Author Archive: admin

Donald Trump’s inauguration as US president

World News - Expert

Pre-reading questions: Why do you think a person would want to lead a nation? Do you think the leadership skills required to run a business and that required to run a country are the same? Discuss. Do you think every leader of a nation is a good role model? Explain. Last January 20, President Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States of America. The newly elected president and his first lady, Melania Trump, had tea at the White House with the Obamas earlier that day. Present in President Trump’s inauguration were other former US Presidents- Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter, and…
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Donald Trump’s inauguration as US president

World News - Intermediate

Pre-reading questions: How is the inauguration ceremony for the newly elected leader of your country held? How do you think President Donald Trump’s presidency will affect the rest of the world? Last January 20, President-elect Donald Trump took his oath of office and was confirmed as the 45th president of United States of America. It was held at the United States Capitol Building. The administrator of the oath-taking ceremony was Chief Justice John Roberts of the US Supreme Court. In his inaugural speech, President Donald Trump vowed to make America great again. President Obama was present during the inauguration ceremony. President Trump went to the customary Congressional luncheon and partook…
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Japanese public deeply skeptical over its corporate leaders

Business - E

Edelman, an American public relations firm, surveyed 28 nations and regions featuring more exposure of corporate honchos to the common public. Japan garnered only 18% in the Trust Barometer survey which placed last on the list. Developed countries such as China and India ranked first in the said survey. Despite being a developed country, Japan expressed skepticism towards their corporate honchos. Edelman Japan noted that the Japanese society are skeptical because of their officials’ low public exposure and because of incidents that happened for the past few years such as corporate scandals and overworking issues. CEOs may emulate United Airlines’ Oscar Munoz wherein his amiability and visibility raised employees morale…
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Japanese public deeply skeptical over its corporate leaders

Business - I

Pre-reading questions: What do you think CEOs or corporate leaders do? How frequent do you see your boss at work? Have you experience doubting your corporate leader? Edelman, a PR Firm from the US, reveals a survey about the public’s trust in corporate leaders. Among the 28 countries covered, Japan ranked last, revealing only 18% in the Trust Barometer survey. People in industrialized countries are more doubtful with their CEOs since greater economy usually leads to manpower reduction. Edelman Japan noted that the Japanese society are in doubt because they usually have low chances of seeing what a corporate leader thinks or does. CEOs like Carlos Ghosn of Nissan Motor…
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Japanese public deeply skeptical over its corporate leaders

Business - B

Pre-reading questions: Do you trust people easily? Please explain your answer. Do you think trust is important? Why? A recent survey reveals that many workers in Japan don’t trust their CEOs. Even though Japan is a developed nation, only a few percentage of its workers trust their corporate leaders. Meanwhile, other developed countries such as India and China trust their officials. As per Ross Rowbury, Japan’s workers tend to doubt their officials because they don’t always see their presence at work. Vocabulary: trust [verb] – believe official [noun] – a worker with a high rank CEO [noun] – chief executive officer doubt [verb]- lack of trust improvement [noun]- change for…
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Donald Trump’s inauguration as US president

World News - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: How do you prepare for an important ceremony? What do you think of President Donald Trump? Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America, replacing Barack Obama in the White House. Trump became president at noontime of January 20. The main ceremony was held at the White House followed by many parties around Washington DC. The official inauguration ceremony was held in front of the Capitol. After the inauguration, Donald Trump gave his first speech as the president. Vocabulary: inauguration [noun] – the act of putting someone into an official position with a ceremony president [noun] – head of state replace [verb] – change;…
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Sony’s Lifelog app offers new features


Sony has recently announced that its fitness app called Lifelog has been upgraded with new features. With the new and improved Lifelog, a user just has to take a picture of his food and the app will give him a comprehensive analysis and calorie count of the food. It can also give nutritional advice tailored to a particular user’s needs. The app is available for download on Google Play. The app uses the technology from Sony Mobile’s Meal Image Analysis software to recognize food. It is compatible with smartphones and wearable devices like Sony’s SmartWatch 3. The software will be launched in Japan to encourage employees to stay fit and…
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Sony’s Lifelog app offers new features


Pre-reading questions: What is your most preferred form of exercise? How do you monitor your food intake? Sony’s Lifelog fitness tracking app has been updated with additional features. The app can now evaluate your food based on a photo you take of it. It can give a thorough feedback of the food and also provide calorie count. The app is currently available for download via Google Play. The app uses Sony Mobile’s Meal Image Analysis software. Based on the past charts recorded by the app, it will also offer nutritional suggestions according to your diet. The app can be used on smartphones and Sony’s SmartWatch 3. The certainity of the…
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