
Nagano attempts to keep traditional insect dishes


Photo by © Kyodo via The Japan Times Pre-reading questions: What is your favorite food? Why? What unusual food do you want to eat? Why? Vocabulary: order /AWR-der/ [noun] with the aim of achieving something She studies every night in order to pass the entrance examination. tradition /truh-DISH-uhn/ [noun] cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions The art exhibit we attended yesterday reminded me how important our tradition is. preserve /pri-ZURV/ [verb] to keep something from decaying, destroyed or dying I truly believe that we should preserve our natural resources. culture /KUHL-cher/ [noun] the way of life of a particular group of people at a particular time She was…
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A box of delight: Shiba Inu marshmallows

shiba inu

Photo by © Casey Baseel, SoraNews24 via Japan Today Pre-Reading Questions: What is your favorite snack? Please tell me more. Do you like eating desserts? Why or why not? Vocabulary: complement /kom-pluh-mehnt/ [verb] to make something else better when combining it with another Her red scarf complements her outfit. identical /ahy-den-ti-kuhl/ [adjective] exactly the same, or very similar William’s coat looks identical to mine. mixture /miks-cher/ [noun] a combination of different things The mixture of drinks made my brother ill. goods /guds/ [noun] items for sale The new shop sells goods at cheap prices. contain /kuhn-teyn/ [verb] to have something inside The victim’s suitcase contains only his clothes and wallet….
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Survey shows Japanese youth spend three hours online each day


Pre-reading questions: Do you use the Internet for fun or learning? Explain your answer. How often do you use the internet? Vocabulary: study /stuhd-ee/ [noun] the activity of examining a subject in detail to discover new information The previous study showed how people choose to spend their free time. spend /spend/ [verb] to use time doing something or being somewhere She spent a lot of time finishing her homework. search /surch/ [verb] to look for information on the internet Searching the internet helps students do their homework. government /guhv-ern-muhnt/ [noun] the group of people who officially control a country The government is planning to help the needy. data /dey-tuh/ [noun]…
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China to launch new generation of driverless maglev trains in 2020


Pre-reading questions: What is the most convenient public transportation system for you? Why? Do you like to travel by train? Why or why not? Vocabulary: generation /jen-uh-rey-shuhn/ [noun] a group of products or machines that are all at the same stage of development The company is working on developing the new generation of sports cars. driverless /drahy-ver-lis/ [adjective] (of a vehicle) not having a person as a driver His dream is to invent a reliable driverless car. commercial /kuh-mur-shuhl/ [adjective] used to describe a product or service that can be bought by the public This airport handles almost 20,000 commercial flights a month. entirely /en-tahyuhr-lee/ [adverb] completely The new product…
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Rising tennis star Naomi Osaka bags more sponsors


Photo by © The Mainichi via The Mainichi Business Pre-reading questions: What is the most interesting sport for you? Please explain your answer. What is your opinion about extreme sports? Vocabulary: compete /kuhm-peet/ [verb] to do an activity with others and try to do better than they do Rina competes with Pete in an essay writing activity. ambassador /am-BAS-uh-DAWR/ [noun] a person who represents, speaks or advertises a particular organization, group of people, activity, or brand The new Ambassador to the United States was appointed by the President. impact /IM-pakt/ [noun] a strong effect or influence on a situation or person The new advertisement has made quite an impact on…
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Let it Be: The new Beatles documentary


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like listening to music? If yes, what kind of music do you like? If no, why not? Do you like watching films? If yes, what kind of films do you like? If no, can you tell why? Vocabulary: director /DIH-rek-ter/ [noun] a person who tells actors in a film or play how to play their parts The latest movie of the most famous director was a total flop. footage /FOOT-ij/ [noun] film or videotape that shows a single event or place Detectives were studying the security footage of the house near the crime scene. joyous /JOI-uhs/ [adjective] full of joy Our recent trip to Bali was…
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Less sitting can make you live longer


Pre-Reading Questions: Which do you prefer, sleeping or exercising? Will it be better if we sleep or rest a lot? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: beneficial /ben-uh-fish-uhl/ [adjective] helpful, useful, or good Having a proper diet is beneficial to our health because we get the nutrients that the body needs. ability /uh-bil-i-tee/ [noun] power to do or act something Women were said to be good at multitasking because they have the ability to do different things at the same time and with ease maximum /mak-suh-muhm/ [adjective] being the largest amount or number allowed or possible People can do a lot of things if they will just push themselves to their…
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Japanese hospitals to use translation services


Pre-reading questions: Have you been abroad? How was your stay? When do you usually visit a hospital? Vocabulary: nationwide /ney-shuh n-wahyd/ [adverb] existing or happening in all parts of a particular country By the end of the month, the new products will be available nationwide. upcoming /uhp-kuhm-ing/ [adjective] happening soon Please check the calendar for the upcoming shows and events. determine /dih-tur-min/ [verb] to find out or make certain facts or information The students will determine their school festival activities. outpatient /out-pey-shuh nt/ [noun] a person who receives medical care from a hospital but who does not stay in the hospital for one or more nights The hospital must keep enough doctors…
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Japan to give 2.5 million yen scholarship for foreign nursing students

Diverse medical or nursing school students raise their hands to ask or answer a question during class. They are using laptop computers.

Pre-reading questions: Would you like to study or work in another country? Why or why not? What do you think are the benefits of working in another country? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: facility /fuh-sil-i-tee/ [noun] the buildings, equipment, and services provided for a particular purpose Our school has excellent sports facilities. aim /eym/ [verb] to plan for a specific purpose or to intend She aims to become a good actress in the future. shortage /shawr-tij/ [noun] a situation in which there is not enough of something Many restaurants increased the price of their burgers because of the beef shortage. caregiver /kair-giv-er/ [noun] someone who takes care of a person…
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Facebook makes people unhappy, according to a study


Pre-reading questions: Do you use social media sites? Why or why not? How often do you use social networking sites? Vocabulary: huge /yooj/ [noun] extremely large in amount or size Her last book signing was a huge success. unaware /uhn-uh-wair/ [adjective] not understanding or realizing something Angela is unaware of the announcement made by the principal. impact /im-pakt/ [noun] a powerful effect that something has on a situation or person Your friend can make a great impact in your life. attitude /at-i-tood/ [noun] a feeling or opinion about something or someone My attitude depends on how you treat me. recognize /rek-uhg-nahyz/ [verb] to know someone or something because you have…
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