Delhi authorities call for help from Indian Armed Forces in its battle against COVID-19 crisis

© Getty Images Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. record high /REK-erd hahy/ [noun] – the highest amount or level that something has ever reached The website achieved a record high of 800 visits per day last month. staggering /STAG-uh-ring/ [adjective] – very shocking and surprising A staggering amount of money is needed for his urgent operation. personnel /pur-suh-NEL/ [noun] – the people who are employed in a company, organization, or one of the armed forces The military personnel paid tribute to the country’s veteran soldiers. reiterate /ree-IT-uh-reyt/ [verb] – to say something again, once or several times The mother reiterated to…
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