Tag Archive: Health & Lifestyle – Intermediate

US EPA proposes new restrictions on ethylene oxide to reduce cancer risks in communities and workers


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. Do you have a Clean Air Act regulation in your city? Tell me about it. Do you think companies that use toxic gases in their operations affect the communities near them? In what ways? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. chemical /KEM-i-kuhl/ [noun] – any basic substance that is used in or produced by a reaction involving changes to atoms or molecules The chemist carefully measured out the chemicals and added them to the mixture, hoping to achieve a reaction that would produce a new compound. standard /STAN-derd/ [noun] – a…
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Added sugar: A not-so-sweet treat to your health


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. Do you enjoy eating sweet food? Which one is your favorite? What do you think happens to the body when you eat too much sugar? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. investigation /in-ves-ti-gey-SHUHN/ [noun] – the act or process of examining a crime, problem, statement carefully An investigation took place at the crime scene. risk /risk/ [noun] – the possibility of something bad happening There’s a high risk of accidents happening in this storm. pressure /PRESH-er/ [noun] – the force produced by pressing against something The water hose broke because of…
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New study finds smartphones can detect early signs of heart disease


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. What is heart disease? What are some ways to keep your heart healthy? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. affect /uh-FEKT/ [verb] – to have an influence on someone or something, or to cause a change in someone or something Too much screen time can affect your sleep, so it’s a good idea to avoid using electronic devices before bedtime. blood pressure /bluhd PRESH-er / [noun] – a measure of the pressure at which the blood flows through the body It’s important to keep track of your blood pressure because it…
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Researchers explore objective measures of pain


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. What is pain, and how is it experienced by individuals? How does pain affect daily life and mental health? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. rate /reyt/ [verb] – to judge the value or character of someone or something As part of their homework, the students were asked to rate the quality of the new school cafeteria and provide suggestions for improvement. measure /MEZH-er/ [verb] – to discover the exact size or amount of something: In science class, the teacher asked the students to measure the length and width of the…
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The silver lining of losing a job

A young Asian man remote working at the coffee shop, sitting at the outdoor seat, sipping coffee while focusing on his work on laptop computer.

Pre-reading questions I will read each question. Then, please answer them. What did you do to get the profession you have now? What jobs are in demand in your country? Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. layoff /LEY-awf/ [noun] – a period when someone is not working because their job ended or they were forced to leave it The cost-cutting has led to massive layoffs at the company. balance /BAL-uhns/ [verb] – to give several things equal amounts of importance, time, or money so that a situation is successful She learned how to balance her work responsibilities and personal commitments to maintain…
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Businesses choose four-day workweek after trial

Young latin business woman manager accounting analyst checking bills, analyzing sales statistics management, taxes financial data documents or marketing report papers working in office using laptop.

Pre-reading questions I will read each question. Then, please answer them. How do you feel after working for five to six days? Do you feel more productive working for five to six days? Please tell me more about it. Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. pros and cons /prohs uhn kons/ [phrase] – advantages and disadvantages of something, which you consider carefully so that you can make a sensible decision We talked about the pros and cons of attending university. extensive /ik-STEN-siv/ [adjective] – covering a large area; having a great range He has extensive musical knowledge. temporarily /tem-puh-RAIR-uh-lee/ [adjective] – in…
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The different views of willpower


Pre-reading questions I will read each question. Then, please answer them. What things do you have the motivation to do? What motivates you to achieve your goals? Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. inflexible /in-FLEK-suh-buhl/ [adjective] – (especially of opinions and rules) fixed and unable or unwilling to change This strategy is too expensive and inflexible. ego /EE-goh/ [noun] – your idea or opinion of yourself, especially your feeling of your own importance and ability Sarah needed a job to boost her ego, so I’m delighted she got the job. theory /THEE-uh-ree/ [noun] – something suggested as a reasonable explanation for facts,…
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A delicious revolution

close up of view of table full of food with someone taking pasta of the table to celebrate - caucasian woman

Pre-reading questions I will read each question. Then, please answer them. How often do you eat fast food? What are some famous fast food restaurants in your country? Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. slow food /sloh food/ [noun] – good food that is prepared and cooked carefully Local ingredients and traditional cooking methods are promoted by slow food. encourage /en-KUR-ij/ [verb] – to make someone more likely to do something, or to make something more likely to happen We wish to encourage effective communication and teamwork. organic /awr-GAN-ik/ [adjective] – not using artificial chemicals in the growing of plants and animals…
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ADHD at work

Student girl finding it difficult at study and comprehend scool tasks

Pre-reading questions I will read each question. Then, please answer them. Do you have more energy in the morning or at night? Please tell me more about it. What do you do when you feel like you have no energy to do your tasks? Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. latter /LAT-er/ [adjective] – near or towards the end of something The celebration is planned for the latter part of June. punctual /PUHNGK-choo-uhl/ [adjective] – arriving, doing something, or happening at the expected, correct time; not late Always be punctual for an interview. cause /kawz/ [verb] – to make something happen, especially…
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Plant-based ingredients to create tastier meat-free products

Assorted meat products including ham and sausages.

Pre-reading questions I will read each question. Then, please answer them. What foods do you often cook? Do you think a vegetarian diet is better than one that includes meat? Why or why not? Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. key /kee/ [noun] – the most important part of achieving something or explaining a situation Being confident is the key to success. produce /pruh-DOOS/ [verb] – to make something or bring something into existence Vehicles that are safer against theft are being produced by car makers. widely /WAHYD-lee/ [adverb] – including a lot of different places, people, subjects, etc. Folk medicine widely…
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