Israel begins vaccination of 16 to 18-year-olds before exams
© Reuters via CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. parental /puh-REN-tl/ [adjective] – relating to parents or to being a parent The school welcomes parental involvement in some of its activities. matriculation exam /muh-trik-yoo-LEY-shuhn ig-ZAM/ [noun] – the final examination taken by students leaving school. Make sure to study a lot for your matriculation exam and get a decent score. mandatory /MAN-duh-tawr-ee/ [adjective] – used to describe something that must be done, usually because the law states that it is necessary Attendance is always mandatory at all meetings. prioritize /prahy-AWR-i-tahyz/ [verb] – to arrange in order of importance so that you…
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