Tag Archive: world news – beginner
©REUTERS/Tingshu Wang Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Is it easy to find a house or home in your country? Do you consider various factors before choosing a place to live or deciding on a house to move into? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 builder /BIL-der/ [noun] – a person whose job it is to make buildings The builder constructed a new house in the neighborhood. owe /oh/ [verb] – to need to pay or give something to someone because they have lent money to you, or in exchange for something they have done…
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Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Do you know that agricultural practices might contribute to greenhouse gas emissions? Is your country employing strategies or methods to reduce environmental problems? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 farming /FAHR-ming/ [noun] – the activity of working on a farm or organizing the work there Farming requires dedication and hard work, involving tasks such as planting, harvesting, and caring for animals. method /METH-uhd/ [noun] – a particular way of doing something The scientific method involves steps like observation, hypothesis, experimentation, and conclusion. climate /klahy-mit/ [noun] – the general weather…
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Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Have you ever been to Dubai? Have you heard about any recent trends in global investments or wealth management that caught your attention? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 rule /rool/ [noun] – an accepted principle or instruction that states the way things are or should be done, and tells you what you are allowed or are not allowed to do Understanding and following a country’s rules is essential for smooth integration into its society. chance /chans/ [noun] – an occasion that allows something to be done Winning the…
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Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Do you have an understanding of the concept of reducing carbon dioxide emissions in a country’s power sector? Is your country currently implementing measures or initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 introduce /in-truh-DOOS/ [verb] – to bring something new into a situation or make something known for the first time She will introduce the new project during the meeting tomorrow. support /suh-PAWRT/ [verb] – to provide assistance, help, or backing to someone or something The community rallied together to support the local food…
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©Justin Women’s Red Mckean 7″ Lace-Up Roper Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Have you ever worn or seen someone wear roper boots? Do you know about the design and purpose of roper boots? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 collection /kuh-LEK-shuhn/ [noun] – a group of objects or designs that are kept together or considered as a group I have a beautiful collection of vintage stamps. updated /uhp-DEY-tid/ [adjective] – made more modern or up-to-date The software has an updated version with new features. suitable /SOO-tuh-buhl/ [adjective] – appropriate or fitting for a particular…
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Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Do you know what “artificial intelligence” means? Have you ever heard about machines doing smart tasks on their own? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 effort /EF-ert/ [noun] – physical or mental activity needed to achieve something The successful completion of the group project was the result of a collaborative effort by the entire team. intelligent /in-TEL-i-juhnt / [adjective] – showing intelligence, or being able to learn and understand things easily The new computer system is designed to be more intelligent and capable of learning from user interactions. introduced…
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Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Have you ever heard of red fire ants before? Do you know where red fire ants come from? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 painful /PEYN-fuhl/ [adjective] – causing emotional or physical pain When I accidentally touched the hot stove, it was very painful. climate /KLAHY-mit/ [noun] – the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place The climate in this tropical region is hot and humid throughout the year. issue /ISH-oo/ [noun] – a subject or problem that people are thinking and talking about The issue of…
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Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Have you ever considered trying edible insects? Are you aware that consuming insects is a common practice in many cultures around the world? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 lead /leed/ [verb] – to be in charge, take precedence, or have a position of authority She was chosen to lead the project due to her extensive experience and strong leadership skills. environment /en-VAHY-ruhn-muhnt/ [noun] – the air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live It’s important to take steps to protect the environment and…
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Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Have you ever heard about extremely heavy rainfall causing problems in a city? Do you think record-breaking rainfall could lead to any serious issues in a place? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 event /ih-VENT/ [noun] – anything that happens, especially something important or unusual The event highlighted new renewable energy solutions. despite /dih-SPAHYT/ [preposition] – without taking any notice of or being influenced by; not prevented by Despite the heavy rain, the outdoor event continued as planned. condition /kuhn-DISH-uhn/ [noun] – the particular state that something or someone…
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Pre-reading questions: I will read each question. Then, please answer them. 講師がそれぞれの質問を読むので答えましょう。 Do you know what an earthquake is? Have you ever felt the ground shaking like it’s moving beneath your feet? Vocabulary: I will read the words, meanings, and sample sentences. Then, repeat after me. 単語、意味、例文を読みます。講師に続いて音読しましょう。 death /deth/ [noun] – the end of life The sudden earthquake in the small village led to the tragic deaths of several residents. destroy /dih-STROI/ [verb] – to damage something so badly that it cannot be used The powerful tornado had the ability to destroy entire houses within seconds. confirm /kuhn-FURM/ [verb] – to make an arrangement or meeting certain, often by phone…
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