Tag Archive: lifestyle – expert

Three healthy ways to keep an active lifestyle


Vocabulary: deteriorate /dih-TEER-ee-uh-reyt/ [verb] – to become worse Her family was in great pain after the doctor said that her condition deteriorated. curtail /ker-TEYL/ [verb] – to stop something before it is finished, or to reduce or limit something You have to curtail your alcohol intake before it’s too late. able-bodied /EY-buhl-BOD-eed/ [adjective] – used to refer to someone who is healthy and has no illness I think that all able-bodied citizens should be part of the daily activity program in the town. lessen /LES-uhn/ [verb] – to become or make something smaller in amount or degree Having enough sleep and a healthy diet can lessen the chance of getting…
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How to sanitize your filthy phones


Vocabulary: decimate /DES-uh-meyt/ [verb] to kill a large number of something He uses pesticides to decimate the insects that eat his crops. contaminated /kuhn-TAM-uh-neyt-tuhd/ [adjective] poisonous or not pure She had diarrhea because of the contaminated water she drank this morning. pathogen /PATH-uh‐jen/ [noun] any small organism that can cause disease Pathogens can stay in cardboards for 24 hours based on a study. sanitize /SAN-i-tahyz/ [verb] to make something completely clean and free from bacteria My mother sanitized the bathroom using her favorite toilet cleaner, Domex. fundamental /fuhn-duh-MEN-tl/ [adjective] more important than anything else Learning his dialect is fundamental to knowing and understanding him better. moisture /MOIS-cher/ [noun] very small…
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All you need to know about Japanese tea


Vocabulary: uniqueness /yoo-NEEK-ness/ [nounj] the quality of being unique My sister was awarded by the school because of her friendliness and uniqueness. mistaken /mi-STEY-kuhn/ [adjective] wrong in what you believe, or based on a belief that is wrong My brother and I are usually mistaken as a couple by a lot of people. hue /yoo/ [noun] (a degree of lightness, darkness, strength, etc. of) a color: The rich maroon hue was mixed with black. fragrance /FREY-gruh ns/ [noun] a sweet or pleasant smell: It always makes me smile whenever I smell the fragrance of roses. fascinating /FAS-uh-ney-ting/ [adjective] extremely interesting The advertisement was fascinating, it made me want to buy the…
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How to make an effective to-do list

to do list

Vocabulary: never-ending /nev-er-EN-ding/ [adjective] something that never ends or seems as if it will never end The discussion of literature is like a never-ending process. overwhelming /oh-ver-HWEL-ming/ [adjective] very great or very large The club president has an overwhelming feeling from the amount of work he had to finish. productivity /proh-duhk-TIV-i-tee/ [noun] the ability to do as much work as possible in a particular period The country is looking for a good way to improve agricultural productivity. squander /SKWON-der/ [verb] to waste opportunities by not using them to your advantage Students should not squander their chance to be a scholar. integrate /IN-ti-greyt/ [verb] to combine two or more things into…
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Hearing loud alarm tones can make you feel wobbly and disoriented, research says


Vocabulary: evaluate /ih-VAL-yoo-eyt/ [verb] to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something My schoolmates in college are conducting research to evaluate the percentages of smartphone users. disclose /dih-SKLOHZ/ [verb] to give information to the public that was not previously known Jonas Wright, the CEO of an IT Company refused to disclose awful rumors. rigid /RIJ-id/ [adjective] stiff or fixed; not able to be bent or moved The school principal wants to have rigid rules and regulations to avoid complexity. vigilance /VIJ-uh-luhns/ [noun] more careful attention, especially in order to notice possible danger Through the vigilance of our country, society in the future will be at peace….
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Four healthy lifestyles that could boost mental health


Vocabulary: well-being /WEL-BEE-ing/ [noun] the state of feeling healthy and happy Seeing my friends happy and satisfied with what they have achieved gives me a sense of well-being. consequential /kon-si-KWEN-shuhl/ [adjective] significant, important When she became a manager, there are a lot of consequential changes that happen in the company. curb /kurb/ [noun] a limit on something that is not wanted I have to put a curb on my spending habits to save more money. sleep-deprivation /sleep dep-ruh-VEY-shuhn/ [noun] the condition of not having enough sleep There are a lot of reasons that cause sleep-deprivation and one is depression. correlation /kawr-uh-LEY-shuhn/ [noun] a connection or relationship between two or more…
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Five ways to regain your health from flu

woman resting

Vocabulary: notably /NOH-tuh-blee/ [adverb] most importantly She is starting to attract more customers, notably upper-class customers. hinder /HIN-der/ [verb] to limit the development of something The vaccine will hinder the reproduction of the virus in her body. vaccination /vak-suh-NEY-shuhn/ [noun] the process or an act of giving someone a vaccine Flu vaccination should be given to every child of this city. pneumonia /noo-MOHN-yuh/ [noun] a serious illness in which one or both lungs become red and swollen and filled with liquid Ms. Claire should visit the doctor for her pneumonia medication. conserve /kuhn-SURV/ [verb] to keep and protect from waste, loss, or damage For the sake of our planet, let’s…
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Talking to yourself in third person can help you succeed

talking to self

Vocabulary: introspection /in-truh-SPEK-shuhn/ [noun] examination of and attention to your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings My mother always told me that too much introspection may lead to depression. acumen /uh-KYOO-muhn/ [noun] skill in making correct decisions and judgments in a particular subject Apart from his great works of art, his political acumen is very noticeable. rumination /ROO-muh-ney-shun/ [noun] the act of thinking carefully and for a long period about something Sometimes, rumination is not good for mental and physical health. rhetorical /ri-TAWR-i-kuhl/ [adjective] rhetorical speech or writing is intended to seem important or influence people When I was a student, my favorite English topic was about rhetorical devices. dispassionately /dis-PASH-uh-nit-lee/…
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Five approaches to make yourself closer to nature while living in the city


Vocabulary: splendid /SPLEN-did/ [adjective] excellent You did a splendid presentation today at the office. enrich /en-RICH/ [verb] to improve the quality of something by adding something else He always helps her enrich her skills and unleash her potential. administer /ad-MIN-uh-ster/ [verb] to manage or control the operation of something Mr. Roi was the one who administered the entrance exam at his university. exposure /ik-SPOH-zher/ [noun] the fact of experiencing something or being affected by it because of being in a particular situation or place Ms. Catherine should limit her sister’s exposure to the sun. accessible /ak-SES-uh-buhl/ [adjective] possible to approach, enter, or use The main road is accessible to all…
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Healthy living reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s

Healthy Living reduces the risk of alzheimer's22222

Vocabulary: manifestation /man-uh-fuh-STEY-shuhn/ [noun] a sign showing the existence of a particular condition The increasing number of treeless forests is a manifestation of human’s bad activities. mutation /myoo-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] the way in which genes change and produce permanent differences Her brother’s physical condition is caused by genetic mutations. disorder /dis-AWR-der/ [noun] an illness of the mind or body Unfortunately, mental disorder runs through family blood. deteriorate /dih-TEER-ee-uh-reyt/ [verb] to become worse The effects of climate change will continue to deteriorate the world if people would not do anything about it. counteract /koun-ter-AKT/ [verb] to reduce or remove the effect of something unwanted by producing an opposite effect The youth organization’s…
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