
The pursuit of a brighter tomorrow

The pursuit of a brighter tomorrow

Pre-Reading Questions: What is your favorite book? Why do you like that book? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: diagnose /DHAY-uhg-nohs/ [verb] to recognize and name the exact character of a disease or other problem by making an examination The laboratory examination is to diagnose the cause of the disease. inspire /in-SPAHYUR/ [verb] to fill someone with confidence and desire to do something This unfortunate event inspires me to strive more and achieve my goals. novel /NOV-uhl/ [noun] a long printed story about imaginary characters and events I am currently reading the novel entitled “Into the water” by Paula Hawkins. encourage /en-KUR-ij/ [verb] to make someone more likely to do something…
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Japan offers vacant houses for free

Vocabulary Guide critical /KRIT-i-KUHL/ [adjective] – someone or something is in bad situation abandon /uh-BAN-duhn/ [verb] – to completely leave a place or someone rural /ROOR-uhl/ [adjective] – countryside; located outside cities vanish /VAN-ish/ [verb] – to disappear Vocabulary Check Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Choose the correct answer in the box. rural vacant vanish critical abandoned The couple’s house is in _______ condition. The house in front of ours has been _________ for years. Her grandparents live in one of the _______ places of our country. After selling her house, she just _________ and never came back. Article Reading Read the passage and take note of…
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Dreaming of studying abroad? Consider the facts first

Dreaming of studying abroad consider the facts first

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like to study abroad? Why or why not? Do you like traveling? Why or why not? Vocabulary: knowledge /NOL-ij/ [noun] awareness, understanding, or information that has been obtained by experience or study I have knowledge of Japanese but can’t speak fluently. culture /KUHL-cher/ [noun] the way of life especially the general customs and beliefs of a particular group of people I am interested to learn more about Japanese culture. consider /kuhn-SID-er/ [verb] to spend time thinking about a possibility My wife and I are considering adopting a child. quality /KWOL-i-tee/ [adjective] of a high standard They offer quality service at a reasonable price. primary /PRAHY-mer-ee/ [adjective]…
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Thailand’s tallest building lets tourists walk on frightening glass floor

Pre-reading Questions Answer the following questions about the topic. Please explain your answer. Do you like trying extreme activities? Why? Why not? What things or situations are you afraid of? Article Reading Read the passage and take note of the highlighted words in the Vocabulary Guide. A terrifying experience awaits tourists in Bangkok. Situated at the top of King Power Mahanakhon, Thailand’s tallest completed building, is the new Mahanakhon SkyWalk. It offers a thrilling walk on a large glass floor that makes people afraid yet excited. The Mahanakhon Skywalk has an indoor deck where people who are too terrified to walk on the glass can have a 360-degree view of…
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First woman to qualify as a fighter jet pilot in Japan

Fighter jet woman Japan

Pre-reading questions: What are your thoughts about a female pilot? Do you like traveling by airplane? Why or why not? Vocabulary: successful /suhk-SES-fuhl/ [adjective] having achieved a lot, become popular, and/or made a lot of money My classmate in college is now a successful career woman. overcome /oh-ver-KUHM/ [verb] to defeat or succeed in controlling or dealing with something I want you to overcome your problem in your research study. path /path/ [noun] a set of actions, especially ones that lead to a goal or result The path to a successful life is to stay humble. assign /uh-SAYN/ [verb] to give a particular job or piece of work to someone…
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Families from South and North Korea meet after decades

Families from South and North Korea finally met

Pre-reading questions: Do you want to visit Korea? Why or why not? What is your opinion about the conflict between North and South Korea? Vocabulary: separation /sep-uh-REY-shuhn/ [noun] a situation in which two or more people or things are separated Separation is the time of high emotional stress. embrace /em-BREYS/ [verb] to hold someone close to you with your arms to express affection She greeted her daughter and embraced her tightly. reminisce /rem-uh-NIS/ [verb] to talk or write about past experiences that you remember She likes to reminisce about her years in high school. get-together /GET-tuh-geth-er/ [noun] a gathering of people, esp. for enjoyment She attended a family get-together last…
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Greenland’s giant iceberg threatens fishing community

Greenland's giant iceberg threatens fishing community

Pre-reading questions: Do you want to go to Greenland? Why or why not? Do you want to see an icerberg? Why? Vocabulary: huge /hyooj/ [adjective] extremely large in size or amount There was huge animal wandering on the road. community /kuh-MYOO-ni-tee/ [noun] the people living in one particular area All my relatives are living in one community. rise /rahyz/ [verb] to move up The price of the painting rises as it gets older. cause /kawz/ [noun] the reason why something happens Bacteria is one of the causes of human diseases. declare /dih-KLAIR/ [verb] to announce something publicly or officially The school declared suspension of classes because of the heavy rain….
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Too much body weight may cause depression

Pre-reading Questions Answer the following questions about the topic. Please explain your answer. What do you think is the ideal body weight? How does too much body weight affect a person’s life? Article Reading Read the passage and take note of the highlighted words in the vocabulary guide. According to the researchers of International Journal of Epidemiology, people with high body mass index are at higher risk of developing depression. Researchers of this study were able to gather hospital and personal data from 500,000 participants from year 2006 to 2010 with ages 37 to 73 and results show that there are 49,000 participants who have depression with high BMI.  …
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“Hiroshima – The Last Rose of Summer” to air in 2020


Pre-reading questions: What kind of movies do you like to watch? Why? Do you think Japanese history is interesting? Why or why not? Vocabulary: production /proh-DUHK-shuhn/ [noun] a movie, television program, play, or other entertainment Samuel wants to be part of the new movie production team. aim /eym/ [verb] to plan Our team aims to finish the report by Friday. currently /KUR-uhnt-lee/ [adverb] at the present time My sister is currently in the hospital so she can’t come to the party. hostage /HOS-tij/ [noun] someone who is taken as a prisoner by an enemy Some of the hostages in our city are now free. well-known /wel-NOHN/ [adjective] popular or known…
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Sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of stroke

Sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of stroke

Pre-reading questions: What is your daily routine? How many hours in a day do you spend on your phone? Vocabulary: aggrandize /uh-GRAN-dahyz/ [verb] to make great or greater Her goal for this year is to aggrandize her business. descend /dih-SEND/ [verb] to go down or come down The percentage of people who get a virus descends from 20% to 15%. hypertension /hahy-per-TEN-shuhn/ [noun] a medical condition in which your blood pressure is extremely high Eating too much fatty food can cause hypertension. gaze /geyz/ [verb] to look at something or someone for a long time Beth spends 2 hours gazing at the computer. adjure /uh-JOOR/ [verb] to ask or order…
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