Tag Archive: Business & Economy – Beginner

Cyclists pay up to £107 for bike hangar usage annually


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 How much is the car parking fee in your city? Do you like cycling? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 vehicle /VEE-i-kuhl / [noun] – a machine, usually with wheels and an engine, used for transporting people or goods, especially on land Cars, buses, and trucks are examples of road vehicles. owner /OH-ner/ [noun] – someone who owns something Are you the owner of this car? encourage /en-KUR-ij/ [verb] – to make someone more likely to do something, or to make something more likely to happen At school, we…
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Man-made diamond sales rise


© Charles and Colvard via CNN Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Do you know your birthstone? Do you wear a necklace? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 engagement /en-GEYJ-muhnt/ [noun] – an agreement to marry someone Sheena and Donny announced their engagement last Saturday. natural /NACH-er-uhl/ [adjective] – as found in nature and not involving anything made or done by people The tourists enjoyed the natural view of the forest. size /sahyz/ [noun] – how large or small something or someone is I need this shirt in a smaller size. jewelry /JOO-uhl-ree/ [noun] –…
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UK proposes regulations to make fake reviews illegal

Customer review satisfaction feedback survey concept, User give rating to service experience on online application, Customer can evaluate quality of service leading to reputation ranking of business.

Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Do you like shopping online? Do you check customer reviews first before buying from an online shop? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 suggest /suhg-JEST/ [verb] – to mention an idea, possible plan, or action for other people to consider I suggest we go there by taxi. review /ri-VYOO/ [noun] – used on shopping sites to give customers an opportunity to rate and comment on products they have purchased, right on the product page This product has many positive reviews. attention /uh-TEN-shuhn/ [noun] – notice, thought, or interest The…
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DOLE opens 12,000 jobs for Filipinos on Labor Day 2022


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Does your country celebrate Labor Day/International Worker’s Day? Have you ever seen a job opening ad on a billboard? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 anniversary /an-uh-VUR-suh-ree/ [noun] – the day on which an important event happened in a previous year The bank will celebrate its 95th anniversary this July. organize /AWR-guh-nahyz/ [verb] – to make arrangements for something to happen Mia and Gian organized a picnic party. fair /fair/ [noun] – treating someone in a way that is right or reasonable, or treating a group of people equally…
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Argentines rely on cryptocurrency for their basic needs


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 How do you save money? Do you use cryptocurrency? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 offer /AW-fer/ [verb] – to provide or supply something The shop is offering a 50 percent discount on most of its items. cheap /cheep/ [adjective] – costing little money or less than is usual or expected Fruits and vegetables are cheaper in supermarkets. cost /kawst/ [noun] – the amount of money needed to buy, do, or make something How much does it cost to get to Shinjuku? annual /AN-yoo-uhl/ [adjective] – happening once every…
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MPs worry that a labor shortage in agriculture could lead to an increase in prices


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Should the agricultural industry be prioritized? Does labor shortage happen in your country? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 communicate /kuh-MYOO-ni-keyt/ [verb] – to share information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals We may now communicate with people on the other side of the globe in real time declare /dih-KLAIR / [verb] – to announce something clearly, firmly, publicly, or officially It was the greatest chocolate cake she had ever had, she declared. farming /FAHR-ming/ [noun] – the activity of working on a…
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Twitter implements a “poison pill” against Elon Musk’s offer


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Do you use Twitter? How often do you use social media sites? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 director /dih-REK-ter/ [noun] – a manager of an organization, company, college, etc. He became a board director last year. own /ohn/ [verb] – to have something that legally belongs to you Sadly, I don’t own a computer. against /uh-GENST/ [preposition] – disagreeing with a plan or activity She was against the decision to cancel the meeting. announce /uh-NOUNS/ [verb] – to make something known or tell people about something officially They’ll…
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Companies to face clean-up costs for dumped litter


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Have you ever joined a clean-up drive? Do you take out the garbage at night? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 responsible /ri-SPON-suh-buhl/ [adjective] – to be the person who caused something to happen, especially something bad Who is responsible for this tragedy? recycle /ree-SAHY-kuhl/ [verb] – to sort and collect trash in order to treat it and produce useful materials that can be used again More than half of Japan’s waste paper is recycled. introduce /in-truh-DOOS/ [verb] – to put something into use, operation, or a place for…
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Japanese green tea leaves sell for nearly 2 million yen


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 What is your favorite type of tea? Do you prefer loose leaf tea to tea bags? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 grow /groh/ [verb] – If you grow a plant, you put it in the ground and take care of it, usually in order to sell it I’d like to grow orchids in the backyard. affordable /uh-FAWR-duh-buhl / [adjective] – not expensive That store offers great clothes at affordable prices. fuel /FYOO-uhl/ [noun] – If you grow a plant, you put it in the ground and take care…
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Google plans to spend $9.5 billion to expand offices


Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 How often do you use Google? Are you interested in a tech job? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 blog /blawg/ [noun] – a regular record of your thoughts, opinions, or experiences that you put on the internet for other people to read Jessie enjoys reading food blogs. center /SEN-ter/ [noun] – a place or building, especially one where a particular activity happens Let’s go to the shopping center this afternoon. own /ohn/ [verb] – belonging to or done by a particular person or thing Larry owns two vintage…
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