Author Archive: admin

Tokyo tops the world’s safest cities for the third time


Vocabulary: rank /rangk/ [verb] to have or be put into a position on a list of other similar things or people, that compares their importance, level of success, etc. Several countries around the world will be ranked this coming Olympic game. bounce back /BOUNS-bak/ [phrasal verb] to return to your usual state or activities after having a problem The company’s management is spending much time to bounce back from bankruptcy. accordance /uh-KAWR-dns/ [noun] obeying a rule, law, standard Employees usually act in accordance with the established protocol. foresee /fawr-see/ [verb] to know about something before it happens Few members of the local group did foresee the tremendous results of their…
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Robot dogs help people with dementia


Vocabulary: inhabitant /in-HUB-i-tuhnt/ [noun] a person or animal that lives in a particular place Monkeys were the first inhabitants of my town a hundred years ago. realistic /ree-uh-LIS-tik/ [adjective] seeming to exist or be happening in fact The animation in the movie looks realistic when the main character was shot. assist /UH-sist/ [verb] to help I will assist my sister in packing her things because she has a lot of things to pack. distinction /dih-STINGK-shuhn/ [noun] a difference between two similar things Many people look up to Morissette because she is a singer of great distinction. companionship /kuhm-PAN-yuhn-ship/ [noun] the enjoyment of spending time with other people I want my…
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Robot dogs help people with dementia


Pre-reading questions: Do you like dogs? Do you have a dog in your house? Vocabulary: creator /kree-EY-ter/ [noun] a person who makes/creates something The creator is very good at making toys. heal /heel/ [verb] to make or become healthy or whole again His wound started to heal when he took herbal medicines. control /kun-TROHL/ [verb] to order, limit, or rule something, or someone’s actions or behavior You need to learn how to control your temper. identify /ahy-DEN-tuh-fahy/ [verb] to recognize or be able to name someone or something I can identify the mistakes just by hearing your explanation. closeness /klohz-ness/ [noun] the quality of knowing someone very well, like them…
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Robot dogs help people with dementia


Pre-reading questions: Why do you think many people like dogs as a pet? Please explain your answer. What is your favorite animal? Why? Vocabulary: resident /REZ-i-duhnt/ [noun] a person who lives or has their home in a place The residents are happy for the grand opening of their neighbors’ business. lifelike /LAHYF-lahyk/ [adjective] used to describe something that appears real or very similar to what is real His lifelike paintings are known all over the world. aid /eyd/ [noun] to help or support The medics came to aid the wounded man from a car crash. contrast /kon-trast/ [noun] an obvious difference between two or more things I love the contrast…
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Five approaches to make yourself closer to nature while living in the city


Pre-reading questions: Do you like taking a walk in the park? Why or why not? What do you like to do when you go out of your house? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: boost /boost/ [verb] to improve or increase something Giving him praises will help him boost his confidence. stimulate /STIM-yuh-leyt/ [verb] to encourage something to grow, develop, or become active Looking at trees stimulates calmness. captivate /KAP-tuh-veyt/ [verb] to hold the attention of someone by being extremely interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive Her kindness captivated his heart. recreation /rek-ree-EY-shuhn/ [noun] something done for pleasure or to relax, or such activities generally Maria’s favorite recreation is walking in the…
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Five approaches to make yourself closer to nature while living in the city

Pre-reading questions: Do you like walking outside or staying at home? Do you like taking care of plants? Vocabulary: improve /im-PROOV/ [verb] to (cause something to) get better Eating healthy food helps him improve his health. attract /uh-TRAKT/ [verb] to cause a person or animal to become interested in someone or something Free food attracts many people. near /neer/ [adverb] not far away in the distance My house is near my school. wonderful /WUHN-der-fuhl/ [adjective] extremely good It is so wonderful to see the beach again. view /vyoo/ [noun] what you can see from a particular place The view from his room’s window is really beautiful. Spending time with nature…
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Five approaches to make yourself closer to nature while living in the city


Vocabulary: splendid /SPLEN-did/ [adjective] excellent You did a splendid presentation today at the office. enrich /en-RICH/ [verb] to improve the quality of something by adding something else He always helps her enrich her skills and unleash her potential. administer /ad-MIN-uh-ster/ [verb] to manage or control the operation of something Mr. Roi was the one who administered the entrance exam at his university. exposure /ik-SPOH-zher/ [noun] the fact of experiencing something or being affected by it because of being in a particular situation or place Ms. Catherine should limit her sister’s exposure to the sun. accessible /ak-SES-uh-buhl/ [adjective] possible to approach, enter, or use The main road is accessible to all…
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NASA gives SpaceX $50 million contract to launch new satellite

NASA gives SpaceX $50 million contract to launch new satellite

Pre-reading questions: Do you believe in aliens? Do you want to go to outer space? Vocabulary: project /PROJ-ekt/ [noun] a piece of planned work or an activity which is done over a period of time and intended to achieve a particular purpose Our company needs to finish a project about schools in Japan. modern /MOD-ern/ [adjective] designed and made using the most recent ideas and methods Modern technologies are a great help to the lives of people. machine /muh-SHEEN/ [noun] a piece of equipment with several moving parts that uses power to do a particular type of work Please turn off the answering machine after you use it. believe /bih-LEEV/…
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