Author Archive: admin

Four significant factors to strengthen the immune system


Vocabulary: bacteria /bak-TEER-ee-uh/ [noun] very small organisms that are found everywhere and are the cause of many diseases Bacteria is very helpful in our digestive system since it helps body substances not to break down. regulate /REG-yuh-leyt/ [verb] to control something, especially by making it work in a particular way One of the vitamins or minerals that help regulate the body temperature is magnesium. weaken /WEE-kuhn/ [verb] to (cause to) become less strong, powerful, determined, or effective Stephanie’s heartbeat weakened after having various therapies. strenuous /STREN-yoo-uhs/ [adjective] needing or using a lot of physical or mental effort or energy The thesis’ leader took a strenuous strategy to make their project…
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A plant-based diet may reduce stroke risk, Taiwan study shows


Pre-reading questions: Do you eat fruits and vegetables everyday? Why or why not? What kind of diet do you follow to stay healthy? Vocabulary: analysis /uh-NAL-uh-sis/ [noun] – the process of studying or examining something in an organized way to learn more about it The detective’s analysis about the victim lacks very important details and some facts are uncertain. community /kuh-MYOO-ni-tee/ [noun] – the people living in one particular area or people who are considered as a unit because of their common interests, social group, or nationality The local community showed their full support to the newly elected president. dairy /DAIR-ee/ [adjectives] – used to refer to cows that are…
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A plant-based diet may reduce stroke risk, Taiwan study shows


Vocabulary: buddhist /BOO-duhst/ [noun] – someone who believes in Buddhism The Japanese Tea Ceremony was developed by Zen Buddhist monks in the 16th century, and it quickly became very popular. engage /en-GEYJ/ [verb] – to take part in something The students will engage in volunteering activities this spring vacation. conclude /kuh n-KLOOD/ [verb] – to decide something after studying all the information about it very carefully The experiment concluded that the vaccine is safe for humans and animals. chronic /KRON-ik/ [adjective] – especially of a disease or something bad continuing for a long time He had a chronic headache that lasted for a week. malady /MAL-uh-dee/ [noun] – a disease Even…
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Defying Age: 80-year old great grandma shares passion for ice hockey


© Photo by Pre-Reading Questions: Do you play sports regularly? How many hours do you spend playing sports? Vocabulary: idea /ahy-DEE-uh/ [noun] a suggestion or plan for doing something She has an idea for their upcoming project. learn /lurn/ [verb] to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity Harry wants to learn a new language. team /teem/ [noun] a number of people who act together as a group My favorite basketball team is the Los Angeles Lakers. member /MEM-ber/ [noun] a person who joins a group He is a member of the book club in his school. hope /hohp/ [verb] to want something to happen or…
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Defying Age: 80-year old great grandma shares passion for ice hockey


© Photo by Pre-Reading Questions: Do you want to play sports even when you are old? Why or why not? Do you know an old person who still plays sports? Elaborate your answer. Vocabulary: passion /PASH-uhn/ [noun] something that you are strongly interested in and enjoy My cousin has always had a passion for singing. former /FAWRr-mer/ [adjective] used to describe someone who had a particular position or job in the past The former president went back to his hometown. expect /ik-SPEKT/ [verb] to think or believe something will happen I didn’t expect to see my old friend in my new neighborhood. senior /SEEN-yer/ [adjective] a person who is…
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Defying Age: 80-year old great grandma shares passion for ice hockey


© Photo by Vocabulary: envisage /en-VIZ-ij/ [verb] to imagine or expect something in the future He envisages the possibility of building a new house with his family. resolved /ri-ZOLVD/ [adjective] firm in purpose or intent; determined She is resolved to join the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. anticipate /an-TIS-uh-peyt/ [verb] to imagine or expect that something will happen They did not anticipate the issues that occurred in the event. comprise /kuhm-PRAYZ/ [verb] to have things or people as parts or members; to consist of The United States of America comprises 50 states. camaraderie /kah-muh-RAH-duh-ree/ [noun] a feeling of friendliness toward people that you work or share an experience with He enjoys…
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How to sanitize your filthy phones


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you think your phone is dirty? Why or why not? How often do you use your smartphone? Vocabulary: effective /ih-FEK-tiv/ [adjective] successful or achieving the results that you want Exercising together with a balanced diet is an effective way to lose weight. defense /dih-FENS/ [noun] the ability to protect against attack or harm Eating fruits and vegetables can help strengthen our body’s defenses from being sick. carrier /KAR-ee-er/ [noun] someone or something that has the infection or genetic fault that causes it and can give the disease to someone else Basic hospital equipment like syringes can also be bacteria-carriers if not disposed properly. conduct /kuhn-DUHKT/ [verb] to…
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How to sanitize your filthy phones


Vocabulary: decimate /DES-uh-meyt/ [verb] to kill a large number of something He uses pesticides to decimate the insects that eat his crops. contaminated /kuhn-TAM-uh-neyt-tuhd/ [adjective] poisonous or not pure She had diarrhea because of the contaminated water she drank this morning. pathogen /PATH-uh‐jen/ [noun] any small organism that can cause disease Pathogens can stay in cardboards for 24 hours based on a study. sanitize /SAN-i-tahyz/ [verb] to make something completely clean and free from bacteria My mother sanitized the bathroom using her favorite toilet cleaner, Domex. fundamental /fuhn-duh-MEN-tl/ [adjective] more important than anything else Learning his dialect is fundamental to knowing and understanding him better. moisture /MOIS-cher/ [noun] very small…
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