Tag Archive: japan news – expert

Tokyo’s Bunkitsu: A gallery-like bookstore


Photo by © LIBRO PLUS via The Japan Times Vocabulary: exquisite /ik-SKWIZ-it/ [adjective] very beautiful and delicate This exquisite piece of art is the reason why many people visit the museum. concern /kuhn-SURN/ [noun] a worried feeling, or a state of anxiety My teacher expressed a lot of concern about the behavior of the students. bookworm /BOOK-wurm/ [noun] someone who likes to read books Bookworms are really excited for the opening of the new library. unparalleled /uhn-PAR-uh-leld/ [adjective] having no equal; better or greater than any other He was invited to attend a meeting abroad because of his unparalleled idea. behemoth /bih-HEE-muhth/ [noun] an extremely large and powerful company or…
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Cherry blossoms attract more foreign tourists

cherry blossom

Vocabulary: numerous /NOO-mer-uhs/ [adjective] many The editor found numerous errors in the newspaper article. flock /flok/ [verb] to move or come together in large numbers Fans are flocking to the concert hall to see their favorite idols. pose /pohz/ [verb] to cause something, especially a problem or difficulty The humid weather poses agricultural problems to farmers. blunder /BLUHN-der/ [noun] a serious mistake, usually caused by not taking care or thinking The teacher made a blunder by getting her students’ names wrong. bough /bou/ [noun] a large branch of a tree A tree bough fell on my neighbor’s car during the typhoon. Cherry blossoms attract more foreign tourists at the start…
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Japanese company produces high-tech wheelchairs


Photo by © AFP via The Straits Times Vocabulary: establish /ih-STAB-lish/ [verb] to create or set something in a particular way You need to use different kinds of material to establish a new building. paralympic /PAR-uh-LIM-pik/ [adjective] an international sports competition for people with disabilities I would have felt better if I had joined Paralympic games. classified /KLAS-uh-fahyd/ [adjective] officially secret information Alan’s voluminous penmanship is classified as good. durability /du-ra-bil-i-ty/ [noun] the fact of something continuing to be used without getting damaged The durability of this product is essential. accomplish /UH-kom-plish/ [verb] to finish something successfully You have to work hard to accomplish all your goals. Ox Engineering, a…
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Nagano attempts to keep traditional insect dishes


Photo by © Kyodo via The Japan Times Vocabulary: practice /PRAK-tis/ [noun] something that is usually or regularly done, often as a habit, tradition, or custom There are some old practices of my generation that I don’t want to take on. colloquially /kuh-LOH-kwee-uhl-lee/ [adverb] words and expressions that are informal, more suitable for use in speech than in writing His poetry is quite beautiful but when expressed colloquially, it has a different meaning. cuisine /kwi-ZEEN/ [noun] a style of cooking My best friend has an expensive taste when it comes to French cuisine. legacy /LEG-uh-see/ [noun] something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier…
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A box of delight: Shiba Inu marshmallows

shiba inu

Photo by © Casey Baseel, SoraNews24 via Japan Today Vocabulary: befit /bih-fit/ [verb] to be right or suitable for someone or something He was offered a position that befits his seniority and experience in the field. sweet tooth /swit tuth/ [idiom] a strong liking for sweet foods James doesn’t have a sweet tooth but he eats chocolates every now and then. mirror /mir-er/ [verb] to be similar to someone or something Emil finds it bothersome when Lukas mirrors his sense of fashion. confection /kuhn-fek-shuhn/ [noun] a decorated cake or sweet dish Besides music, Vienna is also renowned for its coffee and confections. munchies /muhn-cheez/ [noun] snacks eaten between meals, at…
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Survey shows Japanese youth spend three hours online each day


Vocabulary: survey /ser-vey/ [noun] a set of questions people are asked to gather information or find out their opinions A recent survey shows that the density of the rural population is decreasing. consume /kuhn-soom/ [verb] to use time, especially in large amounts Several minutes were consumed searching for the puzzle piece. surf /surf/ [verb] to spend time visiting a lot of websites She likes to surf the internet in her spare time. official /uh-fish-uh-l/ [noun] a person who has a position of responsibility in an organization Health Department officials have been urging people to eat less meat. outcome /out-kuhm/ [noun] the result or effect of an action, situation, or event…
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Rising tennis star Naomi Osaka bags more sponsors


Photo by © The Mainichi via The Mainichi Business Vocabulary: sponsorship /SPON-ser-ship/ [noun] an act of supporting a person, organization, or activity with the use of money The sponsorship for sports this year has surprisingly increased. pre-order /PRE-AWR-der/ [noun] an agreement to sell something before it is finished or available The book you have been waiting for is now available for pre-orders. exceed /ik-SEED/ [verb] to be greater or to go past an allowed limit Your performance exceeded the given criteria. contract /kon-trakt/ [noun] a formal agreement between two different people or groups, or the agreement itself If you signed a contract then you are obliged to comply accordingly. assume…
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Japanese hospitals to use translation services


Vocabulary: interpreter /in-tur-pri-ter/ [noun] a person whose job is to change what someone is saying into the words of another language The president had a talk with the prime minister with the help of an interpreter. mitigate /mit-i-geyt/ [verb] to make something less severe or less unpleasant Some cities have ordinances that can mitigate the effects of global warming. framework /freym-wurk/ [noun] the ideas, information, and principles that form the structure of an organization or plan The implementation of the house rules was a failure due to the lack of framework. expertise /ek-sper-teez/ [noun] a high level of skill or knowledge His expertise in the courtroom is widely acclaimed, despite…
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Sumo grand champion Kisenosato retires


Photo by © Nikkan Sports via The Japan Times Sports Vocabulary: fateful /feyt-fuhl/ [adjective] having an important and usually negative effect on the future The general made a fateful decision to send his daughter in the army. opt /opt/ [verb] to make a choice, especially of one thing or possibility instead of others He opts to retire from Taekwondo because of his right leg injury. outplay /out-pley/ [verb] to play better than another person or team The defending champion was outplayed by a newbie. peril /per-uh l/ [noun] great danger, or something that is very dangerous Her life is now in peril after she became an eye witness. bout /bout/ [noun]…
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How much money do foreign visitors spend in Japan?


Vocabulary: fascinate /fas-uh-neyt/ [verb] to interest someone a lot The beauty of the moon always fascinates her. phenomenal /fi-nom-uh-nl/ [adjective] extremely successful or special, especially in a surprising way Receiving his first award as a fiction writer is a phenomenal experience for him. record-high /rek-erd-hahy/ [adjective] the highest amount or level that something has ever reached The flower shop hit its record-high sales in February. expend /ik-spend/ [verb] to use or spend time, effort, or money Last year, I expended a lot of money on concert tickets. impose /im-pohz/ [verb] to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received The manager wants to impose a new…
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