
Masterclasses offered to small business owners

Presenter Presenting on Stage at Conference Meeting. Professiona

Pre-reading questions I will read each question. Then, please answer them. What is one skill you are proud of? Please tell me more about it. If given the chance, what kind of business would you like to have? Why? Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. seminar /SEM-uh-nahr/ [noun] – an occasion when a teacher or expert and a group of people meet to study and discuss something He received an invitation to a seminar in Paris. offer /OF-er/ [verb] – to provide or supply something Career counselors offer advice to all students. professional /pruh-FESH-uh-nl/ [adjective] – related to work that needs a…
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What parents misunderstand about “milestones” in childhood


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. Can you tell me about a special memory from your childhood? What was the first thing you ever learned to cook or bake by yourself? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. obsession /uhb-SESH-uhn/ [noun] – something or someone that you think about all the time Her obsession with social media led to her spending most of her time scrolling through her feeds. come across /kuhm uh-KRAWS/ [phrasal verb] – to find something by chance I came across a beautiful painting while browsing through an art gallery. aware /uh-WAIR/ [adjective] – knowing…
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Have people lost their sense of proper conduct at work?


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. What are some examples of appropriate behavior in the workplace? How should employees communicate with their colleagues and superiors? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. concerned /kuhn-SURND/ [adjective] – worried John was concerned about the safety measures put in place at the office before returning to work. standard /STAN-derd/ [noun] – a level of quality The company has set a high standard for customer service that all employees must adhere to. grant /grant/ [verb] – to give or allow someone something, usually in an official way The manager granted the team’s…
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Karaage’s capital city

Spicy chicken karaage with lemon and green onion close-up. horiz

Pre-reading questions I will read each question. Then, please answer them. How often do you eat karaage? What do you like about karaage? Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. complex /KOM-pleks/ [adjective] – involving a lot of different but related parts The TV show’s plot is quite complex. center /SEN-ter/ [noun] – a building or set of buildings having a particular purpose, or a place connected with a particular activity Shibuya is a very large shopping center. fame /feym/ [noun] – the state of being known or recognized by many people because of your achievements, skills, etc. The author’s fame is known…
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Indian restaurant owner and cook arrested for food poisoning

Man having diarrhea or food poisoning after unhealthy junk fast food. Guy has to go to toilet after eating too much. Stomach pain, digestion problem, indigestion, salmonella or heart attack concept.

Pre-reading questions I will read each question. Then, please answer them. What food do you like ordering at restaurants? What do you think makes food unsafe to eat? Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. admit /ad-MIT/ [verb] – to allow someone to enter a hospital because they need medical care She was admitted to the hospital for further observation. investigation /n-ves-ti-GEY-shuhn/ [noun] – the act or process of examining a crime, problem, statement, etc. carefully, especially to discover the truth The police conducted a thorough investigation. detain /dih-TEYN/ [verb] – to force someone officially to stay in a place He must be…
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The fundamental link between self-awareness and motivation


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. What are some common reasons for feeling unmotivated? How can you create a motivating environment to boost productivity? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. motivation /moh-tuh-VEy-shuhn/ [noun] – enthusiasm for doing something Lack of motivation was the reason he couldn’t complete the project on time. factor /FAK-ter / [noun] – a fact or situation that influences the result of something The weather was a major factor in the decision to cancel the outdoor event. latter /LAT-er/ [noun] – the second of two people, things, or groups previously mentioned She was torn…
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The good and bad of indecisiveness

Side view pensive businesswoman touches chin as symbol of thinking and consideration, female ceo standing in office room looking out window search solutions feels concerned, concept of business vision

Pre-reading questions I will read each question. Then, please answer them. How do you make decisions? In what situations do you ask for others’ opinions first before making decisions? Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. put something off /poot of/ [phrasal verb] – to decide or arrange to delay an event or activity until a later time or date We’ve been forced to put off our trip until September. generally /JEN-er-uh-lee/ [adverb] – considering the whole of someone or something, and not just a particular part of him, her, or it The house is generally in bad shape. clumsy /KLUHM-zee/ [adjective] –…
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Why aren’t comfort foods the same?


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. What do you do when you are not in the mood? How do comfort foods impact our mental wellbeing? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. indicate /IN-di-keyt/ [verb] – to show, point, or make clear in another way Dreams can help indicate your true feelings. reveal /ri-VEEL/ [verb] – to make known or show something that is surprising or that was previously secret The doctor did not reveal the truth to him. precise /pri-SAHYS/ [adjective] – exact and accurate It is important to take precise measurements of the structure. definition /def-uh-NISH-uhn/…
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The impact of climate films on society


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. What is your favorite show on TV? Could you tell me about it? Do you watch shows that are related to the environment? Why or why not? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. manner /MAN-er/ [noun] – the way in which something is done The manner of presentation is highly important. disaster /dih-ZAS-ter/ [noun] – (an event that results in) great harm, damage, or death, or serious difficulty The reason for the disaster was engine failure, not human error. sweat /swet / [noun] – the clear, salty liquid that you pass…
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Private information from 14 schools leaked by hackers

System hacked alert after cyber attack on computer network. compromised information concept. internet virus cyber security and cybercrime.

Pre-reading questions I will read each question. Then, please answer them. How important is privacy to you? How do you respect other people’s privacy? Vocabulary I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. contract /KON-trakt/ [noun] – a legal document that states and explains a formal agreement between two different people or groups, or the agreement itself They ended my contract in December. scan /skan/ [noun] – a picture of a document that has been put into a computer The requirements consist of X-rays, scans, or blood tests. detailed /DEE-teyld/ [adjective] – giving a lot of information with many details This is a detailed list…
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