Monthly Archive: April 2020

Japanese university group extends helping hand to stray “campus cats”


Pre-reading questions: Do you like animals? If so, what is your favorite animal? If not, why? Do you want to help stray animals? Why or why not? Vocabulary: stray /strey/ [adjective] (of an animal) having no home, or lost He took a stray dog frequenting outside his home under his care. inspection /in-SPEK-shuhn/ [noun] the act of looking at something carefully in order to discover information The police will conduct an inspection at the crime scene. appearance /uh-PEER-uhns/ [noun] the way a person or thing looks to other people Her appearance got better after her operation. welfare /WEL-fair/ [noun] help given, especially by the state or an organization, to people…
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Japanese university group extends helping hand to stray “campus cats”


Vocabulary: multitude /MUHL-ti-tood/ [noun] – a large number of people or things A multitude of volunteers visited the evacuation area. congregate /KONG-gri-geyt/ [verb] – to come together in a large group of people or animals Students congregate at school to discuss their insights about the upcoming student government election. infectious /in-FEK-shuhs/ [adjective] – able to be passed from one person, animal, or plant to another Make sure not to communicate with people who have infectious diseases. feasible /FEE-zuh-buh l/ [adjective] – possible to do and likely to be successful Doctors are thinking of a feasible solution for her illness. crowdfunding /KROUD-fuhn-ding/ [noun] – the practice of getting a large number of…
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Japanese university group extends helping hand to stray “campus cats”


Pre-reading questions: Do you have a pet? Do you want to be a veterinary student? Vocabulary: group /groop/ [noun] a number of people or things that are put together or considered as a unit The students will have a group project. collect /kuh-LEKT/ [verb] to get and keep things of one type such as stamps or coins as a hobby He wants to collect books for his brother. information /in-fer-MEY-shuhn/ [noun] facts about a situation, person, event, etc. Kindly collect more information about our seminar next week. disease /dih-ZEEZ/ [noun] illness of people, animals, plants, caused by infection She can’t go to school because she has a disease. service /SUR-vis/…
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Highest active volcano in Russia erupts


Pre-reading questions: Does Japan have many volcanoes? What do you do to prepare for earthquakes or volcanic eruptions? Vocabulary: mention /MEN-shuhn/ [verb] to speak about someone or something Lianna did not mention her mother’s ideas to Arianne. ash /ash/ [noun] the soft, gray or black, powdery substance left after something has burned Chris brushed the cigarette ash off of his sleeve. foot (plural, feet) /foot (plural, feet)/ [noun] a unit of measurement of length equal to 12 inches The well is around 300 feet deep. dangerous /DEYN-jer-uhs/ [adjective] able or likely to cause harm or death, or unpleasant problems Smoking is dangerous to our health. equipment /ih-KWIP-muhnt/ [noun] the set…
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Highest active volcano in Russia erupts


Pre-reading questions: What are some active volcanoes in Japan? How do you prepare for natural disasters in advance? Vocabulary: steam /steem/ [noun] the hot gas that is produced when water boils The engine was releasing steam from the boiler. aviation /ey-vee-EY-shuhn/ [noun] the business of designing and manufacturing aircraft Almost 60% of major aviation companies cut their prices to compete against budget airlines. impair /im-PAIR/ [verb] to damage or weaken something so that it is less effective A maximum volume on earphones can impair your hearing. apparatus /ap-uh-RAT-uhs/ [noun] a set of equipment or tools or a machine that is used for a particular purpose Make sure to check your…
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Highest active volcano in Russia erupts


Vocabulary: hazard /HAZ-erd/ [noun] something that is dangerous and likely to cause damage The increasing levels of pollution poses a great hazard to the locals’ health and the environment. solidify /suh-LID-uh-fahy/ [verb] to change from being a liquid or gas to a solid form Thick flow lava takes years to decades for it to solidify. stratovolcano /strat-oh-vol-KEY-noh/ [noun] a large, steep volcano built up of alternating layers of lava and ash or cinders Stratovolcanoes are considered the most dangerous type of volcano due to their steep structure. Eurasia /yoo-REY-zhuh/ [noun] Europe and Asia considered together as one continent Several countries are part of Eurasia, but the most well-known is Russia….
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