Tag Archive: lifestyle – intermediate

Three healthy ways to keep an active lifestyle


Pre-Reading Questions: How do you keep yourself healthy? What healthy food do you usually eat? Vocabulary: phase /feyz/ [noun] – any stage in a series of events or in a process of development Joey improves a lot when it comes to decision making after he got married and started a new phase in his life. decline /dih-KLAHYN/ [verb] – to gradually become less, worse, or lower The company’s profit continues to decline because of the outbreak that has been happening for months. maintain /meyn-TEYN/ [verb] – to continue to have; to keep in existence, or not allow to become less Mary exercises everyday to maintain her good health. ensure /en-SHOOR/…
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How to sanitize your filthy phones


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you think your phone is dirty? Why or why not? How often do you use your smartphone? Vocabulary: effective /ih-FEK-tiv/ [adjective] successful or achieving the results that you want Exercising together with a balanced diet is an effective way to lose weight. defense /dih-FENS/ [noun] the ability to protect against attack or harm Eating fruits and vegetables can help strengthen our body’s defenses from being sick. carrier /KAR-ee-er/ [noun] someone or something that has the infection or genetic fault that causes it and can give the disease to someone else Basic hospital equipment like syringes can also be bacteria-carriers if not disposed properly. conduct /kuhn-DUHKT/ [verb] to…
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All you need to know about Japanese tea


Pre-Reading Questions: Do you think drinking tea is good for our bodies? When do you usually drink tea? Vocabulary: definitely /DEF-uh-nit-lee/ [adverb] without any doubt Mario will definitely come here before dinner. combination /kom-buh-NEY-shuhn/ [noun] the mixture you get when two or more things are combined Bread and milk are a good combination for breakfast. aroma /uh-ROH-muh/ [noun] a strong, usually pleasant smell Everyone wants to go to the flower garden because of its aroma. subtle /SUHT-l// [adjective] not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious The taste of this milk tea is very subtle. fine /fahyn/ [adjective] very thin or in very small pieces or drops This grain of rice is…
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How to make an effective to-do list

to do list

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like planning what to do on your day? Why or why not? How do you plan your everyday tasks? Vocabulary: loads of (something) /lohdz-ov/ [noun, informal] much or many The students have loads of projects to finish before the school year ends. proof /proof/ [noun] a fact or piece of information that shows that something exists or is true The girl has proof that she really passed her examination. unnecessary /uhn-NES-uh-ser-ee/ [adjective] not needed or wanted Don’t put unnecessary stuff in your luggage. focus /FOH-kuhs/ [verb] to direct attention toward something or someone The students need to focus on their final examination. disorganized /dis-AWR-guh-nahyzd/ [adjective] badly…
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Hearing loud alarm tones can make you feel wobbly and disoriented, research says


Pre-Reading Questions: What comes into your mind when you hear the word alarm clock? Does your family use an alarm every morning? Why or why not? Vocabulary: unhealthy / uhn-HEL-thee/ [adjective] not in a state of good or normal health; in an unsound, weak, or morbid condition Jonas and his brother became very sick after eating unhealthy foods last week. aspect /AS-pekt/ [noun] one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc. Education is one of the most essential aspects of life. cooperate /koh-OP-uh-reyt/ [verb] to act or work together for a particular purpose, or to be helpful by doing what someone asks you to do The Philippines and Japan cooperated…
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Four healthy lifestyles that could boost mental health


Pre-Reading Questions: What do you usually do when you feel sad? Do you have a healthy lifestyle? Why or why not? Vocabulary: abstain /ab-STEYN/ [verb] to not do something, especially something enjoyable that you think might be bad He made a promise that starting next month, he will abstain from alcohol and smoking. keen /keen/ [adjective] very interested, eager, or wanting (to do) something very much She was keen to know the process of getting a national ID. severe /suh-VEER/ [adjective] causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc.; very serious I did not go to work yesterday due to a severe headache. distress /dih-STRES/ [noun] a feeling of extreme…
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Five ways to regain your health from flu

woman resting

Pre-Reading Questions: Do you like taking medicines? Why or why not? What kinds of food do you usually eat? Vocabulary: symptom /SIMP-tuhm/ [noun] any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a disease Rashes, vomiting, and fever are some of the symptoms of dengue. shot /shot/ [noun] the amount of a drug that is put into the body by a single injection She got a shot of antibiotics from the hospital. period /PEER-ee-uhd/ [noun] a length of time He promised to solve the problems in the company in a period of six months. subside /suhb-SAHYD/ [verb] to become less strong After taking different medicines, her…
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Talking to yourself in third person can help you succeed

talking to self

Pre-Reading Questions: How do you usually plan long-term goals? Which do you prefer, sudden decisions or planned decisions? Why? Vocabulary: fundamental /fuhn-duh-MEN-tl/ [adjective] more important than anything else We need to start promoting fundamental changes for the society. thyself /thahy-SELF/ [pronoun] yourself To know thyself means knowing your true self and your significance. defective /dih-FEK-tiv/ [adjective] having a defect or flaw; faulty; imperfect Don’t use that machine, it’s been defective since last week. monologue /MON-uh-lawg/ [noun] a long speech by one person Her monologue was so good that leaves everyone speechless. weigh up /wey uhp/ [phrasal verb] to think carefully about the advantages or disadvantages of a situation before making…
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Healthy living reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s

Healthy Living reduces the risk of alzheimer's22222

Pre-reading questions: Is your lifestyle healthy? Why or why not? Do you think a healthy lifestyle can prevent diseases? Why or why not? Vocabulary: risk /risk/ [noun] the possibility of something bad happening Unusual toddler’s mannerisms should be considered as a risk in brain development. variation /vair-ee-EY-shuhn/ [noun] a change in amount or level The theater play won a technical award because it had the best variations of lights and sounds. capacity /kuh-PAS-i-tee/ [noun] the ability to do a particular thing One of the grounds in adapting is the capacity of a foster parent to provide good education. involve /in-VOLV/ [verb] to include someone or something in an activity The…
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How dirty is your phone? New studies reveal shocking results!


Pre-Reading Questions: How often do you clean your personal things and why? Do you think it’s necessary to replace things when it gets dirty? Please explain your answer. Vocabulary: vast /vahst/ [adjective] extremely big I restored a vast amount of data in an application I installed last night. humidity /HYOO-mid-i-tee/ [noun] the state or quality of being humid Staying in a cool place decreases the humidity you feel in summer. necessary /NES-uh-ser-ee/ [adjective] needed in order to achieve something The approval of the president is necessary to pass the bill. contaminated /kuhn-TAM-uh-ney-ted/ [adjective] made impure by exposure to polluting substance The milk we have is already contaminated, so I bought…
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