Author Archive: admin

Ways on how to make stress beneficial for your well-being


Pre-Reading Questions: What are the things that stress you the most? Are you a positive thinker? Vocabulary: unhappy /uhn-HAP-ee/ [adjective] sad or not satisfied The little girl was unhappy that she needed to go to another school. thinking /THING-king/ [noun] the activity of using your mind to consider something She needs to do some thinking about buying new things for her new house. important /im-PAWR-tnt/ [adjective] necessary or of great value My mother is buying only the important things that we need for a vacation. use /yooz/ [verb] to put something such as a tool, skill, or building to a particular purpose My mother told me not to use any…
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All you need to know about Japanese tea


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you think drinking tea is good for our bodies? When do you usually drink tea? Vocabulary: definitely /DEF-uh-nit-lee/ [adverb] without any doubt Mario will definitely come here before dinner. combination /kom-buh-NEY-shuhn/ [noun] the mixture you get when two or more things are combined Bread and milk are a good combination for breakfast. aroma /uh-ROH-muh/ [noun] a strong, usually pleasant smell Everyone wants to go to the flower garden because of its aroma. subtle /SUHT-l// [adjective] not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious The taste of this milk tea is very subtle. fine /fahyn/ [adjective] very thin or in very small pieces or drops This grain of rice is…
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All you need to know about Japanese tea


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like drinking tea? Do you drink tea everyday? Vocabulary: popular /POP-yuh-ler/ [adjective] liked, enjoyed, or admired by many people or by most people in a particular group Sushi is one of the most popular foods in the world. shine /shahyn/ [verb] to send out or reflect light The stones in my necklace shine beautifully. roast /rohst/ [adjective] to cook food in an oven or over a fire The president really likes the roasted coffee beans from our province. serve /surv/ [verb] to provide food or drinks Japanese restaurants serve delicious foods. tiny /TAHY-nee/ [adjective] extremely small Ants are so tiny. Japanese green tea is very popular…
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All you need to know about Japanese tea


Vocabulary: uniqueness /yoo-NEEK-ness/ [nounj] the quality of being unique My sister was awarded by the school because of her friendliness and uniqueness. mistaken /mi-STEY-kuhn/ [adjective] wrong in what you believe, or based on a belief that is wrong My brother and I are usually mistaken as a couple by a lot of people. hue /yoo/ [noun] (a degree of lightness, darkness, strength, etc. of) a color: The rich maroon hue was mixed with black. fragrance /FREY-gruh ns/ [noun] a sweet or pleasant smell: It always makes me smile whenever I smell the fragrance of roses. fascinating /FAS-uh-ney-ting/ [adjective] extremely interesting The advertisement was fascinating, it made me want to buy the…
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Innerwear company to give nylon masks to children

nylon mask

Pre-reading questions: Do you like helping others? Why or why not? How would we encourage other people to others too? Vocabulary: over /OH-ver/ [preposition] above or higher than something else The number of contestants for this year’s marathon is over 2,000. distribute /dih-STRIB-yoot/ [verb] to give something out to several people The charity will distribute toys to children in need. chairman /CHAIR-muhn/ [noun] a person in charge of a meeting or organization The chairman of the board called for a meeting this afternoon. firm /furm/ [noun] a company or business, especially a small one The firm where I work gave generous bonuses last Christmas. purchase /PUR-chuhs/ [verb] to buy something…
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Innerwear company to give nylon masks to children

nylon mask

Pre-reading questions: Do you wear a mask everyday? What do you do to help other people? Vocabulary: droplet /DROP-lit/ [noun] a small drop of liquid A droplet of water was found on the coffee table. cold /kohld/ [noun] a common infection that causes you to cough and sneeze and your nose to run or feel blocked The students caught a cold because of the rain. company /KUHM-puh-nee/ [noun] an organization that sells goods or services in order to make money My brother’s company is based in Paris. safe /seyf/ [adjective] not in danger or likely to be harmed It’s safe to walk around the city because of police patrollers. cheap…
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Innerwear company to give nylon masks to children

nylon mask

Vocabulary: reusable /re-YOO-zuh-buhl/ [adjective] able to be used more than once The company will produce more reusable cups in an effort to save our environment. nylon /NAHY-lon/ [noun] an artificial substance used especially to make clothes, ropes, and brushes The carpets in my friend’s house are made in nylon and wool. shield /sheeld/ [verb] to protect someone or something Firefighters use protective gears to shield themselves from fire. official /uh-FISH-uhl/ [noun] a person who has a position of responsibility in an organization The company officials responded promptly to our request. commotion /kuh-MOH-shuhn/ [noun] a sudden, short period of noise, confusion, or excited movement There was a sudden commotion when the…
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LEGO Super Mario to hit markets this 2020


© Photo by Lego/Nintendo Vocabulary: collaborate /kuh-LAB-uh-reyt/ [verb] to work with someone else for a special purpose The lead dancer left her crew and now collaborates with the underdog team to win the dance competition. dub /duhb/ [verb] to give something or someone a particular name The media dubbed her as Asia’s Beyonce because of her Beyonce-like moves during her concert. circulate /SUR-kyuh-leyt/ [verb] to move around or through How can you stop these issues that circulate all over social networking sites? anticipate /an-TIS-uh-peyt/ [verb] to imagine or expect that something will happen The old lady anticipates the arrival of her lover in the metro station for quite a long…
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