Tag Archive: entertainment – expert

Arata Isozaki wins 2019 Pritzker Prize

Arata Isozaki

Photo by © Getty Images via CNN Style Vocabulary: masterpiece /MAS-ter-pees/ [noun] something made or done with great skill Her work is a masterpiece of simplicity. jury /JOOR-ee/ [noun] a group of people chosen to decide the winner of a competition The jury has come to an agreement that the third contestant is the true victor. comprehensive /kom-pri-HEN-siv/ [adjective] complete and including everything that is necessary The professor posted a comprehensive list of sources approved for our use. evolve /ih-VOLV/ [verb] to develop gradually Each school must evolve its own way of teaching students. accolade /AK-uh-leyd/ [noun] praise and approval Lady Gaga receives a Grammy award, one of the highest…
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Let it Be: The new Beatles documentary


Vocabulary: acclaimed /uh-KLEYMD/ [adjective] enthusiastically praised The book was written by the acclaimed author J. R. R. Tolkien. chronicle /KRON-i-kuhl/ [noun] a record of events in the order in which they happened I think the movie is the most persuasive chronicle of his life as an emperor. assure /uh-SHUR/ [verb] to cause something to be certain The last phone call from the client assured the company’s financial profit. revision /ri-VIZH-uhn/ [noun] a change that is made to something After checking, the student’s business proposal needed a lot of revision. long-awaited /long-uh-WEYT-ted/ [adjective] having been expected for a long time Yesterday, the health department successfully submitted its long-awaited report to the…
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Hyogo holds exhibition in honor of Osamu Tezuka

Hyogo holds enhibitionin honor of Osamu Tezuka

Vocabulary: moniker /MON-i-ker/ [noun] a name or nickname Hillbilly is a moniker for someone who lives in a rural area famed /feymd/ [adjective] famous or known by many people Serge is famed for his superior knowledge in computers and the Internet. diversity /dih-VUR-si-tee/ [noun] different types of things or group of people included in something Our oceans are home to a rich diversity of marine species. pursuit /per-SOOT/ [noun] the act of chasing something or someone to capture the person or thing The police officers are currently in pursuit of a serial killer. confrontation /kon-fruhn-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] a fight or argument Lauren noticed that Alice is not outstanding at confrontation. A…
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Sakura Ando stars in NHK morning drama

Sakura Ando stars in NHK morning drama (2)

Vocabulary: eventual /ih-VEN-choo-uh/ [adjective] happening at a later time His hard work led to his eventual success. eccentric /ik-SEN-trik/ [adjective] tending to act in strange or unusual ways Their neighbor is kind yet eccentric. failure /FEYL-yer/ [noun] lack of success Trying to bake a chocolate cake was a failure. hardship /HAHRD-ship/ [noun] something that causes suffering Families faced hardships during the war. encouragement /en-KUR-ij-muhnt/ [noun] something that makes someone more confident Her coach’s encouragement helped her win the match. Sakura Ando stars in NHK’s (Nippon Hoso Kyokai, Japan Broadcasting Corporation in English) 99th morning drama, “Manpuku”. In this drama, Ando plays as Fukuko, the wife of the eventual inventor of…
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Berkhamsted Revisited: surprisingly popular among men

Podcast Berkhamsted Revisited

Vocabulary: cringe-worthy /krinj-WUR-thee/ [adjective] making you feel very embarrassed The movie that we watched last night was good but the supporting actor’s lines were cringe-worthy. unanticipated/ /uhn-an-TIS-uh-peyt-id/ [adjective] not having been expected to happen The charity event has been showered with unanticipated support from the politicians. feed /feed/ [noun] a web page, screen, etc. that updates My Facebook feed is full of posts about the Royal Wedding. flood with /fluhd with/ [phrasal verb] to receive many letters, messages etc. The popular boy in my school is flooded with love letters on Valentine’s day. reminisce /rem-uh-nis/ [verb] to talk or write about past experiences that you remember with pleasure The two…
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Ant-Man and the Wasp on becoming the box-office movie of the year

Ant-Man and the Wasp on becoming the box-office movie of the year

Photo from © IMDB.com via IMDB.com Vocabulary: earnings /UR-ningz/ [noun] money that you get from working; money earned by a business The company had almost $45,000 earnings this past month. sequel /SEE-kwuhl/ [noun] a film or a book that continues the story of a previous book or film I’ll never know what happened to Twilight if I don’t read the book’s sequel. parallel /PAR-uh-lel/ [noun] similarity between two things There’s an obvious parallel between Armageddon and Deep Impact. collaboration /kuh-LAB-uh-rey-shun/ [noun] the activity of working together with another person or organization for a particular purposes The collaboration with other departments improves efficiency in the company. establish /ih-STAB-lish/ [verb] to start…
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Bob Marley film is currently in the making

bob marley

Vocabulary: biopic /BAHY-oh-pik/ [noun] a film about the life of a real person I find watching biopics of influencial people inspiring. bring (something) into the mainstream /bring IN-too thuh MEYN-streem/ [phrasal verb] to make something popular or normal for most people The song “Creep” brought Radiohead into the mainstream. make (one’s) mark /meyk mark/ [idiom] to do something that will be remembered or that makes one famous or successful It is my goal to make a mark on the world before I pass away. the silver screen /thuh SIL-ver skreen/ [idiom] the film industry She has completely changed ever since she got a taste of being on the silver screen….
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Aya Ueto stars in suspense drama

Photo by Shuichi Aizawa via Flickr Vocabulary: channel /CHAN-l/ [verb] to express (your ideas, thoughts, feelings, energy, etc.) through a particular behavior or action Kuraishi channels his hatred for criminals into his duty as a police officer. maternal /muh-TUR-nl/ [adjective] characteristic of a mother The loud cries of the abandoned baby seemed to bring out her maternal instincts. demote /dih-MOHT/ [verb] assigned to a lower position; opposite of promote After the presentation mishap, Kaneyama was demoted two ranks from his job. serial /SEER-ee-uhl/ [adjective] effecting or producing a series of similar actions The coroner recognized the serial killer’s style by looking at the victim’s wounds. alleged /uh-LEJD/ [adjective] said or…
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Beyond Infinity: What To Expect After Avengers: Infinity War

Beyond Infinity What to Expect After Avengers Infinity War

Vocabulary: culmination /kuhl-muh-NEY-shuhn/ [noun] the final thing in a series of events A heartfelt performance by the rock band was the culmination of the music festival. saga /SAH-guh/ [noun] a long story about a lot of people or events The fans are curious as to how the saga is going to end. spoiler /SPOI-ler/ [noun] information that tells you what happens in a TV show or movie, which may ruin your enjoyment I don’t understand why people have to post spoilers online and ruin the movie for everyone else. utter defeat /UHT-er dih-FEET/ [UHT-er dih-FEET] total failure This is her first time to face utter defeat in a chess tournament….
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The Royal Family talks about mental health


Vocabulary: demise [dih-MAHYZ] (noun) death or decease Since Mary was so young, everyone was stunned by her demise. take a toll [TEYK a tol] (idiom) to cause damage Years of sunbathing took a toll on Miho’s skin. behavioral [bih-HEYV-yer-al] (adjective) relating or emphasizing behavior She’s had behavioral issues since she was a teenager. mum [MUHM] (adjective) silent; not saying a word Saki promised to keep mum about the incident. utmost [UHT-mohst] (adjective) being at the farthest point This meeting is of the utmost importance. Princess Diana, known for her poise and charisma, met her demise in a fatal car crash in Paris in 1997. The tragedy became a critical point…
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