Author Archive: admin
Recovering from the coronavirus: How long does it take?

Pre-Reading Questions: Have you ever gone to the hospital because of a serious health problem? What do you usually eat when you are sick? Vocabulary: heal /heel/ [verb] to make or become well again, especially after a cut or other injury His lip had begun to heal, but signs of a burn remained. symptom /SIMP-tuhm/ [noun] any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular disease No one could tell why the girl felt bad before her symptom of extreme morning pain was exposed. average /AV-er-ij/ [noun] a standard or level that is considered to be typical or usual I work an average of…
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Recovering from the coronavirus: How long does it take?

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you take medicine every time you get sick? Do you have a personal doctor? Vocabulary: difficult /DIF-i-kuhlt/ [adjective] not easy or simple; hard to do or to understand Waking up early in the morning is always difficult. sick /sik/ [adjective] physically or mentally ill; not well or healthy His mother was sick for almost one week. important /im-PAWR-tnt/ [adjective] necessary or of great value My father played an important role in the committee. clear /kleer/ [adjective] certain, having no doubt, or obvious Her explanation is very clear. except /ik-SEPT/ [preposition] not including; but not She cooks everyday except Sunday. Many of us are asking how long will…
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Recovering from the coronavirus: How long does it take?

Vocabulary: mild /mahyld/ [adjective] not violent, severe, or extreme After swimming in the lake he had a mild infection in his eyes. fatigue /fuh-TEEG/ [noun] extreme tiredness The doctor gave me a shot of vitamins to see if it would improve my strength and remove my physical fatigue. paracetamol /peh-ruh-SEE-tuh-maal/ [noun] a drug used to reduce pain A severe headache and its associated side-effects can be safely relieved within minutes without having to resort to aspirin or paracetamol. inflame /in-FLEYM/ [adjective] (of a part of the body) red, painful, and swollen, especially because of infection Some cleansers help remove simple blackheads but are unsuitable for whiteheads, pimples that are inflamed….
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Four significant factors to strengthen the immune system

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you eat healthy foods? Do you agree that eating breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Vocabulary: plan /plan/ [noun] a set of decisions about how to do something in the future Her plan was to be a singer, but she failed. fall /fawl/ [verb] to become lower in size, amount, or strength A person’s blood pressure may fall if they don’t eat healthy foods. pleasant /PLEZ-uhnt/ [adjective] enjoyable, attractive, friendly, or easy to like Pleasant sleep helps the body be more energetic and keeps away illnesses. improve /im-PROOV/ [verb] to get better, or to make something better Dr. Santos said Michelle can go home…
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Four significant factors to strengthen the immune system

Pre-Reading Questions: Is everyday exercise important? Why or why not? What comes to your mind when you hear the word health? Vocabulary: strengthen /STRENGK-thuhn/ [verb] to make something stronger or more effective, or to become stronger or more effective Attending voice lessons strengthened her talent and allowed her to join the International Singing Contest. adequate /AD-i-kwit/ [adjective] enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose The donation of foods from other countries was adequate to support 2,000 families. risk /risk/ [noun] the possibility of something bad happening There’s a high risk of infection in the area near the university. essential /uh-SEN-shuhl/ [adjective] necessary or needed The most essential thing to be…
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A plant-based diet may reduce stroke risk, Taiwan study shows

Pre-reading questions: Are you a vegetarian? What is your favorite fruit and vegetable? Vocabulary: help /help/ [verb] – to make it possible or easier for someone to do something Exercising can help your body become stronger. group /groop/ [noun] – a number of people or things that are put together or considered as a unit I asked a group of teenagers about their hobbies for my research. team /teem/ [noun] – a number of people or animals who do something together as a group The school’s basketball team won the competition this year. fruit /froot/ [noun] – the soft part containing seeds that is produced by a plant that are…
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