
Israel begins vaccination of 16 to 18-year-olds before exams


© Reuters via CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. parental /puh-REN-tl/ [adjective] – relating to parents or to being a parent The school welcomes parental involvement in some of its activities. matriculation exam /muh-trik-yoo-LEY-shuhn ig-ZAM/ [noun] – the final examination taken by students leaving school. Make sure to study a lot for your matriculation exam and get a decent score. mandatory /MAN-duh-tawr-ee/ [adjective] – used to describe something that must be done, usually because the law states that it is necessary Attendance is always mandatory at all meetings. prioritize /prahy-AWR-i-tahyz/ [verb] – to arrange in order of importance so that you…
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China unveils bullet train built for extremely cold temperatures

© via Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. unveil /uhn-VEYL/ [verb] – to show or introduce something new or make it known publicly for the first time The company will unveil its new products at lower prices. withstand /with-STAND/ [verb] – to be strong enough, or not be changed by something, or to oppose a person or thing successfully This building was designed to withstand strong earthquakes. reform /ri-FAWRM/ [noun] – an improvement, especially in a person’s behaviour or in the structure of something The healthcare system in the country needs a reform. intensely /in-TENS-li/ [adverb] – extremely or strongly His…
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Research shows severe trauma among medical workers in England’s Intensive Care Units


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. immense /ih-MENS/ [adjective] – extremely large in size or degree They spent an immense amount of money to buy that car. trauma /TROU-muh/ [noun] – (a) severe emotional shock and pain caused by an extremely upsetting experience The trauma that he experienced turned him to be anti-social. disorder /dis-AWR-der/ [noun] – an illness of the mind or body His family has a history of mental disorder. scenario /si-NAIR-ee-oh/ [noun] – a description of possible actions or events in the future The most likely scenario is that the prices of goods will rise. contemplate /KON-tuhm-pleyt/ [verb] –…
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Spain records its lowest temperatures after snowstorm


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. aftermath /AF-ter-math/ [noun] – the period that follows an unpleasant event or accident, and the effects that it causes Many volunteered to help the victims in the aftermath of the typhoon. Siberia /sahy-BEER-ee-uh/ [noun] – a large region of North Asia that is part of Russia Siberia has the coldest inhabited place on Earth, where temperature drops to -40 degrees Celcius. immense /ih-MENS/ [adjective] – extremely large in size or degree We saw immense sea waves not too far from the shore. bearable /BAIR-uh-buhl/ [adjective] – if an unpleasant situation is bearable, you can accept or…
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World’s oldest known cave painting discovered in Indonesia


© Maxime Aubert Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. archeologist /ahr-kee-OL-uh-jist/ [noun] – someone who studies the buildings, graves, tools, and other objects of people who lived in the past A team of archeologists are currently at the site. resemble /ri-ZEM-buhl/ [verb] – to look like or be like someone or something Paula really resembles her father very closely. narrative /NAR-uh-tiv/ [noun] – a story or a description of a series of events The picture book is a narrative of wartime events. interaction /in-ter-AK-shuhn/ [noun] – an occasion when two or more people or things communicate with or react to each other…
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An archipelago home to about 18,000 people becomes the first in the world to be vaccinated


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. residence /REZ-i-duhns/ [noun] – a home The governor’s official residence is here. vaccine /vak-SEEN/ [noun] – a substance containing a virus or bacterium in a form that is not harmful, given to a person or animal to prevent them from getting the disease that the virus or bacterium causes This vaccine protects people against some kinds of viruses. restriction /ri-STRIK-shuhn/ [noun] – a rule or law that limits what people can do Most countries already implemented restrictions on their borders. authority / ri-STRIK-shuhn/ [noun] – an official limit on something Other countries are planning to lift…
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New Zealand to prohibit the use of cigarettes for future generations


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. tobacco /tuh-BAK-oh/ [noun] – a substance smoked in cigarettes, pipes, etc. that is prepared from the dried leaves of a particular plant We are unable to sell tobacco or alcohol to anyone under the age of 16. campaign /kam-PEYN/ [noun] – a planned group of especially political, business, or military activities that are intended to achieve a particular aim The city’s annual Christmas campaign to prevent drunk driving has just started. applaud /uh-PLAWD/ [verb] – to show enjoyment or approval of something such as a performance or speech by clapping the hands repeatedly to make a…
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Elon Musk becomes the richest person in the world

© Lucy Nicholson—Reuters via Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. surpass /ser-PAS/ [verb] – to do or be better than The success of the movie has surpassed everyone’s expectations. ranking /RANG-king/ [noun] – a rank or level, for example in a competition Their brand popularity rose from 25th to the 10th spot in ranking. surge / surj/ [verb] – to increase suddenly and strongly The company’s profits have surged. continuation /kuhn-tin-yoo-EY-shuhn/ [noun] – the fact of continuing or a thing that continues or follows from something else The continuation of the 2-part series will be posted later. firm /furm/ [noun] –…
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5 dishes to try out in Hanoi aside from pho

© Christina Choi/CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. renowned /ri-NOUND/ [adjective] – famous for something The new restaurant in town is renowned for its desserts. date /deyt/ [verb] – to say how long something has existed or when it was made It’s a tradition that dates back to the 14th century. congregate /KONG-gr-geyt/ [verb] – to gather together in a large group More group of people are congregating at cafes these days. dill /dil/ [noun] – an herb whose seeds and leaves are used to flavor foods in cooking Please don’t add dill on the dish. I don’t really like it…
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If you desire to travel this year, you may be required a vaccine passport


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. vaccine /vak-SEEN/ [noun] – a substance containing a virus or bacterium in a form that is not harmful, given to a person or animal to prevent them from getting the disease that the virus or bacterium causes He created a vaccine that is used by a lot of people today. initiate /ih-NISH-ee-eyt/ [verb] – to cause something to begin Some plans were initiated by him. administration /ad-min-uh-STREY-shuhn/ [noun] – a period of government, or the people who are in government The Obama administration did their best within their term. outcome /OUT-kuhm/ [noun] – a result or…
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