Child labor increases in tobacco industry
Vocabulary: rampant /RAM-puhnt/ [adjective] happening a lot or becoming worse, usually a way that is out of control Weeds are growing rampant in the field. gouge out /gouj out/ [phrasal verb] to make a hole using sharp, pointed object The farmer gouge out huge hole in the field. prominent /PROM-uh-nuhnt/ [adjective] very well known and important Her eyes are her most prominent feature. jeopardized /JEP-er-dahyzd/ [adjective] to put something in danger He jeopardized his life every time he dived from the tower. nicotine /NIK-uh-teen/ [noun] a poisonous chemical found in tobacco Concentrated nicotine can cause heart attack. Child labor in the tobacco industry is growing in numbers and now rampant…
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