Tag Archive: japan news – expert

Get in touch with nature on Greenery Day

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Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. greenery /GREE-nuh-ree/ [noun] – green plants, or branches that have been cut off from plants If you do desire greenery, it is best to use large plastic plants. dedicate to /DED-i-keyt/ [verb] – to give completely your energy, time, etc. to something He dedicated his entire life to helping the needy. scorching /SKAWR-ching / [adjective] – very hot It was scorching hot outside. gathering /GATH-er-ing / [noun] – a party or a meeting when many people come together as a group There will be a gathering of world leaders in Los Angeles next month. afforestation /uh-FAWR-ist/…
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A day to experience history


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. draft /draft/ [verb] – to write the first version of a document such as a letter, essay, or law, which may have details added, changed, or corrected later She assisted me to draft a complaint letter. amend /uh-MEND/ [verb] – to change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document Congress may amend the proposed tax bill. unity /YOO-ni-tee/ [noun] – the state of being joined together or in agreement Despite its public display of unity, the royal family, like any other, had its share of conflicts. transition /tran-ZISH-uhn/ [noun] – a…
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Japanese Era to reminisce


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. emperor /EM-per-er/ [noun] – a male ruler of an empire This type of porcelain was created only for the Chinese emperor and his family. reign /reyn/ [noun] – the period of time when a king or queen rules a country We discussed his successful reign as a king. spark /spahrk/ [verb] – to cause the start of something, especially an argument or fighting This idea will almost surely spark a new immigration debate across the country. commemorate /kuh-MEM-uh-reyt / [verb] – to remember officially and give respect to a great person or event, especially by a…
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Japanese researchers create electric chopsticks to boost salty tastes


©Issei kato via Reuters Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. intensify /in-TEN-suh-fahy/ [verb] – to become greater, more serious, or more extreme, or to make something do this A pinch of pepper intensified the flavor of the soup. transmit /trans-MIT/ [verb] – to send out or carry signals or messages using radio, television, etc. Some people still use the fax machine to transmit information. quest /kwest/ [noun] – a long search for something that is difficult to find, or an attempt to achieve something difficult Dana is on a quest to find the best Italian restaurant. imitate /IM-i-teyt/ [verb] – to copy…
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Japanese green tea leaves sell for nearly 2 million yen


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. indigenous /in-DIJ-uh-nuhs/ [adjective] – used to refer to plants and animals that grow or live naturally in a place, and have not been brought there from somewhere else This dish is made of indigenous herbs and spices. mark /mahrk/ [verb] – to show respect for or commemorate Today marks the 12th anniversary of our store. surge /surj/ [verb] – to increase suddenly and strongly House prices in the UK have surged this month. transaction /tran-SAK-shuhn/ [noun] – an occasion when someone buys or sells something, or when money is exchanged or the activity of buying or…
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Studio Ghibli’s theme park to open in November 2022


©Studio Ghibli via CNN Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. rejoice /ri-JOIS/ [verb] – to feel or show great happiness about something I’m sure they will rejoice at the sight of their new house. iconic /ahy-KON-ik/ [adjective] – very famous or popular Many people still listen to ABBA’s iconic songs. anticipate /an-TIS-tuh-peyt / [verb] – to imagine or expect that something will happen We should have anticipated the closing of establishments. essence /ES-uhns/ [noun] – the basic or most important idea or quality of something I think the essence of this film is the story of kindness. picture /PIK-cher / [verb] –…
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Japan celebrates National Foundation Day


Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. commemorate /kuh-MEM-uh-reyt/ [verb] – to show honor to the memory of an important person or event in a special way The celebrations commemorated the school’s 20th anniversary of its founding. predecessor /PRED-uh-ses-er/ [noun] – someone who had a job or a position before someone else, or something that comes before another thing in time or in a series My predecessor held this position for a total of twelve years. throne /throhn/ [noun] – the state of being a ruler Charles is the rightful heir to the throne. descendant /dih-SEN-duhnt/ [noun] – a person who is related…
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3 splendid places to witness Tokyo’s fall colors

3 splendid places to witness Tokyo's fall colors

©Marufish/Flickr Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. splashy /SPLASH-ee/ [adjective] – attracting attention, particularly colorful or showy The dress was printed with splashy flowers. deem /deem/ [verb] – to consider or judge something in a particular way Several factors are deemed necessary to produce a good output of the project. catch a glimpse (of something/someone) /KACH-uh-GLIMPS-uhv-SUHM-thing/ [idiom] – to see someone or something very briefly or suddenly Many had waited for hours to catch a glimpse of him. glory /GLAWR-ee/ [noun] – great beauty, or something special or extremely beautiful, that gives great pleasure They want to restore the castle to its…
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Toshiba confirms breakup plan


© GETTY IMAGES via BBC News Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. conglomerate /kuhn-GLOM-er-it/ [noun] – a company that owns several smaller businesses whose products or services are usually very different An American conglomerate plans to purchase the site for a billion dollars. retain /ri-TEYN/ [verb] – to keep or continue to have something She lost the right to retain possession of his belongings. fallout /FAWL-out/ [noun] – the unpleasant results or effects of an action or event He lost his job as a result of the financial scandal’s fallout. overstate /oh-ver-STEYT/ [verb] – (accounting, business) to report that the amount in…
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Japan records zero COVID-19 deaths for the first time in 15 months

Japan records zero COVID-19 deaths for first time in 15 months

©Kyodo News via The Japan Times Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. prior to (something) /PRAHY-er-too/ [adjective] – before a particular time or event The group rehearses for the last time prior to the competition. tally /TAL-ee/ [noun] – a record or count of a number of items The data doesn’t correspond to the requirements. There must be something wrong with the tally. wave /weyv/ [noun] – a larger than usual number of events of a similar, often bad, type, happening within the same period A wave of protests against climate change has swept the country. medication /med-i-KEY-shuhn/ [noun] – a medicine,…
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