Monthly Archive: April 2019

Let it Be: The new Beatles documentary


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like listening to music? If yes, what kind of music do you like? If no, why not? Do you like watching films? If yes, what kind of films do you like? If no, can you tell why? Vocabulary: director /DIH-rek-ter/ [noun] a person who tells actors in a film or play how to play their parts The latest movie of the most famous director was a total flop. footage /FOOT-ij/ [noun] film or videotape that shows a single event or place Detectives were studying the security footage of the house near the crime scene. joyous /JOI-uhs/ [adjective] full of joy Our recent trip to Bali was…
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Let it Be: The new Beatles documentary


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like listening to music? What kind of music do you like? Vocabulary: film /film/ [noun] a movie We took the children to see a film. session /SESH-uhn/ [noun] a period of time or a meeting arranged for a particular activity They have waited too long for their recording session. interview /in-ter-VYOO/ [noun] a formal meeting at which reporters try to get information He had an interview with the infamous serial killer last year. different /DIF-er-uhnt/ [adjective] not the same Emily is entirely different from her sister. date /deyt/ [noun] a particular month, day, and year at which some event happened or will happen There is no…
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Less sitting can make you live longer


Vocabulary: prolong /pruh-lawng/ [verb] to make something last a longer time Daily exercise and proper diet prolong life. epidemiology /ep-i-dee-mee-ol-uh-jee/ [noun] the scientific study of diseases and how they are found, spread, and controlled in groups of people Epidemiology is the method used for finding the causes of diseases in populations. sedentary /sed-n-ter-ee/ [adjective] involving little exercise or physical activity People shouldn’t have so much sedentary time for it brittles their bones. mortality /mawr-tal-i-tee/ [noun] the number of deaths within a particular society and within a particular period of time Infant mortality rates have remained unchanged at about 35 deaths per 1,000 births. vigorous /vig-er-uhs/ [adjective] very forceful or energetic…
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Less sitting can make you live longer


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like to exercise? Do you think it’s important to move more? Vocabulary: stay /stey/ [verb] to spend some time in a place, in a situation, with a person or group My dog is staying under my bed. worse /wurs/ [adjective] bad or ill in a greater or higher degree Using cellphones for a long time is worse than reading books in a dim light. health /helth/ [noun] the general condition of the body or mind His grandfather’s health is getting better. exercise /ek-ser-sahyz/ [noun] physical activity that you do to make your body strong and healthy Exercise is one of the best ways to be healthy….
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Less sitting can make you live longer


Pre-Reading Questions: Which do you prefer, sleeping or exercising? Will it be better if we sleep or rest a lot? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: beneficial /ben-uh-fish-uhl/ [adjective] helpful, useful, or good Having a proper diet is beneficial to our health because we get the nutrients that the body needs. ability /uh-bil-i-tee/ [noun] power to do or act something Women were said to be good at multitasking because they have the ability to do different things at the same time and with ease maximum /mak-suh-muhm/ [adjective] being the largest amount or number allowed or possible People can do a lot of things if they will just push themselves to their…
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Japanese hospitals to use translation services


Vocabulary: interpreter /in-tur-pri-ter/ [noun] a person whose job is to change what someone is saying into the words of another language The president had a talk with the prime minister with the help of an interpreter. mitigate /mit-i-geyt/ [verb] to make something less severe or less unpleasant Some cities have ordinances that can mitigate the effects of global warming. framework /freym-wurk/ [noun] the ideas, information, and principles that form the structure of an organization or plan The implementation of the house rules was a failure due to the lack of framework. expertise /ek-sper-teez/ [noun] a high level of skill or knowledge His expertise in the courtroom is widely acclaimed, despite…
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Japanese hospitals to use translation services


Pre-reading questions: Have you been abroad? How was your stay? When do you usually visit a hospital? Vocabulary: nationwide /ney-shuh n-wahyd/ [adverb] existing or happening in all parts of a particular country By the end of the month, the new products will be available nationwide. upcoming /uhp-kuhm-ing/ [adjective] happening soon Please check the calendar for the upcoming shows and events. determine /dih-tur-min/ [verb] to find out or make certain facts or information The students will determine their school festival activities. outpatient /out-pey-shuh nt/ [noun] a person who receives medical care from a hospital but who does not stay in the hospital for one or more nights The hospital must keep enough doctors…
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Japanese hospitals to use translation services


Pre-reading questions: Do you usually watch foreign movies with subtitles? Have you been to a hospital before? Vocabulary: translation /trans-ley-shuhn/ [noun] the activity or process of changing the words of one language into the words in another language that have the same meaning Students read the English translations of some Japanese novels for their literature class. foreign /for-in/ [adjective] in or from a country that is not your own Many foreign tourists visit old temples during summer. patient /pey-shuhnt/ [noun] a person who is receiving medical care, esp. in a hospital The doctor told his patient to take a rest and take medicines. communicate /kuh-myoo-ni-keyt/ [verb] to share information with…
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