Tag Archive: japan news – expert

Astonishing 2D Cafe in Tokyo attracts customers


Vocabulary: two-dimensional /TOO-di-MEN-shuh-nl/ [adjective] flat, having width and length but not depth He is known for his two-dimensional artworks. facade /fuh-SAHD/ [noun] the front of a building The building’s facade is decorated with colorful hats. monochrome /MON-uh-krohm/ [adjective] using only black, white, and grey, or using only one color They moved out of their monochrome house because they thought it was dull. interior design /in-TEER-ee-er dih-ZAHYN/ [noun] the art of planning the decoration of the inside of a building such as a house or office The interior design of the building was planned by the famous architect. deception /dih-SEP-shuhn/ [noun] a statement or action that hides the truth, or the…
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Tokyo tops the world’s safest cities for the third time


Vocabulary: rank /rangk/ [verb] to have or be put into a position on a list of other similar things or people, that compares their importance, level of success, etc. Several countries around the world will be ranked this coming Olympic game. bounce back /BOUNS-bak/ [phrasal verb] to return to your usual state or activities after having a problem The company’s management is spending much time to bounce back from bankruptcy. accordance /uh-KAWR-dns/ [noun] obeying a rule, law, standard Employees usually act in accordance with the established protocol. foresee /fawr-see/ [verb] to know about something before it happens Few members of the local group did foresee the tremendous results of their…
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Japan to use facial recognition technology for foreign visitors


Photo by © ANN via The Star Vocabulary: encrypt /en-KRIPT/ [verb] to change electronic information or signals into a secret code All bank-issued cards must be encrypted for security purposes. authenticate /aw-THEN-ti-keyt/ [verb] to prove that something is real, true, or what people say it is We have to authenticate first the data before disclosing to the public. embarkation /em-bahr-KEY-shuhn/ [noun] the act, process, or an instance of going on a ship or an aircraft We have to expedite the process of embarkation for the customers’ convenience. misidentification /mis-ahy-DEN-tuh-fahy-key-shun/ [noun] the act of recognizing and naming someone or something incorrectly We have to ensure efficiency in our data processing to…
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Misato Michisita to join the 2020 Paralympics


Photo by © REUTERS via The Japan Times Vocabulary: consecutive /kuhn-SEK-yuh-tiv/ [adjective] following one after another without an interruption He won seven consecutive wins after becoming a professional athlete. rate /reyt/ [verb] to judge the value or character of someone or something He was rated by his managers through his skills and perseverance. labor /LEY-ber/ [noun] practical work, esp. work that involves physical effort He can do different types of physical labor without complaining. unfold /uhn-FOHLD/ [verb] (of a situation or story) to develop or become clear His secrets will unfold the moment he makes his confession. appreciation /uh-pree-shee-EY-shuhn/ [noun] the act of showing that you are grateful for something…
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Fighting climate change in Japan


Photo by © CHIARA TERZUOLO via Savvy Tokyo Vocabulary: emission /ih-MISH-uhn/ [noun] an amount of gas, heat, light, etc. that is sent out Greenhouse gas emissions usually come from fuel and carbon companies. commodity /kuh-MOD-i-tee/ [noun] a substance or product that can be traded, bought, or sold Some of the commodities that are best to trade are stockpiles of oil, pork bellies and wheat. flatten /FLAT-n/ [verb] to stop increasing or stop something from increasing Many famous celebrities are starting to influence other people to avoid single-use plastics. Since then, the production of such plastics has been flattening. sustainable /suh-STEY-nuh-buhl/ [adjective] causing little or no damage to the environment and…
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Sushi restaurant in Japan to raise young fish


Vocabulary: renowned /ri-NOUND/ [adjective] famous for something A renowned American restaurant will release a new set of their menu next month. dwindling /DWIN-dling/ [adjective] gradually becoming smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number The dwindling number of customers caused the company’s bankruptcy. nourish /NUR-ish/ [verb] to provide living things with food in order to make them grow A famous restaurant in town has been nourishing oysters and mussels for years. juvenile /JOO-vuh-nl/ [adjective] young It is rare to find a restaurant that serves juvenile salmon. diversify /dih-VUR-suh-fahy/ [verb] to start to include more different types or things The restaurant started to diversify their menus to attract more customers….
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Japan to charge plastic bags

ban plastics

Vocabulary: mandate /MAN-deyt/ [verb] to order someone to do something The newly elected mayor mandated a new law that would improve people’s security. debar /dih-BAHR/ [verb] to stop someone from doing something by law or by official agreement The coast guards debar foreigners from entering the country’s sea territory. prohibit /proh-HIB-it/ [verb] to officially refuse to allow something The citizens are protesting about the new law that prohibits people from smoking in public areas. exclude /ik-SKLOOD/ [verb] to keep out or omit (something or someone) We have to exclude some of the processes that are not beneficial to the company. noxious /NOK-shuhs/ [adjective] harmful and unpleasant The employees evacuated yesterday…
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Japanese offices increase greenery to lessen stress


Photo by © Koji Fujii / Nacasa and Partners Inc. via Spoon & Tamago Vocabulary: greenery /GREE-nuh-ree/ [noun] green plants or branches, especially when cut and used as decoration They ordered some greenery to brighten up the new area in the hospital. for good measure /fawr good MEZH-er/ [idiom] something that is given or done in addition to other things Why not try calling his parents or brother for good measure? suspend /suh-SPEND/ [verb] to hang down from something It was rather strange to see some lights suspended from their front door. akin /uh-KIN/ [adjective] having some of the same qualities Softball has numerous concepts akin to baseball, though they…
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Former Red Sox pitcher Koji Uehara retires


Photo by © KYODO via The Mainichi Vocabulary: debut /dey-BYOO/ [verb] to perform or be introduced to the public for the first time The South Korean boyband, Day6, debuted on September 7, 2015. gain the palm /geyn the pahm/ [idiom] to win or get victory The coach was very happy because the team gained the palm this season. disclose /dih-SKLOHZ/ [verb] to give information to the public that was not previously known The board of director disclosed the anomalies inside the company. awe-inspiring /AW-in-spahyuh r-ing/ [adjective] causing you to feel great respect or admiration The mountain summit in Sagada is an awe-inspiring sight. hail /heyl/ [verb] to publicly praise or show…
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Wasao becomes the new stationmaster


Photo by © KYODO via The Japan Times Vocabulary: appoint /uh-POINT/ [verb] to choose someone officially for a job or responsibility The company’s stockholders will appoint a new chairman. recognition /rek-uhg-NISH-uhn/ [noun] public appreciation for a person’s or group’s achievements He received recognition because of his outstanding performance in the company. spouse /spous/ [noun] a person’s husband or wife Mr. Sato goes to work every day while his spouse does the household chores. associate /uh-SOH-shee-it/ [verb] to be connected with something in some way Common health problems are associated with poor lifestyle. endorse /en-DAWRS/ [verb] to make a public statement of your approval or support for something or someone The…
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