Author Archive: admin

Teacherless university opens in California

Education - B

  Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite subject in school/university? Do you want to study in a university with no teachers? Please explain your answer. Ecole 42 is a university without teachers. It opened its branch in California. It originated from Paris 3 years ago. Unlike typical universities, students in 42 learn with their classmates only. They are free to learn and work on projects at their own pace. Students need to complete 21 levels to graduate. Vocabulary: branch [noun] – office; extension of the main branch originate [verb] – to begin typical [adjective] – usual; customary pace [noun]– speed graduate [verb] – to complete a course of study in…
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Headmistress buys illegal jammer to block students’ internet use

  Julia Polley, a headmistress at Wensleydale School and Sixth Form College in North Yorkshire, was so frustrated at students’ fixation with their smart phones that she told parents she would be blocking 4G internet at the school. She invested in some technology which will block 4G signals on the school site. “I have improved the filters on the wi-fi to further restrict some sites,” Ms. Polley told parents. However, she has been stopped by red tape, after Ofcom warned her that it was a criminal offense. All her plans were scuppered when she was informed by North Yorkshire County Council’s IT support team and Ofcom that it was indeed…
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Pilot gives tips for coping with jet lag


  Passengers count on their airline pilots and crews to be alert while they are on board, flying across the globe from 35 to 39 thousand feet. Pilots simply don’t have the luxury of sleeping off jet lag-induced exhaustion, so learning how to handle it is an obligation in their lifestyle. Pilots drain their days and nights flying across all kinds of time zones. They have to know how to deal with lethargy, which is why at Southwest they incorporate their training on how to beat jet lag. Managing jet lag is a job stipulation for them. R.J. Deutschendorf, a system chief pilot at Southwest Airlines aforementioned that you have…
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Singer controls drunk man on Korean Air flight

World News - Expert

  An intoxicated South Korean passenger attacked some airline staff on Flight 480 bound to Seoul, South Korea last Tuesday, December 20. The said passenger took four hours to calm down as female flight attendants appeared to have no idea on how to handle him. One of the passengers aboard Flight 480 was Richard Marx, a popular American singer and his wife, TV Host Daisy Fuentes. The intoxicated passenger was said to become belligerent after drinking two and a half glasses of whiskey with his meal. The celebrity couple posted the said incident in their Instagram and Twitter accounts. The popular 80’s singer slams the irresponsibility done by the crew,…
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Singer handles drunk man on Korean Air flight

World News - Intermediate

  Pre-reading questions: Who do you think is the most popular artist in your country? Why is s/he popular? How do you protect yourself in public? Do you post your activities on social media?   A drunk South Korean passenger attacked some airline staff during a flight from Hanoi, Vietnam to Seoul, South Korea last Tuesday, December 20. Female flight attendants spent four hours trying to calm the drunk man down. One of the passengers of the said flight were Richard Marx, a popular 80’s singer, and his wife. Marx, along with other male passengers, tried to restrain the drunk man. The drunk passenger became more aggressive and violent. The…
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Singer handles drunk man on Korean Air flight

World News - Beginner

  Pre-reading questions: Who is your favorite artist? If you meet him/her, what will you say? Do you like to travel by airplane?   An airplane passenger attacked some crew while travelling to Seoul, South Korea last Tuesday, December 20. The passenger was actually drunk it is difficult to calm him down. Richard Marx helped the people in controlling the drunk man. Richard Marx is a famous singer. He was mad because the crew was not able to stop the drunk man from attacking other people.   Vocabulary: passenger- [noun] a traveller riding a vehicle crew- [noun] the team who is manages the vehicle drunk- [adjective] someone who drinks alcoholic…
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Headmistress buys illegal jammer to block students’ internet use

  Pre-reading questions: Do you often use the internet? Does too much internet cause any bad effect? In what way? About how many hours a day do you use the internet?   It has been a concern for the headmistress of Wensleydale School and Sixth Form College that children were unable to concentrate in lessons because of the internet. For this reason, the headmistress wanted to utilize on mobile phone jamming to hinder the students from getting distracted. The headmistress of Wensleydale School and Sixth Form College was dismayed at student’s preoccupation with their smartphones. A letter was sent to parents by the headmistress, clarifying recent matters and that she…
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Headmistress buys illegal jammer to block students’ internet use

Education - B

  Pre-reading questions: How long do you use a smartphone in a day? Do you know any area or place that blocks internet access?   Julia Polley, the headmistress of Wensleydale School and Sixth Form College, attempted to stop students from using the internet in class. She wrote a letter telling the students’ parents that she wanted to block the internet use at school. She said that nowadays, children are too focused on their smartphones and can no longer concentrate in class. However, the Office of Communications in United Kingdom said that Polley’s plan is illegal since having a signal jammer can block important calls and disrupt emergency services. The…
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