Author Archive: admin

Programming, a new fun way of learning

  Pre-reading questions: Do you like using computers? What comes to your mind when you see or hear the word “programming”? What is your most favorite subject in school? Why?   The number of classes that teach programming to children is increasing. This is in accordance to plans making programming a mandatory elementary school subject by academic year 2020. These kinds of classes are expected to promote creative and logical thinking at an early age. Last September, 60 elementary school pupils gathered in a room, their eyes glued on their computer screens. A second-grade pupil made a computer game about a parrot that rescues the monkey on a cloud by…
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Researchers Announced the Countries with Tallest Man and Woman

  Dutch men and Latvian ladies are the planet’s tallest individuals , as indicated by the biggest ever investigation of stature around the globe. Americans, once among the world’s tallest individuals, have dropped from having men and ladies at third and fourth in the worldwide tallness rankings, a 100 years prior to setting 37th and 42nd separately in 2014. The exploration, initiated by researchers at Imperial College London and distributed in the diary eLife, likewise discovered a few countries have quit staying in the course for the last 30 to 40 years. The United States was one of the main well-off nations to date, trailed by others including Britain, Finland,…
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Researchers Announced the Countries with Tallest Man and Woman

  Pre-reading questions: What’s the average height of Japanese people? Did you eat healthy food when you were younger to be taller? What food did you eat? How tall are you?   A research conducted by the Imperial College of London identified that the tallest men in the world came from Netherlands and the tallest women are from Latvia. The researchers evaluated height charts of 18 year olds over a 100 year period. The study shows that Dutch men has an average height of 182.5 centimeters and Latvian women has an average height of 170 centimeters. Over 800 scientists participated in the said research. They observed that in some countries…
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Researchers Announced the Countries with Tallest Man and Woman

World News - Beginner

  Pre-reading questions: How tall are you? Do you think Japanese people are tall?   A research by Imperial College of London found out that the tallest men in the world are from Netherlands, and the tallest women are from Latvia. More than 800 scientists joined the research. Other scientists believed that people grow because of their genes. The Imperial College of London says that nutrition is also important. Scientists say that people in Netherlands are the tallest because they eat protein-rich food like milk and cheese.   Vocabulary: research – 研究 [noun] a study about a subject found out – 発見した [verb] a result nutrition – 栄養 [noun] can…
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Halloween party in Shibuya

  The traffic confinement will be a massive help in retaining the Halloween party. Thus, opening up some routes could boost the people who sneak into felony. The Metropolitan Police Department will provide two routes in the vicinity for pedestrians. However, the routes will only be available from Friday until Monday. The two routes are liable to conveyance confinement including the Shibuya scramble crossing. The Shibuya scramble crossing will not be available to conveyance due to its high volume of traffic. However, by seizing vehicular traffic, pedestrians will enjoy the event more. In addition to that, another big Halloween dilemma is the tons of trash left in parades, yet everyone’s…
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Halloween party in Shibuya

  Pre-reading questions: Do you like attending parties? Do you think proper clothing is necessary in attending parties? Are you familiar with zombies?   People all over the world are fascinated by how Halloween is celebrated in Shibuya. The Shibuya Tourist Association is preparing a parade of fashion and not the living dead. They prepared a new method of celebrating Halloween without wearing extreme costumes. The official said high congestion will come on Saturday and Sunday. However, on Halloween night 50 young girls will ask party-goers to act carefully. Holding signs that say “No Trouble!”. Hundreds of police forces will be around the station area on Friday. The largest event…
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Halloween party in Shibuya


  Pre-reading questions: Have you ever joined a Halloween party? Do you think Zombie party is safe?   Shibuya Halloween is a popular event in Japan. It takes place on Halloween night. It is celebrated near JR Shibuya station in Tokyo. It’s a gathering of people in Halloween costumes. 2,268 people joined last year’s Zombie party. Around 90 events will be held in Shibuya this year, but celebrity Hakase Suidobashi said that Halloween should not be celebrated in a busy place like Tokyo.   Vocabulary: Halloween – ハロウィーン [noun] the evening before All Saints’ Day popular – 人気のある [adjective] common celebrated – 有名な [adjective] widely known costumes – 衣装 [noun]…
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