
Researchers discover new Pterosaurs species


Pre-reading questions: Are you fond of watching dinosaur movies? Please explain your answer. Do you like reading about ancient animal discoveries? Why or why not? Vocabulary: creature /KREE-cher/ [noun] used to refer to a life form that is unusual or imaginary This book has mentioned many mythical creatures. skill /skil/ [noun] a special ability to do something She has improved her cooking skills recently. justify /JUHS-tuh-fahy/ [verb] to show that something is reasonable, right, or true There’s nothing he can say to justify his actions. diverse /DAHY-vurs/ [adjective] varied or different Brazilian cuisine is extremely diverse, owing to the culturally mixed history of the country. ancient /EYN-shuhnt/ [noun] of or…
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China implements face scans for phone users


Pre-reading questions: Do you always use your mobile phone? What do you think is the purpose of using mobile phones? Vocabulary: tighten /TAHYT-n/ [verb] to make a rule, system, or law stronger and more difficult to ignore Philippine Airlines tightened its security after the incident that happened last month. create /kree-EYT/ [verb] to make something new, or invent something The artist decided to create a unique hat for farmers made out of fruit gourd. implement /IM-pluh-ment/ [verb] to start using a plan or system The school had been slow to implement the new set of rules and regulations. advise /ad-VAYZ/ [verb] to give someone useful information, or to tell them…
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Japan and China to increase the number of flights this year

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Pre-reading questions: Is it better to travel by plane or by car? Please explain your answer. Do you have plans to travel to other countries? If yes, where? If no, why not? Vocabulary: increase /in-KREES/ [verb] to become or make something larger or greater They increased the price of rice by $5 in every sack. progress /PROG-res/ [noun] movement toward an improved or more developed state, or to a forward position Mechanical progress has been very quick over the past few months. facility /fuh-SIL-i-tee/ [noun] something such as a place, building, or equipment used for a particular purpose or activity The medical facilities in the Philippines were supervised by the…
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How dangerous is the consumption of red meat?

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like eating red meat? Do you think it is healthy to eat processed foods? Vocabulary: unsure /uhn-SHOOR/ [adjective] not certain or having doubts I’m unsure if my answers for this examination are correct. extent /ik-STENT/ [noun] the degree to which something happens or is likely to happen I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge. evidence /EV-i-duhns/ [noun] anything that helps to prove that something is or not true The detective scanned every bit of evidence. determine /dih-TUR-min/ [verb] to discover the facts or truth about something Investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the fire. credible /KRED-uh-buhl/ [adjective] able to be believed…
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Tokyo Grand Tea Ceremony fascinates foreigners


Pre-reading questions: What kind of tea do you enjoy drinking and why? What is your favorite Japanese festival and why? Vocabulary: custom /KUHS-tuhm/ [noun] a way of behaving or a belief that has been established for a long time One of the Filipino customs is Media Noche where families, relatives, and friends gather for a lavish midnight feast. conduct /kuhn-DUHKT/ [verb] to organize and direct a particular activity The new television program will conduct an audition for their lead actor next month ceremony /SER-uh-moh-nee/ [noun] a set of acts, often traditional or religious, performed at a formal occasion The couple’s wedding ceremony will be held near the beach. arrangement /uh-REYNJ-muhnt/…
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NASA’s InSight mission records astonishing sounds on the red planet


Pre-reading questions: Do you know anything about Mars? Elaborate your answer. Do you consider it as the second Earth? Why or why not? Vocabulary: bizarre /bih-ZAHR/ [adjective] very strange and unusual Everyone stared at the student who wore a bizarre outfit to school. observe /uhb-ZURV/ [verb] to watch carefully the way something happens or the way someone does something Drivers must observe the traffic rules. intention /in-TEN-shuhn/ [noun] something that you want and plan to do Tom had no intention of helping Jessica. surface /SUR-fis/ [noun] the outer or top part or layer of something Three-fourths of the earth’s surface is water. landscape /LAND-skeyp/ [noun] a large area of countryside,…
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Four healthy lifestyles that could boost mental health


Pre-Reading Questions: What do you usually do when you feel sad? Do you have a healthy lifestyle? Why or why not? Vocabulary: abstain /ab-STEYN/ [verb] to not do something, especially something enjoyable that you think might be bad He made a promise that starting next month, he will abstain from alcohol and smoking. keen /keen/ [adjective] very interested, eager, or wanting (to do) something very much She was keen to know the process of getting a national ID. severe /suh-VEER/ [adjective] causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc.; very serious I did not go to work yesterday due to a severe headache. distress /dih-STRES/ [noun] a feeling of extreme…
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Five ways to regain your health from flu

woman resting

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like taking medicines? Why or why not? What kinds of food do you usually eat? Vocabulary: symptom /SIMP-tuhm/ [noun] any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a disease Rashes, vomiting, and fever are some of the symptoms of dengue. shot /shot/ [noun] the amount of a drug that is put into the body by a single injection She got a shot of antibiotics from the hospital. period /PEER-ee-uhd/ [noun] a length of time He promised to solve the problems in the company in a period of six months. subside /suhb-SAHYD/ [verb] to become less strong After taking different medicines, her…
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Flying taxi is ready for take-off


© Photo by Forbes / AeroMobil via Forbes Pre-Reading Questions: Do you ride a taxi when you travel? Why or why not? What public transportation do you like the most? Why? Vocabulary: launch /lawnch/ [verb] to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new such as a product The new clothing line will launch a fashion show for the latest European trends. chassis /CHAS-ee/ [noun] the frame of a vehicle, usually including the wheels and engine, onto which the metal covering is fixed The students presented a sample chassis of their solar car invention to the university’s student government. capable /KEY-puh-buhl/ [adjective] able to do things effectively and…
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Kyoto city monitors tourists’ behavior via smartphone

Pre-reading questions: Do you enjoy traveling? Why or why not? Have you been to a different country? If yes, please tell me more. If no, where would you like to go? Vocabulary: initial /ih-NISH-uhl/ [adjective] of or at the beginning The project’s initial preparation is taking too much time. manner /MAN-er/ [noun] the usual way in which you behave towards other people or the way you behave on a particular occasion One must practice proper manners while eating. misconduct /mis-KON-duhkt/ [noun] unacceptable or illegal behavior by a person or group in a position of authority His misconduct at work caused his termination from the company. assess /uh-SES/ [verb] to make…
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