
Techniques to help you fall back asleep

young woman is waking up with alarm clock

Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. dread /dred/ [verb] – to feel extremely worried or frightened about something that is going to happen or that might happen We’ve been dreading the final exams. divert /dih-VURT/ [verb] – to take someone’s attention away from something Try to divert the subject to a different topic. mundane /muhn-DEYN/ [adjective] – ordinary and not interesting in any way How do you find the value in mundane tasks like buying groceries? regimen /REJ-uh-muhn/ [noun] – a set of rules about food, exercise, or behavior that you follow, especially in order to improve your health My doctor enforced…
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Japan advises 37 million people turn off their lights


©GETTY IMAGES via BBC News Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. urge /urj/ [verb] – to strongly advise or try to persuade someone to do a particular thing We urge using this medication with caution. buffer /BUHF-er/ [noun] – an extra supply of materials that a company keeps in order to prevent a situation where none are available No buffer stocks are currently held in the factory, so we must produce more. margin /MAHR-jin/ [noun] – the amount or degree of difference between a higher amount and a lower amount There was a wide margin between the target and the output. outdated…
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Art is a blast! The aesthetics of destruction

thirty pieces of silver

©Cornelia Parker via BBC News Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. steamroller /STEEM-roh-ler/ [noun] – a vehicle that moves forward on a large, heavy wheel in order to make a road surface flat The gravel roadbed was flattened by a steamroller before concrete was placed. filament /FIL-uh-muhnt/ [noun] – a thin thread or fiber of natural or artificial material Toothbrushes need to be replaced when the filaments start to wear out. ensnare /en-SNAIR/ [verb] – to catch or get control of something or someone The audience was ensnared by the exhibit’s natural beauty. perpetual /per-PECH-oo-uhl/ [adjective] – continuing forever in the same…
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Jumbo Floating restaurant towed out of Aberdeen harbor

Restaurant at sea

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. prestigious /pre-STIJ-uhs/ [adjective] – very much respected and admired, usually because of being important The palace garnered a prestigious award. forlorn /fawr-LAWRN/ [adjective] – alone and unhappy I feel forlorn because you are gone. fraction /FRAK-shuhn/ [noun] – a small part of something She needs a fraction of the materials right now. proportion /pruh-PAWR-shuhn/ [noun] – the number, amount, or level of one thing when compared to another A large proportion of elderly people live alone. aftermath /AF-ter-math/ [noun] – the period that follows an unpleasant event or accident, and the effects that it causes The…
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UK Met Office researchers say there is “fifty-fifty chance” of breaching the 1.5C warming limit


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. surpass /ser-PAS/ [verb] – to do or be better or more than something else It will be hard to surpass this very high score. pledge /plej/ [verb] – to make a serious or formal promise to give or do something I pledge you my words that it will never happen again. reaffirm /re uh-FURM/ [verb] – to give your support to a person, plan, idea, etc. for a second time; to state something as true again Teachers reaffirm their commitment to their pupils and schools. wildfire /WAHYLD-fahyuhr/ [noun] – a fire that is burning strongly and…
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The Maldives’ floating city starts to take shape


© Waterstudio.NL/Dutch Docklands via BBC News Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. metropolis /mi-TROP-uh-lis/ [noun] – city The mayor wants the city to be known as a food metropolis. entice /en-TAHYS/ [verb] – to attract someone to a particular place or activity by offering something pleasant or advantageous Advertisements are used to entice people to avail services. vista /VIS-tuh/ [noun] – a view, especially a beautiful view from a high position The street’s main selling point is its vista of the buildings, including its famous cathedral. lagoon /luh-GOON/ [noun] – an area of sea water separated from the sea by a reef…
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Is remote work rapidly closing?

Work from home

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. peruse /puh-ROOZ/ [verb] – to read through with thoroughness or care I love perusing this book. protracted /proh-TRAK-tid/ [adjective] – lasting for a long time or made to last longer than necessary The argument was protracted and at length grew angry. precis /prey-SEE/ [noun] – a short form of a text that gives only the important parts This precis is very comprehensible. profusion /pruh-FRYOO-zhuhn/ [noun] – an extremely large amount of something Lizards occur in great profusion and variety. orthodox /AWR-thuh-doks/ [adjective] – (of beliefs, ideas, or activities) considered traditional, normal, and acceptable by most people…
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UK forestry industry organization advises that tree planting must triple to reach environmental targets


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. urge /urj/ [verb] – to strongly advise or try to persuade someone to do a particular thing Investigators urged that the site’s safety protocols be improved. administration /ad-min-uh-STREY-shuhn/ [noun] – the people in an organization who manage its business and operations The school administration made the choice to cancel the trip. incentive /in-SEN-tiv/ [noun] – something, especially money, that encourages a person or organization to do something The financial incentives given to developers of new solar power technology included cash awards. enhance /en-HANS/ [verb] – to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something Things like…
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Father’s Day 2022

Happy Fathers day vector file_ Fathers day 2022

Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. big bucks /big buhks/ [noun] – big money My younger sister just spent big bucks on her favorite idol group. masterpiece /MAS-ter-pees/ [noun] – a work of art such as a painting, film, or book that is made with great skill This book is a real masterpiece! I’d recommend you read it. adore /uh-DAWR/ [verb] – to love and respect someone very much, or to like something very much My mother adores chocolates. We should surprise her with them on her birthday. sidekick /SAHYD-kik/ [noun] – a person’s assistant or close associate John has been Kevin’s…
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Black birdwatcher to host his own National Geographic show


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. arbitrary /AHR-bi-trer-ee/ [adjective] – based on chance rather than being planned or based on reason My arbitrary crossing of paths with my crush gave me butterflies in my stomach. splendid /SPLEN-did/ [adjective] – excellent, or beautiful and impressive Everything about her is splendid. exhilaration /ig-zil-uh-REY-shuhn/ [noun] – excitement and happiness I have to conceal my exhilaration whenever I hear her soothing voice and see her picturesque smile. fundamental /fuhn-duh-MEN-tl / [adjective] – forming the base, from which everything else develops Learning what makes her euphoric is a fundamental aspect of our growing relationship.  rigorous /RIG-er-uhs/ [adjective]…
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