
Clear backpacks for Parkland Students

Clear backpack for parkland students

Vocabulary: mandate /MAN-deyt/ [verb] to make something necessary especially a rule The president mandated a new tax reform futile /FYOO-tahyl/ [adjective] achieving no result or ineffective Unfortunately, all rescue attempts were futile during the hurricane. compromise /kom-pruh-mahyz/ [verb] to have a harmful effect on something The investigation has been compromised by the fake news that are spread online. stage /steyj/ [verb] to organize an event Bus drivers are planning to stage a 24-hour strike. mobilize /MOH-buh-lahyz/ [verb] to organize people or event for special a purpose Representatives for all the main candidates are trying to mobilize voter’s support. Marjory Stoneman Dougless School established a new security measure after the recent…
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Kimberly Clark to lay off 5,000 employees

Kimberly Clark to lay off 5,000 employees

By Stribrohorak (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons Vocabulary: overhead expenses [OH-ver-HED ik-SPENS] (noun) ongoing expenses of a company The increase on their overhead expenses directly affected their income. corporate tax [KAWR-per-it taks] (noun) tax imposed on the net income of a company They rallied against the new corporate tax reform. restructure [ree-STRUHK-cher] (verb) to reorganize a company The bill restructured a complicated system of deductions. upheaval [uhp-HEE-vuhl] (noun) a sudden change The strike caused much political upheaval. par [pahr] (noun) an equality in value or standing Marketers need to promote products to be at par with competitors. Kimberly Clark is laying off 13% of its workforce. The…
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Teenager dies due to caffeine overdose

Teenager dies due to caffeine overdose

Vocabulary: cardiac arrhythmia [KAHR-dee-ak uh-RITH -mee-uh] (noun) irregular heartbeat Cardiac arrhythmia is a serious health hazard. county [KOUN-tee] (noun) largest political division in most states in the US We are moving to Orange County, California. patron [PEY-truh n] (noun) a person who is a loyal customer of a product or service She is a well-known patron of innovative products. instantaneous [in-stuhn n-TEY-nee-uh s] (adjective) immediate effect or response The school got an instantaneous response from the board. overdose [OH-ver-dohs] (noun) too much drug intake at a given time Drug overdose is fatal. A 16-year old high school student collapsed and died after consuming a large bottle of Mountain Dew, a…
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Didi Chuxing set to start in Brazil

Didi set to start in Brazil

Vocabulary: merger [MUR-jer] (noun) an arrangement in which two or more companies or organizations join together The merger of the Cranberry Co. with Apples Co. surprised everybody. monopolize [muh-NOP-uh-lahyz] (verb) a business obtains exclusive control of an industry The company has monopolized the market. ride-hailing [RAHYD heyl-ing] (adjective) transportation from a taxi service usually booked through an app Ride-hailing services have improved our daily commute. formidable [FAWR-mi-duh-buh-l] (adjective) inspiring fear or respect by being impressively large, powerful or excellent Cranberry Co. has built a formidable reputation for quality products. war chest [WAWR ches] (noun) a fund for a specific purpose such as acquisition McDonald’s is known to have a huge…
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US cancer death rates decrease

US cancer death rates decrease

Vocabulary: in-depth [IN-DEPTH] (adjective) extensive, thorough I am going to give you an in-depth report of your friend’s medical condition. aid [eyd] (noun) professional treatment for illness or injury We are going to send medical aid to the victims of the typhoon. auspicious [aw-SPISH-uh s] (adjective) promising success, fortunate, favorable I met him at an auspicious time, I was sick and he had the cure. disparity [dih-SPAR-i-tee] (noun) a great difference There’s a disparity in the ages of people who join our organization. enjoin [en-JOIN] (verb) instruct or urge to do something The government enjoins all citizens to participate in activities to save the environment. In the 2018 in-depth report…
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Cape Town to limit water usage in water crisis

Cape Town to limit water usage in water crisis

Vocabulary: reservoir [REZ-er-vwahr] (noun) a natural or artificial lake for storing and supplying water for an area This reservoir provides water to the whole city. defer [dih-FUR] (verb) to delay something until a later time You can order the furniture now and defer payment until September. adhere [ad-HEER] (verb) to conform to or follow rules exactly All drivers must adhere to speed limits. allocation [al-uh-KEY-shuhn] (noun) the act or process of giving out parts of a whole The allocation must be made according to a strict set of criteria. thriving [THRAVYV-ing] (adjective) characterized by prosperity Her thriving business has been making a buzz online. Day Zero, the day when water…
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The Royal Family talks about mental health


Vocabulary: demise [dih-MAHYZ] (noun) death or decease Since Mary was so young, everyone was stunned by her demise. take a toll [TEYK a tol] (idiom) to cause damage Years of sunbathing took a toll on Miho’s skin. behavioral [bih-HEYV-yer-al] (adjective) relating or emphasizing behavior She’s had behavioral issues since she was a teenager. mum [MUHM] (adjective) silent; not saying a word Saki promised to keep mum about the incident. utmost [UHT-mohst] (adjective) being at the farthest point This meeting is of the utmost importance. Princess Diana, known for her poise and charisma, met her demise in a fatal car crash in Paris in 1997. The tragedy became a critical point…
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Eating may not be effective in blocking stress


Vocabulary: tactic [TAK-tik] (noun) a specific action intended to get a particular result The company’s smart tactics improved the employees’ morale. in the long run [in thuh LAWNG ruhn] (phrase) at some time in the future Studying hard can help students in the long run. comfort food [KUHM-fert food] (noun) food that people eat when they are sad or worried Pizza and ice cream are common comfort foods. halt [HAWLT] (verb) to stop something The elections are halted by the government. impulsively [im-PUHL-siv-ly] (adverb) doing something without thinking She bought a $1000 dress impulsively. Stress is experienced by people of all ages. Everyone has different tactics to cope with stress….
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Fashionable masking tapes, a hit for creative customers


Vocabulary: spearhead [/SPEER-head/] (verb) to lead an organized effort or activity Joe will spearhead our marketing campaign. scrapbook [/SKRAP-book/] (noun) an album in which pictures, newspaper clippings, etc. may be pasted or mounted He kept a scrapbook containing press cuttings of his concerts. currently [/KUR-uhnt-lee/] (adverb) at the present time or now Davis is currently performing in a Broadway play. souvenir [/soo-vuh-NEER/] (noun) something that you keep to remember a special visit or event I kept my ticket stub as a souvenir when I went to the Super Bowl. patronize [/PEY-truh-nahyz/] (verb) to be a frequent or regular customer or client of an establishment The ladies of Berne liked to…
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Japanese children’s dream jobs


Vocabulary: occupation [ok-yuh-PEY-shuhn] (noun) a person’s job The applicant’s listed occupation is “writer”. bring about [bring uh-bout] (phrasal verb) to cause something to happen The new academic curriculum aims to bring about positive changes in the future. curriculum [kuh-RIK-yuh-luhm] (noun) the regular or a particular course of study in a school, college, etc. I chose this university because it has the best curriculum. culinary [KUHL-uh-ner-ee] (adjective) connected with cooking, esp. as a developed skill or art My cousin takes culinary classes on the weekends. pastry [PEY-stree] (noun) a sweet, baked food made of a mixture of flour, fat, and water I’m gaining a lot of weight recently because of eating…
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