Author Archive: admin

Millennials look for online reviews when shopping

Millenials only buy products with online reviews

Pre-reading questions: What are the common things that you can buy online? Do you buy products that your friends recommend? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: preceding /pri-SEE-ding/ [adjective] existing or happening before someone or something This year’s party is way better than the preceding events. purchase /PUR-chuhs/ [noun] the act of buying something The purchase of unneeded materials made the accountant mad. respondent /ri-SPON-duhnt/ [noun] a person who answers a request for information The researchers did not use the respondent’s answers because she was lying. opt /opt/ [verb] to make a choice She opted for a fruit shake instead of a cola. factor /FAK-ter/ [noun] a fact or situation that…
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Millennials look for online reviews when shopping

Millenials only buy products with online reviews

Pre-reading questions: When do you go shopping? What do you usually buy? Vocabulary: millennial /mil-LEN-ee-uhl/ [noun] someone born in the 70’s until early 90’s She likes music from the 90’s because she’s a millennial. online /ON-LAHYN/ [adjective] done on the Internet I prefer shopping online to going to malls. review /ri-VYOO/ [noun] a report, study, or opinion on something I always check the reviews before buying something. buyer /BAHY-er/ [noun] a person who pays money for something He is looking for a buyer of his house. positive /POZ-i-tiv/ [adjective] good This woman always says positive things about her friends. Studies show that most millennials read reviews before buying a product….
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Where the hashtag FOMO came from

Where the hashtag FOMO comes from

Pre-reading questions: What social media sites do you use? Do you follow what is popular? Why or why not? Vocabulary: hashtag /HASH-tag/ [noun] a general topic in social media sites like Twitter and Instagram You should use a hashtag when posting on Facebook. gain /geyn/ [verb] to get something You need to gain some experience for this job. miss out /mis out/ [phrasal verb] to not use or to not have an opportunity to experience something good I don’t want to miss out on their first concert. character /KAR-ik-ter/ [noun] a quality of a person or thing Her bad character is the reason why she doesn’t have friends. competitive /kuhm-PET-i-tiv/…
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Where the hashtag FOMO came from

Where the hashtag FOMO comes from

Vocabulary: commonplace /KOM-uhn-pleys/ [adjective] happening often or often seen or experienced These days, battery-powered cars have become commonplace. grasping /GRAS-ping/ [adjective] greedy or always eager to get more of something Her grasping children fought over her property after she died. attribute /A-truh-byoot/ [verb] to say or think that something is the result of a particular thing She attributed the success of her research to her 10 years of education in the university. psyche /sahyk/ [noun] the mind, or the deepest thoughts, feelings, or beliefs of a person or group The psycholgist Carl Jung is known for having studied the collective human psyche. on the receiving end of (something) /on thuh…
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Where the hashtag FOMO came from

Where the hashtag FOMO comes from

Pre-reading questions: How often do you use social media apps? Do you think you are a competitive person? Why or why not? Vocabulary: slang /slang/ [noun] a form of casual or informal language “Chicken” is slang for someone who isn’t very brave. hashtag /HASH-tag/ [noun] used on social media for describing the general subject of posts You should use a hashtag when posting on Facebook. stand for /stand fer/ [phrasal verb] to represent words or phrases (in an abbreviation) UN stands for United Nations. instill /in-STIL/ [verb] to put a feeling, idea, or principle gradually into someone’s mind My parents instilled in me a love for reading. make up for…
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Aya Ueto stars in suspense drama

Photo by Shuichi Aizawa via Flickr Vocabulary: channel /CHAN-l/ [verb] to express (your ideas, thoughts, feelings, energy, etc.) through a particular behavior or action Kuraishi channels his hatred for criminals into his duty as a police officer. maternal /muh-TUR-nl/ [adjective] characteristic of a mother The loud cries of the abandoned baby seemed to bring out her maternal instincts. demote /dih-MOHT/ [verb] assigned to a lower position; opposite of promote After the presentation mishap, Kaneyama was demoted two ranks from his job. serial /SEER-ee-uhl/ [adjective] effecting or producing a series of similar actions The coroner recognized the serial killer’s style by looking at the victim’s wounds. alleged /uh-LEJD/ [adjective] said or…
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Aya Ueto stars in suspense drama

Photo by Shuichi Aizawa via Flickr Pre-reading questions: Who is your favorite actress? What do you usually watch on TV? Vocabulary: star /stahr/ [verb] to be included in a cast of actors Mandy starred in “Les Misérables” as Cosette. cover /KUHV-er/ [verb] to be responsible in reporting the details Gotaro and Yuri are the journalists responsible for covering the accident. pay attention /pey uh-TEN-shuhn/ [phrasal verb] to watch, listen to, or think about something carefully The teacher got angry because the students were not paying attention in class. naturally /NACH-er-uh-lee/ [adverb] in a normal way There’s no need to memorize the script; you can just act naturally. passionate /PASH-uh-nit/ [adjective]…
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Aya Ueto stars in suspense drama

Photo by Shuichi Aizawa via Flickr Pre-reading questions: What do you usually do during your free time? What is your favorite TV show? Vocabulary: role /rohl/ [noun] a part played by an actor I played the role of the hero. play /pley/ [verb] to act as a character in a play, film, etc. I played the role of the mayor in the film. journalist /JUR-nl-ist/ [adverb] a person who writes for newspapers, magazines, TV, or radio Professor Yukawa is currently working as a journalist in District News & Publishing. kidnap /KID-nap/ [verb] to carry away a person by force and against his or her will The president’s daughter was kidnapped…
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