Tag Archive: world news – expert

Child labor increases in tobacco industry

Child Labor Increases in Tobacco Industry

Vocabulary: rampant /RAM-puhnt/ [adjective] happening a lot or becoming worse, usually a way that is out of control Weeds are growing rampant in the field. gouge out /gouj out/ [phrasal verb] to make a hole using sharp, pointed object The farmer gouge out huge hole in the field. prominent /PROM-uh-nuhnt/ [adjective] very well known and important Her eyes are her most prominent feature. jeopardized /JEP-er-dahyzd/ [adjective] to put something in danger He jeopardized his life every time he dived from the tower. nicotine /NIK-uh-teen/ [noun] a poisonous chemical found in tobacco Concentrated nicotine can cause heart attack. Child labor in the tobacco industry is growing in numbers and now rampant…
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India is facing a water crisis

India is facing a water crisis

Vocabulary: undergo /uhn-der-GOH/ [verb] to experience something The new hires will undergo a two-month training. unprecedented /uhn-PRES-i-den-tid/ [adjective] never happened before An unprecedented number of students enrolled for this month’s English class. standstill /STAND-stil/ [noun] a situation in which there is no activity at all Business and government operations are at a standstill due to the citywide blackout. influx /IN-fluhks/ [noun] the arrival of a lot of people or things at the same time There’s an influx of tourists during the summer season. teetering on the edge /TEE-tering on thee ej/ [idiom] to be in a situation where something bad might happen soon Due to the shortage of food, even…
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Heathrow’s airport expansion gets the green light

Heathrow's airport expansion gets the green light

Vocabulary: green light /green lahyt/ [idiom] permission for someone to do something The council has given the green light to the construction of the new shopping center. runway /RUHN-wey/ [noun] a long, level piece of ground at an airport, having a smooth, hard surface on which an aircraft can take off and land Our flight was delayed because the runway was too wet. forsake /fawr-SEYK/ [verb] to leave completely or give up completely She might forsake her ballet lesson. demolish /dih-MOL-ish/ [verb] to completely destroy buildings and other structures Some of the houses near the river will be demolished. parallel /PAR-uh-lel/ [adjective] being the same distance Her closet is parallel…
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UNRWA endures aid reduction

UNRWA endures aid reduction

Vocabulary: cut /kuht/ [noun] to lower the number or amount of something They announced that a salary cut of 10% will be implemented for the next month. shortfall /SHAWRT-fawl/ [noun] a failure to meet an expectation or need There was a shortfall in last week’s delivery, so they ran out of stock. voluntary /VOL-uhn-ter-ee/ [adjective] done or given by free will Participation in the activity is completely voluntary. restore /ri-STAWR/ [verb] to bring something back into existence Winning the first set helped restore the national volleyball team’s confidence. indigent /IN-di-juhnt/ [adjective] having no money or anything else of value; very poor The foundation was built to help indigent people. The…
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North & South Korea pledge peace

North & South Korea pledge peace and end of nuclear weapons

Vocabulary: hostility /ho-STIL-i-tee/ [noun] showing unfriendliness The hostility between her and her mother is apparent. in line with (something) /in layhn with/ [idiom] to be similar to and suitable for something The cause she is fighting for is in line with the company’s goals. denuclearize /de-NOO-klee-uh-RAHYZ/ [verb] to remove nuclear weapons from a country or place The world will be a lot safer if every country chooses to denuclearize. deterrent /dih-TUHR-uhnt/ [noun] something that stops people from doing something They argue that the law is a deterrent to politicians who plan to steal government project funds. optimism /OP-tuh-miz-uhm/ [noun] belief that something good will happen The reason philosophers do not…
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African migrants to leave the Jewish state

African migrants to leave the Jewish state

Vocabulary: appeal /uh-PEEL/ [verb] to request formally that a decision, esp. a legal or official one, be changed The verdict was appealed to a higher court. reassess /ree- uh-SES/ [verb] to think about something again Terry Donahue should reassess his switch from coaching to broadcasting. monetary /MON-i-ter-ee/ [adjective] relating to money Gold was once the basis of the U.S. Monetary system. relocate /ree-LOH-keyt/ [verb] to move to a different location The company decided to relocate its headquarters. persecution /pur-si-KYOO-shuhn/ [noun] hostility and ill-treatment because of race or political or religious beliefs Many chose to live as exiles rather than face persecution. The Israeli government wanted to deport the male African…
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Ocean’s high temperature affects fish shelters around the world

Ocean's high temperature affects fish shelter around the world

Vocabulary: heat stress /heet stres/ [noun] exposure to extreme heat Heat stress could lead to several illnesses like heat stroke and dehydration. coral reef /KAWR-uhl REEF/ [noun] an area formed in the sea from masses of hard shells When the tide is low, you can see coral reefs from the island. incubator /IN-kyuh-bey-ter/ [noun] a place that provides the right conditions for young species or eggs Sandy beaches serve as the incubator of newly hatched turtle eggs. looming /LOO-ming/ [adjective] something unpleasant that is about to happen The government is denying that an economic collapse is looming. stick (one’s) head in the sand /stik hed in thu sand/ [idiomatic expression]…
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Cape Town to limit water usage in water crisis

Cape Town to limit water usage in water crisis

Vocabulary: reservoir [REZ-er-vwahr] (noun) a natural or artificial lake for storing and supplying water for an area This reservoir provides water to the whole city. defer [dih-FUR] (verb) to delay something until a later time You can order the furniture now and defer payment until September. adhere [ad-HEER] (verb) to conform to or follow rules exactly All drivers must adhere to speed limits. allocation [al-uh-KEY-shuhn] (noun) the act or process of giving out parts of a whole The allocation must be made according to a strict set of criteria. thriving [THRAVYV-ing] (adjective) characterized by prosperity Her thriving business has been making a buzz online. Day Zero, the day when water…
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China warns borrowers to pay up or be shamed

World News - Expert

Vocabulary: publicize – to make a fact or event widely known to the public The author appeared on television to publicize her latest book. mandate – to carry out a particular policy or task given by an authorized official All high school students were mandated to wear their school ID in the campus. go an extra mile – to make a special effort to do or achieve something The president is determined to go the extra mile for the sake of peace. database – a collection of data arranged for ease and speed of retrieval The library lists all books available on an electronic database that is easily accessed via…
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Trump tells Japan it can protect itself with US weapons

World News - Expert

Vocabulary: adamant – determined not to change someone’s belief or decision about something They are adamant about buying organic food only. chagrin – a feeling of being very disappointed, annoyed or embarrassed She didn’t do the task that was assigned to her, much to her manager’s chagrin. deter – to prevent the occurrence of something Arrests and jail sentences have done nothing to deter the protesters. deflect – to cause something to change direction, or to suddenly go in a different direction The goalie deflected the ball with his hands. warhead – the front part of a bomb or missile that explodes With its warhead replaced by a Mercury capsule,…
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