Tag Archive: world news – expert

Philippine schools reopen


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. commencement /kuh-MENS-muhnt/ [noun] – the beginning of something Some courses have an early commencement date. impose /im-POHZ/ [verb] – to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received Congress can impose strict conditions on the bank. flood with /fluhd with/ [phrasal verb] – if you are flooded with letters, phone calls, messages, etc., you receive so many that you cannot deal with them We were flooded with calls from our customers. administration /ad-min-uh-STREY-shuhn/ [noun] – a period of government, or the people who are in government Education has been given a high-priority…
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Serena Williams to step away from tennis


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. grand slam /grand-slam / [noun] – an occasion when someone wins all of a set of important sports competitions At the Australian Open in 2007, he won his 10th Grand Slam title. spiritual /SPIR-i-choo-uhl/ [adjective] – relating to deep feelings and beliefs, especially religious beliefs This is a deeply spiritual piece of music. accomplished /uh-KOM-plisht/ [adjective] – skilled She’s a very accomplished pianist. desire /dih-ZAHYUHR/ [verb] – to want something, especially strongly The place had everything you could possibly desire. convey /kuhn-VEY/ [verb] – to express a thought, feeling, or idea so that it is understood…
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International leaders to discuss the protection of the world’s oceans

Big aquarium with colourful corals and fishes

Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. overexploitation /oh-ver-ek-sploi-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the act of using too much of something, especially a natural resource Overexploitation of groundwater quickly decreased the water table and runoff. extinct /ik-STINGKT/ [adjective] – not now existing A few bird species are already extinct. treaty /TREE-tee/ [noun] – a written agreement between two or more countries, formally approved and signed by their leaders The peace treaty will be signed by both parties, as agreed. ratify /RAT-uh-fahy/ [verb] – (especially of governments or organizations) to make an agreement official The climate convention has not yet been ratified by more than 60…
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Can grasshoppers truly take the place of beef?


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. cricket /KRIK-it/ [noun] – a brown or black insect that makes short, loud noises by rubbing its wings together The only sound was a cricket chirping. edible /ED-uh-buhl/ [adjective] – suitable or safe for eating It was the only edible thing in the pantry. nutritional /noo-TRISH-uhn-nl/ [adjective] – relating to nutrition Fiber has no calories or nutritional value. sustainability /suh-stey-nuh-BIL-i-tee/ [noun] – the quality of causing little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to continue for a long time The company is committed to environmental sustainability. scarcity /SKAIR-si-tee/ [noun] – a situation in…
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4,000 beagles rescued and open for adoption

Young woman walking with Beagle dog in the summer park. Obedient pet with his owner. Walking of pets.

Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. canine /KEY-nahyn/ [adjective] – of or like an animal of the dog family My mother is a specialist in canine care. violation /vahy-uh-LEY-shuhn/ [noun] – an action that breaks or acts against something, especially a law, agreement, principle, or something that should be treated with respect He violated the terms of his agreement. lawsuit /LAW-soot/ [noun] – a disagreement between people or organizations that is brought to a court of law for a decision Her lawyer filed a lawsuit against the company she’s working for. veterinary /VET-er-uh-ner-ee/ [adjective] – connected with taking care of the health…
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Rangers to use AI to help protect India’s tigers


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. veterinarian /vet-er-uh-NAIR-ee-uhn/ [noun] – a person trained in the medical treatment of animals The chief veterinarian treats all kinds and sizes of animals. prey /prey/ [noun] – an animal that is hunted and killed for food by another animal The eagle had a strong grip on its prey. utilize /YOOT-l-ahyz/ [verb] – to use something in an effective way We must utilize all available resources. artificial intelligence /ahr-tuh-FISH-uhl in-TEL-i-juhns/ [noun] – the study of how to produce machines that have some of the qualities that the human mind has, such as the ability to understand language,…
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Boy rides bike 1,000 miles for animal charity


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. one-sided /WUHN-SAHY-did/ [adjective] – not balanced or fair The material shows a one-sided point of view of history. compassionate /kuhm-PASH-uh-nit/ [adjective] – feeling or showing sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others, and wanting to help them How can we become compassionate and go out of our way to help them? prior /PRAHY-er/ [adjective] – existing or happening before something else, or before a particular time The contract will be signed prior to the ceremony. reason /REE-zuhn/ [verb] – to argue with and try to persuade someone I kept my voice gentle…
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Could moving roads underground be beneficial?


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. trace /treys/ [verb] – to find the origin of something The call could not be traced by the phone company. infrastructure /IN-fruh-struhk-cher/ [noun] – the basic systems and services, such as transportation and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively The storm has damaged the country’s infrastructure. relocate /ree-LOH-keyt/ [verb] – to move or move something or someone from one place to another There are plans to relocate the airport’s main runway. transportation /trans-per-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] – a vehicle or system of vehicles, such as buses, trains, etc. for getting from…
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New study says weekend warriors are lowering their risk of getting disease


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. guideline /GAHYD-lahyn/ [noun] – information intended to advise people on how something should be done or what something should be The government has issued guidelines on the right pay for part-time manual workers. overwhelming /oh-ver-HWEL-ming/ [adjective] – very great or very large An overwhelming majority has voted for him. preventive /pri-VEN-tiv/ [adjective] – intended to stop something before it can happen, or before it becomes a problem He believes preventive measures should be taken before anything worse happens. moderate /MOD-er-it/ [adjective] – neither small nor large in size, amount, degree, or strength A moderate intake of…
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India to surpass China’s population in 2023


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. uneven /uhn-EE-vuhn/ [adjective] – not level, equal, flat, or continuous The distribution of financial resources was uneven. republic /ri-PUHB-lik/ [noun] – a country without a king or queen, usually governed by elected representatives of the people and a president Andora is a mountain republic located between France and Spain. implementation /im-pluh-muhn-TEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the act of starting to use a plan or system There is a ten-year time frame for the implementation of the new policies. incentive /in-SEN-tiv/ [noun] – something, especially money, that encourages a person or organization to do something A little incentive will make…
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