
Japanese children’s dream jobs


Pre-reading questions: What is/was your dream job? Why? What do you think is the most important job? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: probe [prohb] (verb) to search into or examine something The detectives probed the crime scene carefully. instructive [in-STRUHK-tiv] (adjective) related to school or research The young genius chose an instructive career to make good use of her intelligence. on the contrary [KON-trer-ee] (idiom) a fact or opinion that is the opposite of one already stated She is lying; on the contrary, she is really guilty of the crime! consecutive [kuhn-SEK-yuh-tiv] (adjective) following one after another without an interruption The teacher has been sick for 5 consecutive days already….
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Netflix’s growth goes beyond target


Pre-reading questions: What do you usually do on the Internet? What are the kinds of movies that you like to watch? Vocabulary: attain [uh-TEYN] (verb) – to achieve something after a lot of work The goal of ancient philosophers was to attain wisdom. surpass [ser-PAS] (verb) – to be greater than Through hard work, I was able to surpass my previous high scores. exceed [ik-SEED] (verb) – to go beyond in amount The young director’s new movie exceeded the audience’s expectations. fuel [FYOO-uh-l] (verb) – to increase something Poverty in the country is fueled by the recent tax reform. strategy [STRAT-i-jee] (noun) – a plan that you use to achieve…
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Twitter begins “Advertising Transparency Center”


Pre-reading questions: What social media platforms do you enjoy using? What are the good points of using social media? Vocabulary: scrutiny [noun] – careful examination of someone The council members were under scrutiny by the government. inappropriate [adjective] – not right for a situation Her inappropriate behavior during dinner was obvious. creatives [noun] – content or material of an advertisement The creatives used in the commercial was effective. interface [noun] – over-all look of an application Facebook’s new interface is easy to use. transparency [noun] – being made aware of what information is being collected Everyone should practice transparency in the office to avoid conflict. Twitter is launching an Advertising…
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Hospital to allow anonymous childbirth

Japan - Intermediate

  Pre-reading questions: How do you feel about mothers abandoning their children? How can the government help abandoned children? Vocabulary: pioneer – one of the first people to do something important The company has been a pioneer in the car industry since 1950. abandon – left without needed care, support and protection The twins were abandoned by their mother. adopt – to take care of someone’s child as your own legally She was adopted at an early age. unwanted – no longer wanted or desired They are attracting unwanted attention from the media. biological parent – someone’s natural father or mother It was her dream to meet her biological parents….
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Steven Tyler opens Janie’s House


Pre-reading questions: How do you feel about the violence happening around the world? What do you think is the best way to help victims of violence?   Vocabulary: sanctuary – a safe and comfortable place All she wants is the sanctuary her house offers her after a day’s work. downtrodden – treated badly or unfairly This organization aims to help downtrodden women and children. iconic – very famous and well-known His songs are very iconic. movement – a group of people with a particular set of aims The citizens started a movement to change the government. grasp – to understand something He was finding it difficult to grasp what happened…
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China warns borrowers to pay up or be shamed

World News - Intermediate

Pre-reading questions: What do you think about lending money to your friends or family members? Please explain your answer. What do you think about borrowing money from the bank? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: platform – an opportunity to make your ideas or beliefs known publicly Facebook is a social media platform widely used across the world. screen – to investigate an individual to make sure that he/she is unlikely to cause problems The Human Resource Department screens all applicants thoroughly. credibility – the quality of being believed or trusted The jury had doubts about the credibility of some of the witnesses. debtor – a person, organization, or country that…
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Google keeps a list of everyone’s search history


Pre-reading questions: Do you think that Google is useful? How often do you use the internet? Vocabulary: website – a place on the internet where information can be found Our school has its own website. recommend – to suggest something He recommended a better restaurant. advertisement – an announcement to promote a product or service There are a lot of advertisements inside the mall. information – facts about something This book has a lot of information. relate – to be connected Science is related to technology. Google keeps a record of everything that people search for. It collects information on people’s search history. People can find all the information they…
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Cinnamon believed to have medical benefits

Health - Beginner

Pre-reading questions: What spices do you put on your food? What food do you eat when you are sick? Have you used cinnamon as medicine? Vocabulary: essential – extremely important or necessary Education is essential for a better future. cupboard – a part of a room used to store things; shelf I placed a box of cookie in the cupboard. perfume – to make something smell good The flowers perfumed my mother’s garden. extract – to remove or take out something I was able to extract some juice from the fruit. further – more; extra or additional The new medicine still needs further study. Cinnamon is one of the most…
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Trump tells Japan it can protect itself with US weapons

World News - Intermediate

Pre-reading questions: What are your thoughts on the relationship between the US and Japan? Do you think President Trump’s visit to Japan is important? Discuss.   Vocabulary: boost – to help something to increase or improve or become more successful They want the government to take action to boost the economy. dismay – a feeling of shock and unhappiness Lucy discovered to her dismay that she was pregnant. shoot down – to cause to fall by shooting The airliner was shot down by mistake. furthermore – also and more importantly She always arrives on time. Furthermore, her work is always excellent.   Japan was one of the five countries that US…
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China’s influence concerns other nations

World News - Intermediate

Pre-reading questions: What do you think are the most important qualities of a leader? In your opinion, what do all of the most developed countries have in common?   Vocabulary: stance – an attitude or view about an issue that you state clearly Many citizens agree with the governor’s stance on tax reform. diplomacy – the conduct of the relations of one state with another by peaceful means Diplomacy is almost always better than public threats. acquisition – the process of buying something or obtaining something The young woman’s acquisition of paintings is from her deceased uncle. colonialism – a situation in which one country rules another Colonialism gave bigger…
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