Can leisure cause more stress than enjoyment?
Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. savor /SEY-ver/ [verb] – to enjoy food or an experience slowly to enjoy it as much as possible We haven’t seen each other in ages! Let’s savor this reunion. performative /per-FAWR-muh-tiv/ [adjective] – performing an act by the very fact of being uttered Organizing plans make people more performative of what they want to do. anticlimactic /an-tee-klahy-MAK-tik/ [adjective] – causing unhappiness by being less exciting than expected The audience was disappointed with the movie’s anticlimatic ending. humblebrag /HUHM-buhl-brag/ [verb] – to let people know about something you are very proud of in a way that makes…
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