /shah/ [noun] – the title of a ruler of Iran in the past The Shah would now be much more concerned with the military than social issues. go down in history /goh doun in HIS-tuh-ree/ [idiom] – to be remembered or recorded in history Her wisdom will surely go down in history. historian /hi-STAWR-ee-uhn/ [noun] – someone who writes about or studies history A local historian…
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The great fall foliage in Japan

colorful trees and rural road in deep autumn forest, natural background

Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. foliage /FOH-lee-ij/ [noun] – the leaves of a plant or tree The dense foliage entirely covered the path. take in something /TEYK in/ [phrasal verb] – to go to see something of interest We traveled the entire island by car, taking in all the sites. batter /BAT-er/ [noun] – a mixture of flour, eggs, and milk, used to make pancakes or to cover food before frying it Dip the fish in the batter before dropping it into the hot oil. flank /flangk/ [verb] – to be at the side of someone or something Agents from the…
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